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SUPER-HUMAN PART 4. With no super villain activity to justify the massive Ultimates budget, the team is moving headlong toward obsolescence. But when.
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And why the heck is he leaving diamonds? How did Ganke, of all people, who was staring at him while he loaded his web-shooters with the fluid Ganke gave him, not notice him leaving behind a gigantic, sparkling, rock? So many things happen off panel in this series, things we are assumed to either understand or at least vaguely register, but at no point is context illuminated. Artwork should be able to convey these points the writer wishes to hide information and not conceal context that is possibly valuable to understand the action throughout the comic.

Ultimates Vol 1 4

Sure, the obvious repercussions of the Teen-Ultiamates taking the day off will be turning on the TV and seeing their current foes wreaking havoc in every borough in New York City, but why the heck would they have even taken the day off in the first place? They had, what—two days of action as a team? But if Jessica is supposed to be a clone of Peter, why is she acting so introverted and quiet? There is an unmistakable demand for comics that better display diverse characters and comics that have these kinds of conversations between these kinds of characters, creating safe-havens for those who can relate and open readership.

The fact that this conversation is muted, interrupted, or even faintly censored is remarkable when you compare the fact that this is the same publishing company that married two gay couples and marketed it, put a Pakistani girl in the tights of Ms.

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Young women everywhere can relate to this conversation piece. Introducing realism and then mishandling it or executing it within two panels is not the way to hook readers.

All-New Ultimates #4 – REVIEW

The handling of sensitive issues with young teens is a point that this series needs to work on or they are going to drive readers away. As always, the art is strange. Start a Wiki. Alternate Covers:. Ultimates Vol 1 4. Joe Quesada. Cover Artist. Bryan Hitch. Mark Millar. Andrew Currie.


Paul Mounts. Chris Eliopoulos.

Ralph Macchio Brian Smith C. The contrast between oversized, Cousteau-like exploration gear and kamen-like supersuits enhance the long timeline being shown and the advancement of intervening years. The derided Legend of the Blue Marvel is turned into a potent backdrop for a singular drama that then becomes part of something much larger further alluded to in another cliffhanger.

It is a story about dedication and honor and trauma that serves as a vehicle for readers to both learn to care about Blue Marvel and empathize with his decisions in this issue. The Ultimates 4 provides a better characterization of this one member of the team than many contemporary comics manage with complete rosters throughout 4 issues.

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However, given the amount of information and multiple narratives on display, the comic seemingly packs ten pounds of story into a five pound bag of comics all while making it look easy. All-New, All-Different Avengers 6. New Avengers 7.

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