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with friends like you, who needs enemies? definition: said to or about someone said to or about someone who says he or she is your friend but who is treating.
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Thanks to him we got rid of all illusions. We realise that if you need a helping hand, you will find one at the end of your arm. Before long, the entire world is going to realize that the United States has not just retreated from its usual role as global leader, but has basically declared war on everyone. Kevin Drum. Dan Friedman. Ali Breland. Matt Cohen. Aaron Wiener.

Will Peischel. Sam Van Pykeren. AJ Vicens. Samantha Michaels. We have a new comment system! It's such an intriguing and fascinating world and I'm saddened that we will not get to see more of Harri and her friends.

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Her family relationships are a mess but despite that she does have a sense of loyalty to them. Most important is the family Harri has made for herself and it's a joy to read the banter on the page. Disclaimer: While I personally know the author, this does 4. Disclaimer: While I personally know the author, this does not affect the star rating.

Sep 23, keikii Eats Books rated it really liked it. I dig this world so bad -- it's not too hard to grasp, we have common fantasy characters like elves, sirens, dragons, ogres, trolls, and witches no shape-shifter or vampire in sight so far, although we have a gargoyle descendant which has sensitivity towards sunlight. They're FUN to read. I also enjoyed the murder mystery, in which a siren is killed, and our heroine stumbles into a lot of dirty secrets that involves her own bloodline.

On the not-so-good side Most particularly Harri's past relationship with his ex, Kaij, that seems to involve view spoiler [the death of their daughter hide spoiler ]. I feel like I only know one side of the story, and because this book at the moment is a stand-alone, I don't get satisfying answer about what had happened. So on that note, IF the author ever decides to write the sequel, I'll be checking it out for sure because the core of the universe is strong enough for me to keep my interest level high Mar 04, Darcy rated it did not like it Shelves: , fae , uf , did-not-finish , e-book , private-security-investigator , succubus.

I really wanted to like this book, as I love the author's Riley Jensen series. But from page 1 I was bored. It didn't get better as I went along, the mystery should have pulled me in a bit, Harri's flamboyant brother should have made me want to keep reading, to see him blackmail her into more of a relationship, instead he too over the top.

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In the end this one just wasn't for me. Sep 23, B. Jaybush rated it really liked it. Good first effort new series, that is, from an experienced author. Harri is an engaging character with a really screwed-up family - always a fun story background - and a lot of friends of various species. We need to learn a lot more about those friends and those species, though, things that are only hinted at as "Enemies" careens along; but as with any series it can take two or three installments before the author and her readers begin to feel comfortable in their world.

None of which should Good first effort new series, that is, from an experienced author. One other less pleasant note: this book, as well as being the first Harri novel, is Ms. Arthur's first go at self-publishing Perhaps the fact that this author has had commercial editors and an agent for so long partially explains the goofs who really believes that we miss so many things as we write?

WHO NEEDS ENEMIES - Official Trailer (2013) (HD)

I loved the story and the character and highly recommend the book Actual rating - 3. It has no romance in it at all, I was not aware of this when I picked the book up so I was disappointed. It is shelved a few times as romance on goodreads - it is not. It is an UF mystery. Harri is a cool character but it is the secondary characters that make the book so good. I liked them all, even the baddies! There are things mentioned that are not explained in this book - I guess the answers will be in the next book but I did find this rather annoying.

I am confused as to why Harri puts so much effort into pleasing her, especially since she has no idea what Harri is doing. I would recommend it to UF mystery readers but not people looking for something with romance in it.

Who Needs Enemies

May 01, Tiffany Hamilton rated it it was amazing. Loved the book but now it seems she stopped writing in this series so I am bummed out. Pretty much everyone!! Hopefully there's a book 2! May 31, Debrac rated it really liked it. Very enjoyable read! Good cast of characters!

Social media spies: with friends like these, who needs enemies?

Love those trolls! This book was not perfect, but it sure was a whole lot of fun to read! High enjoyment score for sure. It was compulsively readable and I zipped through it in about a day. I really wish the author had chosen to continue this as a series, but it seems it's a standalone. I picked this book up for Fantasy Bingo's Australian Author square hard mode: indie or small press published. I did run into a little confusion on the publishing status of this book. It looks like it was initially released by IGLA This book was not perfect, but it sure was a whole lot of fun to read!

For those who are seeking the rare urban fantasy that's NOT also heavily a romance, this book is for you. Our main protagonist is Harriet please call her Harri Phillecky, a half-siren half-elf who is pretty much outcast from both communities. All kinds of magical creatures are co-existing in this world and know of each other - elves and sirens as already mentioned, gargoyles, dragons, ogres, trolls, dwarves, dark fae, witches and wizards, and probably more I'm forgetting.

Some of the world-building was pretty charming - the dragon's have flying licenses and restricted air space. There are a couple of humorous lines up near the front of the book that let me know I was probably going to enjoy the ride: "It was a sad truth that a silver tongued woman wasn't half as respected as a loaded gun, although anyone who knew anything about sirens had a clear understanding of which was more dangerous.

Or so one of my brothers was known to say, and it seemed to work well enough for him. He was a successful politician after all. The PI work is light so far and Harri's scraping by making ends meet with odd photography jobs weddings, or selling shots to the newspaper. Most of Harri's full-elven relatives won't have anything to do with her.

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Her father "allowed" his name to be put on the birth certificate but has never acknowledged her. She has an elven half-brother she's never met. The one member of the elven side of the family that does associate with her is her black sheep Uncle Lyle. Near the start of the book Uncle Lyle gets in contact with Harri and asks for a favor. Unfortunately, when Harri meets up with Lyle he's busy being beat up by some trolls thugs for hire. After rescuing Lyle, he asks Harri to investigate the disappearance of a siren friend of his and things start to move even more quickly from there.

The mystery is fast moving. It has a couple of plot holes in it, and some questionable motivations on Harri's part why does she care so much about what her mother - who she doesn't have a good relationship with - would want her to do? Great fun, but I really enjoyed this urban fantasy story. Harri is a fun character that I adored getting to know. There is a past lover that finds his way back into the picture, and apparently it did not end well, yet we are teased with flashes of emotion from both of them.

The tragedy that broke Great fun, but The tragedy that broke them up is hinted at, but we never get to explore it, and the way this story ended I was hoping to get more in the next book So while this is a very engaging story, with great characters and an attention grabbing plot, be aware that there is no follow up. It actually felt more like the start of a series. Many issues were unresolved and the past that was hinted at was never fully revealed. Wonder if it was intended to be a series and was then shelved? Jun 05, Kat Klein rated it liked it.

Very good book. I've enjoyed Keri's later books alot more than the Riley Jensen stories. This one is no exception. When the only relative on her fathers side asks her to look into his missing siren girlfriend, the case rapidly becomes more deadly than she ever anticipated. And more heartbreaking.