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This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible.
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Right-wing politicians tend to make full use of this leverage.

In Their Own Words: Behind Americans’ Views of ‘Socialism’ and ‘Capitalism’

Rashida Tlaib of Michigan. Scandinavia, broadly speaking, combines stable growth and prosperity with big governments that readily interfere in markets.

Jordan Peterson Addresses Socialist Intellectuals

The share of total U. It has now reached 20 percent.

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The United States is on the opposite end of both spectrums. Take Norway for example. Yet Norway, unlike the United States, enjoys universal health care, child care, and elder care, as well as tuition-free universities, around 12 months of paid parental leave, and a robust social safety net.

Or they can question whether Scandinavia really is socialist after all, as Anthony B.

Kim and Julia Howe of the Heritage Foundation did last year. A fully socialized economy would be just as unfeasible as a fully privatized one. Socialism, as the term has evolved in mainstream usage, does not mean a total absence of markets, just as capitalism does not imply a total absence of public ownership and regulations. Democratic socialism simply means a democracy leaning toward the leftward bound of the private-public ownership spectrum. The government functions as an intermediary, managing state corporations on behalf of the people.

The Norwegian government in particular controls the levers of the economy through ownership of major industries and financial institutions. It did not achieve this control through forced nationalization but through stock acquisitions on the open market. These investments, predominantly in hydropower and energy-intensive industries, were heavily financed by German war reparations, and to a lesser degree by the U.

Marshall Plan. A second round of acquisitions began with the discovery of petroleum on the Norwegian continental shelf. A final round of acquisitions arose from the Norwegian banking crisis of to As trust in the banking system recovered, public ownership was steadily scaled down until the current arrangement of roughly one-third public, two-thirds private ownership was established. While the U. The public benefits of partially socialized industrial and financial sectors extend beyond dividends and veto power.

The same can be said of financial institutions, whose gambling resulted in the Great Recession.

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When boards of directors hire CEOs, they instruct them to maximize shareholder value. For private shareholders, value mostly boils down to short-term return on their investments. Privately owned banks are thus encouraged to take on major long-term risk for the sake of maximizing short-term profits. And such over-leveraging is the reason that the U. For public shareholders, value is a multivariate function that includes long-term, macroeconomic concerns.

In the first half of the last decade, Norwegian banks went against the crowd by shunning both subprime-based bonds and Icelandic bank bonds—which the Norwegian government deemed too risky, despite their excellent rates of return.

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To find out, we asked people to describe — in their own words — why they had positive or negative impressions of socialism and capitalism. Some who view socialism negatively portray it as a serious threat to capitalism in the U.

Criticism of socialism

And some who have a positive view of socialism express an explicit preference for a system that blends socialism and capitalism. The survey found that Republicans, in particular, viewed socialism and capitalism in zero-sum terms. But others mentioned history, the experiences of other nations, personal experiences or their own understandings of the terms in explaining the reasons behind their opinions of socialism and capitalism.

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Among the majority of Americans who have a negative impression of socialism, no single reason stands out. Socialism kills incentives for people to innovate and climb the ladder of success. Some in this group say the U. Others specifically say they prefer a blend of socialism and capitalism. While some who express a negative view of socialism link it with countries like Venezuela, some of those with a positive view point to different countries — such as Denmark or Finland — as models.

And while those with a positive view of socialism say it could bring increased equality, a common theme among critics of capitalism is that it has led to unequal distribution of wealth in this country. About Pew Research Center Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world.