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Favorite this Trivia. The staff and the young people enjoyed flax weaving, one of many wet-weather alternatives!

  1. Leave Me Alone (with Tab Staff)?
  2. 180 Degrees Records.
  3. Property surroundings.

The plan for the 5 day trip was to spend the first night at the aptly named 'Windy Point' in the Lewis Pass, and then tackle the 'big hike' which the whole group had been training for for months in the lead up. Unfortunately, the 'weather-bomb' we'd gulped collectively at on day one, arrived exactly as forecasted when does THAT ever happen?!

Aside from the weather we also had a flat tyre on the supply trailer, spark plugs on a support vehicle eaten by rats really! Watching the staff of Degrees take all of these issues comfortably in stride was great to watch. We still managed to call on the young people's training and hike to Cannibal Gorge Hut on the St James Walkway, where we stayed the night. Unfortunately we didn't manage to raft on the Hurunui river - which was running at an incomprehensibly high rate at the time of our traverse, however we managed to slot in an extra bike ride - through puddles so big we may as well have been rafting!

It wasn't only the staff who took all this in stride, but the young people too.

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They were clearly excited by the idea of being 'off the grid' for the 5 days - they even handed over their cell phones before we left Christchurch, and we only ever heard one complaint about that before they were given back on the final day! The bad weather had the potential to derail the whole trip - these young people might have directed their frustration about the weather towards each other or the staff. Instead they seemed to all make the decision, individually, to allow it to be a connecting experience, and that seemed to surprise even the staff who work with them every day.

Charlotte and a few of the young people on another wet-weather afternoon, this one spent playing Uno!

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On the final evening of the trip the whole group was encouraged to share their biggest challenge of the trip, one person who'd helped them, and one word to sum it all up. Some of the responses were predictable, but one or two were truly heartfelt, genuine, and well articulated. The young man who was temporarily removed from the group on the evening of the first day, had a command over his peers which is difficult to put into words, but is something we've all seen before.

When he spoke, everyone listened. He was the guy who made everyone laugh. He'd do all the stupid things they encouraged him to do, with total disregard for any injury he might incur luckily never anything serious! All of them seemed to look up to him as someone they should aim to be like - for good or ill! So in the sharing session on the final evening, when he spoke, everyone listened again.

180 Degrees

And for him to say that he was sad the trip was over, after saying on the first night that he hated everyone and wanted to be back home, was a powerful moment - the magnitude of which didn't escape even the other young people on the trip. We expect there were a few satisfied glances between the staff in that moment too - though we didn't notice. On the final day of the traverse, the young people did a short bike ride to North New Brighton, where they were greeted at the ceremony hall by friends, family members and carers. As a group they carried out the ceremonial pouring of the West Coast water into the East Coast's Pacific Ocean, and the traverse was complete!

All that was left was to give certificates of achievement, and hear several of the young people, who had volunteered, give a speech about their adventure to the attendees.

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It was pretty clear to us that what this group had been through together was going to have a lasting impact on them. Some of these young people were moving on to new education college , some to jobs, and some will return to Degrees in the new year. Wherever they're headed, they'll be armed with new experiences and the knowledge that sharing in adversity and being willing to show your vulnerabilities is what leads us to meaningful relationships in work, in love, and in life - it's a lesson worth teaching, and we've never seen anyone do it better than the staff at Degrees Trust.

Read More Rose was the kind of student teachers dreaded. By the age of 8, she had assaulted two of her teachers, producing injuries that would have put her on juvenile probation if she had been older. It was a familiar Thanksgiving dinner.