Post-Polio Syndrome: A Guide for Polio Survivors and Their Families

A Guide for Polio Survivors and Their Families Dr. Julie K. Silver, who has both personal and professional experience with post-polio syndrome, begins the.
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This website is designed to raise awareness of post-polio syndrome and to be a resource for polio survivors. Jonas Salk, who developed the first safe and effective polio vaccine, founded the Salk Institute in The primary function of Salk Institute scientists is to conduct research that strives to better understand the fundamental principles of biology.

Residual effects of polio may resurface much later in life - Chicago Tribune

The ground-breaking discoveries they make uncover new clues that help explain human diseases and how they can be treated. Your gift, no matter how big or small, gives us the flexibility to respond quickly to the Institute's greatest needs.

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It supports scientists, keeps research projects on track and buys state-of-the-art equipment. The center, which opened six years ago, offers treatment, provides education and conducts research. Along with new weakness, the syndrome, often called PPS, also is marked by unaccustomed fatigue, as Hanau has experienced.

Other symptoms are muscle pain or atrophy, along with new problems with breathing or swallowing, which are the result of the weakening of muscles that control these functions. Intolerance to cold, particularly in the limbs, may also occur.

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As an adult, Hanau said, she continued to need a good deal of sleep, even more, in fact, than her son did when he was a small child. In placing herself in the care of Silver, Hanau, a software engineer who now operates a not-for-profit international educational organization, wanted to "understand what was happening and why and find ways to improve the situation, if possible. As is common with any disease classified as a syndrome, there is no one test to determine the presence of PPS.

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The diagnosis is made by excluding other possible causes for the symptoms. First, Silver treated Hanau's sore shoulder with steroids and other medication; the inflammation soon healed. The doctor then performed an electromyography, or EMG, a physiological test that studies how muscles are working. Hanau was aware from a previous test that she had a decreased number of nerves feeding the muscles in her legs.

The new test showed evidence that the polio virus also had affected the ones in her arms.

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Silver went on to rule out problems with sleep patterns that might have been causing Hanau's weariness during the day. Radical Remission Kelly A.

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