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Dalliance (Altered Stone Book 1). by Christopher Topaz Reign (The Altered Stones Book 2). by Teresa Aucella (Altered Stone Book 2). by Christopher.
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I agree to the terms and conditions. You must accept the terms and conditions. Add comment Cancel. Submit a comment. In: followed by editor or name of organisation, Full title of conference. Brown, J. Evaluating surveys of transparent governance. National service framework for older people.

London: Department of Health. Coulter, A.

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Making shared decision-making a reality: no decision about me, without me. London: The King's Fund. Full title of report. Title of dissertation. Official name of University. Richmond, J. Customer expectations in the world of electronic banking: a case study of the Bank of Britain. Anglia Ruskin University. Available at [Accessed on date]. Fisher, C. The legacy of leadership - a study of leadership influence within a single organisation. University of Sheffield. Available at: [Accessed The name of the Institution where the document originates e.

Iacchus (Altered Stone Book 5)

It is important to check with the lecturer who has given the lecture that they are in agreement with course material being included in any Reference List. If they are in agreement, and if it is not a publicly available document, it is important to provide a copy in the Appendix of your work. The citation to the course material in your Reference List should then also refer to the Appendix. It would also be advisable to follow up any sources mentioned in your lecture and read these for yourself.

Title of item, Module Code Module title. HE Institution, unpublished. Williams, B. Guide to project management, BDS Management. Anglia Ruskin University, unpublished. Available at: web address if available over the internet, otherwise indicate if available through WebCT, SharePoint or other virtual learning environment address. When reviewing a number of different plays it is essential to cite the title of the plays. If reviewing one play for example Twelfth Night it is not necessary to repeat the title in your citations.

Published plays may contain line numbers, particularly in classic texts such as Shakespeare. If they exist it is good practice to include the line number, but Act and Scene numbers must always be included. Classic plays are available in edited editions and the editor's name should be included with your reference. Title of play. Editors, Edition. Shakespeare, W. Twelfth Night. World's Classics series Warren, R. Much speculation has occurred when Malvolio imagines he might marry Olivia, "there is example for't; the Lady of the Strachy married the yeoman of the wardrobe" Shakespeare, Twelfth Night II,v, Where you have conducted an interview - using a primary source.

You are recommended to check with your Faculty Office for detailed guidance on what you may include. Where you are conducting the interview, it is important to check with the person being interviewed that they will be in agreement with a transcript of the interview being made available. Since this will not be a publicly available document, it may be included as a transcript within an Appendix in your piece of work. Interviewee's name. Year of interview.

  • Hickory #4.
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Title of interview. Interviewed by Together with the transcript. Interviewee name, Initials. Title of Interview. Ahern, B. Interview on Morning Ireland. RCN, RCN praises health care staff as infections continue to fall. Press release, 18 June Corporate author of press release, Year. Available at: web address [Accessed date]. Act F.

  1. Tamarind tree tales and other short stories.: short stories.
  3. The Fabric of Geology!
  4. The High Divide.
  5. Realm Of Fantasy?
  6. When you are quoting from a sacred text e. For other sacred texts, it is important that you clearly identify the location of the text that you cite using the appropriate numbering system. Chambers, Chambers paperback dictionary thesaurus. London: Champers Harpers Publishers Ltd. Encyclopaedia Britannica, Encyclopaedia Britannica Online.

    Avaialble through: encyclopaediabritannica. Where data it extracted from a data source such as Isurv or FAME, both the source with the year of currency for that data. More new homes. Where you have gathered and manipulated data from a data source like FAME or OECD and placed this in a table of your own making, we recommend that you give the source and year of currency, for the data, as an the intext reference and include a note to an appendix.

    In the appendix you can reproduce the source tables you have used to create your table and include adequate details of how you generated the table you have used in your work. Title of program. Adobe Systems Incorporated, Adobe Air 3. Authorship or Source, Year.

    Title of web document or web page. If the URL appears to be exceedingly long, provide routing details which enable the reader to access the particular page via the site's homepage. You may be taken to a particular page as a result of a search you performed, or be directed from a link to another place on a website. The resultant URLs may include specific data about your method of accessing that page that is not available to your reader. If this is the case use the homepage from which the reference can be found.

    NHS Evidence, National Library of Guidelines. Boots Group Plc. Corporate social responsibility.

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    Available at: [Accessed 23 July ]. Defoe, D.

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    The fortunes and the misfortunes of the famous Moll Flanders. Available at: [Accessed 18 November ].