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Bonding Tighter continues the story of Jennifer and Sir, which began in Letting Go. Under Sir's guidance, Jennifer has been learning more and more about her.
Table of contents

I was the luckiest girl in the world, and my family was the best; that was what I believed, and what I said to people.

Trauma Bonding – Number 1 – Stockholm Syndrome

Today, I still love my parents, but some people it is best loving from a distance. Melanie, Thank you again for another great reading. Your insights and support have been invaluable to me. I let got of the narcissist in my life 6 months ago. I have had no contact with him at all until this weekend. He contacted me by email and told me how much he missed me and apologized for some of his behavior. I took it as a sign that he had come to his senses….

I sent him an email telling him I missed him too and was interested in getting together so we could find some closure. The next email I got I was slammed and degraded. Wow…he got me again. The only reason he contacted me was so he could reject me and I fell for it one more time. Those trauma bonds run deep. I thought I had let go of them but it took me out emotionally again. The good news is it was just for a day and I knew what to do to get myself and my connection to source back. A lot of that has to do with the things you have taught me and the Quantum Healing I experienced with you.

Thank you so much for all of your work. I am eternally grateful for the insights you have given me. This article really hit home for me and was really helpful. My relationship of 2 yrs. Eye opening for me. Thanks Melanie!!! Very good blog…. Can this blog assist you in moving on as you sound very hurt. Let us know how we can help. Others will see your reply and may have suggestions for you.

I have been very hurt and I find it helpful to get others point of view. Remember when we first became friends, you lived next door to me. You had so many broken relationships, so many problems, but we managed to laugh every night, all night. Remember how i fell in love with you, over that bottle of wine, we talked until the sun came up, for months on end. You left me then, broken hearted for a younger, more beautiful woman Two years later, I had a call from you.

I lived in another state, you turned up there, you wined and dined me, told me how no one really understood you but me. You cut your arms, I took you to the hospital, you cut your wrists, I was there to comfort you. You told me that I was your best friend, you would die for me and my son. We went on holiday, we went on weekends away, I was the only true friend in your life.

You called me 40 times a day and night. I found you a home, I took you to doctors, I laughed and cried with you, and when you felt better, you moved on and told me I was a drain on your life. Beware of the narcassist, they will eat you alive and destroy you in a moment. You, the most important person in the universe will become a no-body, so fast there is no explaination. But, unfortunately there is one, you were dealing with a narcassist.

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A sad, sorry tale, best forgotten as fast as you can! Wow, nicely worded. Can relate A LOT. Same thing happened to me but without taking them to doctors, etc. They told me the same kinds of things but whenever I needed them or wanted to talk they disappeared. When I started calling them on this behavior things slowly deteriorated. This has been such a blessing to find this site! I had no idea what had happened to me and why I still suffer to some degree. It continues to be a battle and, at times, I feel like I will never completely move on and accept how things are right now.

In that so called relationship, I was a living zombie and often prayed to die. This whole site is making my quality of life better and better. Thank you Melanie for the information. A lot of it is me… in fact, too much. So, I would try harder and harder to please… co-dependancy! I recognise that I had no positive role model when growing up; my father was a violent alcoholic and my mother was narcissistic.

Between the two of them, they set the stage for my codependent, abusive adult relationships. I knew nothing but abuse from day one and tragically it became the norm for me. Also, I did not know that I was being abused for most of my life. I am now standing up for myself and all the energy spent on trying to change Mr. Narc, I am now trying to divert into looking after myself better.

James Bond: a history in 25 objects

God Bless X. One of the sections of the book is about not taking anything personally. If someone says something cruel to you, it is about them, not about you. If someone says something flattering, it is still about them, not about you. What a sense of relief! If someone loves you what they say does not matter, they will show you with their actions. I have been thinking more on the lines of my attachment styles. Although very aware this too was an illusion.

The cylcle continues when your without a reference of what a secure attachment feels like. Melanie, I am 8 months out of my narc relationship, but all the emotions you describe are exactly how I was…to a T. Though I am feeling so much better and have taken back my power, just in reading this, I became nauseated and could feel incredible anxiety wash over me. I wonder if these symptoms ever go away for good?

Thank you for all that you do. You have helped me more than words can say. I WAS. My narc is in prison now and will be getting out soon. He contacts me because I let him and am afraid to let him go. What if he finds someone else and has the happy life I wanted with him?


Since he has been gone, I have been able to heal but still feel that attachment or control he has over me! I want so bad to walk away! Walk away! Mine was in prison for 2 and half years. I took care of his businesses, his kids, his mother. Sweetest man on earth during that time. He came home and stomped on me and our kids. I sticked it out another 12 years, waiting for that sweet guy to come back. He needs to ajust again, needs to ease back into the family, blablabla…I thought of every excuse in the book.

Went through hell and back. They hate you for helping them during that time, for not walking out on them. I just found this site. Quite a rude awakening that!

Bonding Tighter by Scott Prussing

Mom never even tried to help me back then or even NOW! Like all of us, my story is long, detailed, and plenty painful complicated by the brainwashing he has successfully used to alienate our children from me … But, every day I learn more and get stronger; I am determined to make my life purposeful, happy, and genuine. Thank you very much for your work. It is a light in the darkness, and helps guide me back to sanity. The last message I sent to him, after the message, he heartlessly told me he was done with me…at which time i found Melanie and the healing NARC Program I actually proclaimed to him that he was in fact my God and I had, from that point, chosen to follow him all the days of my life..

Hi Melanie. I met my husband online in and 9 months later we were married on a beach in Maui, HI. It felt like I had finally found my soul mate, the one I had hoped and longed for my whole life.