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Cable () # MESSIAH WAR PART 6. Cable faces a threat at every corner. Two of his deadliest enemies are hunting him through the time stream.
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The series came to a conclusion in September as part of the Second Coming storyline that ran through various X-titles. The two series ended in after a crossover between the two titled "Vendetta". A new X-Force vol. The popularity of Liefeld's art led to him taking over the plotting duties on the book. Liefeld and Nicieza launched X-Force in August Rob Liefeld obtained the name for the series from an unknown artist at a convention a few months prior to its release.

With the aid of a multiple-variant poly-bagged card, the book sold a record 5 million copies [ citation needed ] , and remains the second highest selling American comic book of all time, surpassed only by Jim Lee's X-Men book that same summer with 8 million copies. The main opponents of X-Force during its first year were the terrorist Mutant Liberation Front , led by Stryfe , a masked mutant with a mysterious link to Cable.

Early issues also featured the wise-cracking mercenary Deadpool , the immortal Externals , and a new version of the Brotherhood of Mutants. Propelled by Liefeld's art, X-Force became one of Marvel's bestselling comic books immediately after its debut. Liefeld illustrated the series up to 9 and stopped plotting it after 11, as he had become increasingly frustrated with not owning characters he created and that his art was being used on a variety of merchandise while he allegedly received little royalties.

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X-Force continued with Nicieza taking over creative control of the series. The series crossed over with most other X-Men related books in the fall of with the X-Cutioner's Song storyline, co-plotted by Nicieza who was also writing X-Men vol. The crossover boosted Cable's popularity, despite the character's apparent death in X-Force 18, leading to his own solo series being launched in With Cannonball taking over as leader, X-Force develop an identity of their own as an independent team.

Cable would return in the Fatal Attractions crossover, with a less hardline leadership stance. Capullo departed from the series at this point, first succeeded by Matt Broome and then Tony Daniel. The team grew into a dysfunctional family, and the title regularly combined soap opera plot threads, such as romance and Siryn's alcoholism, with violent action. A long-simmering sub-plot about Reignfire and the disappearance of Sunspot came to a climax just as the book went on hiatus for the Age of Apocalypse crossover event in , ending on a cliffhanger.

X-Force was radically overhauled in the wake of Age of Apocalypse from issue 44, with a new creative team of writer Jeph Loeb and illustrator Adam Pollina. The character Boomer formerly Boom Boom also changed her codename to Meltdown and adopted a new aggressive attitude. Following the Operation Zero Tolerance storyline, the team effectively disbanded in issue 70, and Cable, Caliban, Domino, Rictor and Shatterstar were written out of the series. The next year's worth of issues followed the remaining cast members Meltdown, Siryn, Sunspot, Warpath and Danielle Moonstar on a road trip across America.

During this time James Proudstar was able to get closure on the massacre of his tribe, and subsequently stopped using the codename Warpath. In , Moore and new artist Jim Cheung had X-Force move into new headquarters in San Francisco , returned Cannonball and later Domino to the team, and added Bedlam , a mutant who could disrupt electronic equipment; they also gained a new ally in sorceress Jennifer Kale. A new major antagonist came to prominence in the Damocles Foundation, an organisation founded by rogue Deviants, Eternals and humans. Former New Mutant Magma also reappeared as an antagonist.

Dani Moonstar acquired new superpowers, being able to manipulate quantum energies. Towards the end of the run, Siryn and Sunspot left the team and continued as recurring guests. The annual centred around Rictor and Shatterstar, showing what they had been doing since leaving the team together. Sales steadily declined throughout this period, falling from selling over , copies per issue [10] to between forty and fifty thousand by the end of Moore's run with issue Ellis' stint on X-Force over issues , co-written by Ian Edginton and illustrated by Whilce Portacio , saw Bedlam, Cannonball, Meltdown, and Warpath become a covert ops superhero team under the leadership of Pete Wisdom , a British mutant and former intelligence agent who could shoot burning blades of energy from his fingers.

Despite the changes in creators, sales continued to decline at the same rate. In early , the X-Force title was completely reimagined by writer Peter Milligan and artist Mike Allred , who replaced the existing incarnation of the team with an entirely different group of mutants using the X-Force name. Issue saw the introduction of a new, sardonically toned X-Force consisting of colorfully dressed and emotionally immature young mutants put together and marketed to be media superstars. X-Force was canceled with issue in late and relaunched as X-Statix in late In , Marvel released a new six-issue X-Force.

Some controversy arose from Liefeld's insertion of over ten pages from previous unpublished comic books Weapon X and Cable: First Contact with word balloons edited to make them fit the X-Force storyline. Cyclops forms a black ops incarnation of X-Force that uses lethal force to permanently deal with threats against mutants. Yost had at one point stated that Deadpool would join the cast to bring more diversity to the team, but this did not happen until after his run and the launch of Uncanny X-Force.

This team does battle Red Hulk and his team, consisting of Deadpool , Punisher , Electra and Thundra , as they try to hunt down Domino. According to Remender, "This is a group of characters that have had their souls stained by evil forces in the past, a common thread connecting them. They've already made the hard compromises in the past; they've all taken life.

As part of Marvel NOW! Prior to their announcement, the two titles were teased by a single word and the book's creative team: "Wanted" with Dennis Hopeless and Salvador Larroca and "Killers" with Sam Humphries and Ron Garney. Harkening back to the early days of the original X-Force, Cable would lead an outlaw X-Force team consisting of Domino , Colossus , Forge , Doctor Nemesis and Boom-Boom , whose missions of stopping huge tragedies before they happen puts them at odds with the newly formed Uncanny Avengers , led by Cable's uncle, Havok. They would be joined by Spiral and Bishop as they sought to locate a psychic mutant girl who had been kidnapped.

It features a team of Cable, Psylocke, Fantomex, Dr. Nemesis, and Marrow. A new volume of X-Force was launched in December This volume was written by Ed Brisson and illustarted by Dylan Burnett. X-Force is relaunched as a part of Dawn of X. The team's first mission has them investigating the theft of Bastion's head from a S. They attach Bastion's head to the body of a Nimrod unit, to use the revived Bastion in their "holy war" against mutantkind. Bastion retrieves an offspring of the technarch Magus from the ocean floor and revives several deceased X-Men villains, including Cameron Hodge , Bolivar Trask and Graydon Creed , by infecting their corpses with the Technarch Transmode Virus.

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The virus allows Bastion a degree of mental control over the revived corpses. He also infects two living subjects with the virus: Donald Pierce and the Leper Queen. While Wolverine calls for the team to stand down, X decides Risman is bluffing and activates a concealed detonator that sets off a series of powerful explosives. The explosion brings most of the base down around them, but Risman is able to escape with Wolfsbane during the chaos. Wolverine later admonishes Laura for being so reckless with the lives of her teammates and for allowing Rahne to be kidnapped.

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After interrogating and killing numerous Purifiers, X-Force finds Rahne held in a warehouse, barely alive. Angel retrieves Elixir to heal Rahne, who wakes up soon after. Laura then catches the scent of Elixir's and Angel's blood, and runs off to help them. She reaches the room just in time to see Wolfsbane standing above Angel with his severed wings in her jaws.

While in the Purifiers' custody, Rahne had been brainwashed by her deranged father, Reverend Craig, causing her to go berserk at the sight of an angelic figure. Wolfsbane savagely attacks Laura before handing over Angel's wings to the Purifiers.

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Elixir heals both his and Angel's wounds, then discovers that Angel's wings aren't organic and can't be regrown. Angel transforms into Archangel , complete with metallic wings. Archangel wounds Wolverine and X before taking off toward the Purifiers' base, sensing his old wings. Meanwhile, the Purifiers use samples of Angel's stolen wings to develop techno-organic wings for their soldiers, giving them similar abilities to Archangel.

The group of Purifiers given wings is dubbed "The Choir. X kills Risman with a headshot, and briefly fights Eli. Eli overpowers her, but is prevented from killing her when Warpath stabs him, causing him to flee. Wolverine takes on Bastion, who deems the threat posed by Wolverine "unacceptable" and retreats. Afterwards, X-Force finds Archangel unconscious and in human form, complete with feathered wings. Wolverine informs Cyclops of the turn of events, and Cyclops asks which of X-Force's targets should be next. Rahne reverts to full feral form upon seeing Angel, who responds by transforming into Archangel.

Wolverine and Elixir restrain Wolfsbane while Cyclops talks down Archangel, who has trouble controlling his Apocalypse-like mentality while in his transformed state. Laura calls in the Stepford Cuckoos to erase Elixir's memories of X-Force, to help them remain covert. Before they do so, Angel informs them of a live telecast featuring Graydon Creed, who claims an L. Cyclops assembles X-Force, including Elixir, and unexpectedly declares the Vanisher as their next target.

It is revealed that Scalphunter , a former Marauder, contacted Cyclops about a break-in at an old lab of Mister Sinister that held an altered version of the Legacy Virus. While in pursuit of the Vanisher, the team runs into Domino, who joins forces with them to recover the Legacy Virus. After cornering Vanisher and inducing an inoperable brain tumor courtesy of Elixir to ensure his cooperation, Vanisher reveals he lost the virus while escaping from a horde of Marauder clones that were awakened after the death of Sinister. X-Force returns to the lab and kill the cloned Marauders inside.

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Domino retrieves the virus, only to be confronted by The Right 's shocktroopers, who have come to take the virus for themselves. X is injected with the virus while doing battle, and runs toward a nearby molten vat to destroy herself thus destroying the virus. Elixir catches Laura as she jumps, and uses his healing powers to purge her of the virus, declaring that his purpose in X-Force is to ensure no more of his friends will die. With Vanisher in tow, X-Force returns home.

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Meanwhile, Warpath returns to his tribe's reservation at Camp Verde to visit his brother's grave, but discovers the empty graves of his entire tribe before being violently attacked by the Demon Bear. Just as he's about to be killed, Warpath is saved by Ghost Rider , who offers to teach him how to kill a demon. After engaging the Demon Bear in battle once more, Ghost Rider realizes the demon is reacting to pain caused by a dagger embedded in its body.

Once Warpath removes the dagger, the demon is revealed to be the spirit guides of Warpath's tribe, corrupted by the black magic of the dagger. These spirits grant Warpath a vision that reveals the history of the man responsible for digging up the graves of his tribe: Eli Bard. Warpath returns home and tells X-Force what the spirits showed him, which ends with the revelation that Eli is using the Technarch Transmode Virus to revive dead mutants as an offering to his queen, Selene. Soon after, Beautiful Dreamer mysteriously dies after losing control of her powers and killing hundreds of civilians.

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Cyclops realizes this was likely caused by the mutated Legacy Virus, and assembles X-Force to deal with the situation. Cyclops also reveals he's in the process of tracking down Cable , and gives each of them a time-travel device that will be remotely activated when Beast determines Cable's exact location in the timestream.

Fever Pitch loses control of his powers soon after, resulting in a similar massacre. While escaping the explosion, Archangel spots the Leper Queen and informs Cyclops.