Simple Steps To Help You Find A Job

Looking for a new job is hard work – especially if you're not prepared and don't have a clue where to start. 10 tips to help you find a job in 30 days.
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When reaching out to a stranger, personalize your message while keeping it short and to the point. Which means that everything on your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and even Pinterest is instantly a part of your application.

Tidy up your CV

So how do you manage your social media for career success? Step one is making sure that all public platforms are professional. When in doubt, change your settings and make them private. Step two is the fun part—the part where you get to impress anyone searching for your online presence. The rumors are true: The more people you know, the easier it will be to get a job. Emphasis on the right way.

Then, the more uncomfortable part, asking strangers for help. For example, this email template will get you a meeting with almost anyone you ask. The goal here is to set up informational interviews a. No matter who you know, almost anyone can become a valuable career connection with some genuine effort. One common misconception about the search is that you should apply to as many jobs as possible, but this is definitely not the case.

If you land an interview, congrats! You also want to have in your repertoire a collection of stories you can tell about your past experiences and how you overcame obstacles. Such as sending a thank you note. No, really, those few lines could make all the difference.

3 Simple Steps To Finding A Career You Will Love (that pays well too)

This is a long process—especially if you know exactly what you want which is good! Your application has to get the attention of busy recruiters, hiring managers, and yes, some robots. Why do you want a change? Think about your values and which kind of work environments suit you best.

Try to aim for places that match up with your innate talents and tastes first. Your promo toolbox consists of your social media platforms.

Where and how to look

Get them all up to fighting speed. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn… make sure you have these accounts and that they are active and up to date.

How to Make a Good First Impression on the Job - 6 Tips

Sometimes all the difference is made in who you know and who knows you. Think of it as initiating mutually beneficial relationships. Keep in mind what you have to offer!

The 3 Best Ways to Find Jobs Online and Offline in 2018

Your interviewer will likely tell you that they will be in touch with you soon. Tell them immediately how much you appreciate their taking the time to interview you and mention that you are eagerly awaiting a response. Then follow up with the same. Keep working at it.