Manual Camouflage

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Camouflage definition is - the disguising especially of military equipment or installations with paint, nets, or foliage; also: the disguise so applied. How to use.
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Available for a range of platforms, the system comprises a combination of camouflage vehicle materials with signature management properties, such as:. Saab's signature management product range currently has a customer base of more than 50 countries worldwide.

Camouflage and Hiding (CH) - Infinity Wiki

These relationships have been established over more than 50 years of dedication to development in camouflage and deception. MCS benefits from a non-glossy 3D surface structure, enabling vehicles to blend in seamlessly with their surroundings. Colours, near-infrared values and patterns are fully adaptable, and any conspicuous parts of the vehicle can be furnished with additional contour disrupters.

Thermal infrared properties are adapted to obstruct thermal reconnaissance and reduce the risk of detection in all climate conditions. MCS provides protection against thermal imagers, heat-seeking missiles and more.


Radar characteristics are customised depending on operational environment and customer-defined threats. MCS provides protection against radar reconnaissance and homing missiles from 1— GHz. Gain the tactical edge through concealment. Achieve battlefield superiority and improve survivability by increasing your knowledge of modern signature management, through courses led by world-class experts within their fields at Saab Barracuda. Defence and security company Saab has received an SEK million order for the delivery of RBS 70 missiles and additional equipment and training.

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Sensor protection and heat-transfer reduction fully integrated into one system. Rising above the risks. Advancing the art of detection As vehicles are at their most vulnerable when in transit, multi-spectral camouflage is essential to the success of any vehicle. Enhancing your capability We develop, manufacture and market a comprehensive range of products for increased survivability and force protection.

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Aerial attack became possible somewhat later. As such, militaries first used camouflage patterning and tactics to hide, not people, but locations and equipment.

A brief history of camouflage

The French organised the first units of camoufleurs — specialists in camouflage — in around Initial tactics were confined to painting vehicles and weaponry in disruptive patterns to blend into the surrounding landscape. Camoufleurs were both practitioners and teachers of their peculiar art. French soldiers at a wooden building with military camouflage, Western Front, Soissons, Aisne, France, The sleeper would jolt rudely awake at the first lungful of smoke.

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Camouflet later referred to a lethal powder charge that could entrap a tunnelling enemy troop underground — a more deadly trick. Camouflage techniques grew increasingly detailed as the First World War progressed, and fascination with camouflage — in popular as well as military circles — grew.


False trees were equally popular: regiments would sneak onto the battlefield unseen at night, fell an actual tree, then replace it with a hollowed-out replica with a soldier hidden inside. Camouflage spread to the seas, too. German U-boats sank 23 British ships weekly that year, 55 in one week of April alone. A Royal Navy cruiser painted in dazzle camouflage in the Dardanelles, As mentioned above, evidence that camouflage actually worked was patchy.

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However, as the world marched towards the Second World War, the fresh threat of aerial attack prompted militaries on both sides to use camouflage more widely. With the exception of dazzle, all First World War-era camouflage tactics were revived and expanded. Military literature of the period is awash with camouflage training manuals aimed at every soldier, from callow privates to top brass.

During the second battle of El Alamein, the Allies blocked the Germans from seizing the Suez Canal with a mind-bogglingly detailed camouflage-plan involving inflatable tanks, fake artillery blasts and — extraordinarily — hiding the entire Suez Canal from aerial view. This was the masterwork of British camoufleur and stage magician Jasper Maskelyne.

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  • Home Guards smear on green paint and attach camouflage to each other during a camouflage training course at Fieldcraft School in South-Eastern Command, January Prior to D-Day, the Allies staged a false build-up of troops in Scotland and Kent, while hiding their true efforts to amass troops to storm Normandy. The Second World War saw the rise of mechanical printed patterns onto fabric, bringing the distinctive variations of pattern into sharper focus. Each nation had not one, but several unique camouflage patterns, with different versions matched to the battle landscape snow, desert, jungle, forest.

    Visual artists have taken to camouflage with zeal, too. Like all technology, camouflage evolves. High-tech camouflage can now conceal body heat from enemy sensors or harness fibre-optics to match a fabric dynamically to its surroundings. Jude writes about design and culture for Slate , Fast Company , and The Believer , among others, and blogs about design for Print. You can follow her on Twitter joodstew.