The Killing Dance (Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Book 6)

The Killing Dance is the sixth in the Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter series of horror/ mystery novels by Laurell K. Hamilton. Contents. 1 Plot introduction; 2 Explanation of the title; 3 Plot summary; 4 Characters in The Killing Dance. Major characters; Other characters. 5 Major themes; 6 Release details In the novel, Anita continues to explore her relationship with her.
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Chi ama i libri sceglie Kobo e inMondadori. Hamilton series Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter 6. Buy the eBook Price: Available in Russia Shop from Russia to buy this item. In this series View all Book 7.

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Ratings and Reviews 2 67 star ratings 2 reviews. Yes No Thanks for your feedback! Laurell K Hamilton did an amazing job once again!! The Killing Dance is the sixth in the Anita Blake: The Killing Dance continues the adventures of Anita Blake. In the novel, Anita continues to explore her relationship with her two romantic interests, Richard , a werewolf , and Jean-Claude , a vampire , while attempting to resolve an assortment of conflicts ranging from werewolf politics to unsolved murders. As with its predecessors, The Killing Dance blends elements of supernatural , hardboiled and police procedural fiction.

The Killing Dance also marks Hamilton's first significant introduction of elements of erotic fiction into her genre fusion.

The Killing Dance (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, book 6) by Laurell K Hamilton

The werewolves in the novel refer to both sex and dominance fights particularly the fight to become Ulfric which must end in either the death of the current Ulfric or the death of the challenger as "the killing dance. The Killing Dance takes place in May, about a month and a half after Bloody Bones and like the previous novels, The Killing Dance begins with a potential job for Anita in her role as an Animators, Inc. Sabin and Dumare explain that Sabin, in order to please a mortal lover, promised to abstain from feeding on the blood of live humans. As a result, he has developed a condition in which his body is irreversibly rotting away, and is beginning to lose control of his powers.

Dumare, a necromancer , believes that if he and Anita join their abilities and his experience, they may be able to cure Sabin, and Anita agrees to help if possible. Jean-Claude and Anita ponder the parallels between Sabin's relationship with his unnamed mortal love and their own romantic relationship, and Anita leaves for a date with her other boyfriend, Richard.

Although Jean-Claude, a vampire, is in the process of consolidating his leadership of the city, Richard is locked in an ongoing struggle for leadership of the werewolves of the city with their current Ulfric , Marcus , primarily because Richard, unlike Jean-Claude, is not willing to kill in order to assume or maintain power. Anita and Richard go to a dinner party at Anita's friend Catherine's house. There, they meet one of Jean-Claude's vampires, Robert , and his wife, Monica. Monica announces that she is pregnant, which Anita had previously thought impossible for a vampire of Robert's age.

Monica is also very friendly with Anita, notwithstanding her assistance in the plot to hyponize Catherine and blackmail Anita in Guilty Pleasures. Anita wonders if Jean-Claude deliberately planned for Robert to attend the party to spy on her and Richard. She and Richard are forced to leave the party early after she receives a call from Edward.

Edward, one of the world's premier assassins and a sort of friend of Anita's, tells Anita that he has received a proposed contract to kill Anita. He has refused, but wants her to get home and begin making plans to protect herself while he investigates the identity of the person putting out the contract on her life. Anita and Richard arrive at her house and meet Mrs. Anita suspects that someone is in her apartment, and, while Richard helps Mrs.

Pringle move a television, she engages in a gun battle through her closed front door, ultimately killing Jimmy Dugan, a local thug known as "Jimmy the Shotgun". Anita is taken to police headquarters and questioned for quite some time by Detective Branswell , who eventually lets her go.

Anita and Richard argue about her decision to confront Jimmy the Shotgun without asking Richard to back her up, and Anita agrees to move into Richard's house for the time being in order to protect her neighbors from any potential collateral damage. Edward suggests that Anita try to deduce the identity of the person offering the contract by figuring out who would need her dead that quickly, but she doesn't have any ideas. Richard then receives a call from Stephen.

Stephen is being forced to participate in one of Raina's pornographic movies, and is desperate for Richard's protection. Richard and Anita leave to rescue him. At the farmhouse where Raina shoots her movies, Richard and Anita confront several werewolves and various crew members. Richard reassures Heidi , a non-dominant werewolf trapped in the middle of the conflict between Marcus and himself.

One of the werewolves, Sebastian challenges Richard, but Richard easily subdues him with the raw power of his beast. Approximately 30 werewolves gang up on Richard, including Sebastian and Jamil , and Anita realizes that the situation was a trap to kill him. She goes to rescue Stephen while Richard holds off the wolves. Anita follows the sounds of Stephen's screams and finds a room where Stephen is being tortured on film by his brother Gregory while being restrained by Raina and Gabriel.

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Anita removes Stephen and finds Richard fighting off the twenty werewolves outside the filming room. She and Richard confront the wolves, and Anita realizes that because the wolves do not believe Richard is willing to kill, they are not afraid of him. She threatens to kill Raina if anyone uses Stephen in a film again, setting herself up as a challenger for Raina's position as the pack's lupa. After returning to Richard's home, Richard stays awake as guard while Stephen sleeps in Anita's bed for protection. Lillian tends wounds while Jason and Sylvie attempt to convince Richard that he must be willing to kill to lead the pack.

Anita and Richard go to a separate room to argue and come close to having sex, only to be interrupted by the weres on the other side of the door. Anita worries that her relationship with Richard makes her vulnerable, because unlike Jean-Claude, Anita can't count on Richard to make the hard decisions necessary to survive.

Anita leaves the bedroom to find that several more shapeshifters have arrived— Rafael , Christine , and about fifteen others. She learns that Jean-Claude and many of the city's shapeshifters support Richard's attempt to dethrone Marcus as Ulfric, but that as long as Richard is not willing to kill, his claim is weakened.

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Richard ultimately declares Anita as his lupa and declares himself willing to kill Marcus if necessary to assume control of the pack. In order to assume a dominant role within the pack, Anita is forced to fight Neal , one of the werewolves present until first blood is drawn.

She maneuvers him into a position where she can judo throw him through a window, drawing blood. As Neal cleans himself off, Edward arrives. Edward thinks that whichever assassin accepted the contract will try to kill Anita during her date with Jean-Claude at the opening of Dance Macabre, Jean-Claude's new club. Over Richard's objections, he and Anita make plans to use Anita as bait to draw out the assassin. Jean-Claude and Anita arrive at the club and are mobbed by reporters, "outing" Anita as the vampire's girlfriend.

Under pressure from Jean-Claude, Anita admits that she wanted to keep their relationship secret and that her desire to do so was unfair to Jean-Claude. Anita meets Liv and Damian , two new and powerful vampires in Jean-Claude's retinue, as well as Cassandra , a new addition to the Thronos Rokke clan of werewolves.

The Killing Dance

During the floorshow, Anita is forced to intervene to stop Damian from permanently hypnotizing one of the guests. Anita helps the guest into the women's bathroom with the help of another patron, Anabelle Smith. Smith draws a gun on Anita, but is distracted when some women enter, allowing Anita enough time to draw a knife and kill her. The police arrive and arrest Anita for the second time in two days.

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Detective Greeley does his best to get Anita to talk, but Dolph ultimately convinces Greeley to turn Anita over to Dolph by telling Greeley that Anita is a suspect in other crime. Dolph takes Anita to a suburban home in Creve Coeur , and shows Anita the crime scene—one of Jean-Claude's vampire's, Robert has been staked out inside a magic circle and ritually killed.

Anita, as a necromancer , is unable to cross the circle, which was designed to block the magic of the dead. Anita guesses that the crime must have been performed by at least two supernatural beings with enough strength to restrain Robert, in addition to someone with sufficiently detailed knowledge of necromancy to perform the ritual. Because even John Burke and Anita herself lack the expertise to perform the ritual, Anita tells Dolph that Dominic Dumare is the only suspect she can identify.

After some more investigation, Anita accompanies Robert's widow, Monica to the hospital. While at the hospital, Anita speaks to Edward, who tells her that the contract on her life has been extended another twenty-four hours and convinces her to take cover in the Circus of the Damned while he attempts to identify who is behind the hit.

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  • Later, Jean-Claude and Anita discuss their relationship, both with each other and with Richard. Jean-Claude tells Anita that he loves her, and promises not to stand in her way if she chooses Richard, but demands that she see Richard change into a wolf before committing. They kiss, and Richard enters. With Richard's control weakened by the approaching full moon, Jean-Claude baits Richard and Richard knocks Anita down in the course of attacking Jean-Claude. Jean-Claude leaves to prepare for the approaching dawn, and Richard and Anita discuss their relationship.