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This is called a " growth mindset. All of which is fine and good, but raises one essential question. If up to now you've tended to view your abilities through the prism of the fixed mindset, is there anything you can do to change? Absolutely, according to a post on Dweck's website, which lays out steps for fighting back and learning to view your abilities as works in progress. Here they are in brief to get you started.

How does a mindset manifest itself? It controls the ways you talk to yourself in the privacy of your own head. Recognizing this fact is the first step to achieving a growth mindset. Maybe you don't have the talent' or 'What if you fail--you'll be a failure,'" the post explains, adding that, "As you hit a setback, the voice might say, 'This would have been a snap if you really had talent.

Pay attention to your thoughts and see if you frequently tell yourself anything similar. If so, you've spotted the fixed mindset at work, undermining your potential for success. Now that you know what you're up against, the next step, according to Dweck, is recognizing that you aren't stuck with the thoughts you currently have. Or you can interpret them in a growth mindset as signs that you need to ramp up your strategies and effort, stretch yourself, and expand your abilities.

The Magic of Thinking Big

When it comes to that limiting voice in your head, feel free to be as sassy as you like in response. Tell that voice exactly what's wrong with how it's framing situations, and actively reformulate your approach to challenges and setbacks to reflect a belief in personal growth. Whether I had convinced myself he had cheated on me or that I was insecure and jealous.

But M was full of life and energy and he had all the time in the world to audition. But me, I was so full of resentment and fear that I had just spent the last 4 years in college paying for a degree that I was almost certain I would never professionally use. I was sitting on top of a mountain of student loan debt.

And he had none. We came from 2 completely different places and that was a fact that I could never make peace with. He lived in a consequence free world, which both annoyed me and inspired me because it created someone fearless and outwardly confident, but also someone demanding and unwilling to compromise. When he came back from the final tour, we sat down and had a long conversation.

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My intention was not to drop an ultimatum, but I was left with no choice. You can stop touring and stay here and we can really give this a shot.

The Magic of Thinking Big - Millionaire Mindset Ep. 14

Or you can go on tour again and we break up and move on with our lives. But I knew what I needed. I needed to know someone intimately. I needed to live with him, see if I was able to be a good partner and line up my life plan, married by I saw the dream in my head, the roots I wanted to put down, the expectations I had in every category of my life. M decided to stay, we moved in together and that sealed a fate that the next 4 years of my life were going to teach me more about myself and my needs than anything ever could.

#1 Book Summary + PDF: The Magic of Thinking Big, by David Schwartz | Allen Cheng

The problems that M and I had at the beginning of the relationship were the problems we had through the end of our relationship. The white lies would turn into full blown sagas just to avoid the truth. The truth was always so hard to say, I think because he and I were creatures of immense shame. We were filled with it, from different sources, but ultimately around the same topics. Simply put, we had irreconcilable, fundamental differences that no one should ever be asked to change, and yet we demanded each other to change them.

He and I bent each other in directions we never should have. The game we played would become so vicious. We would actively ruin each others days just to prove a point. It became a vortex and we were fighting about anything and everything.

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We would get into screaming matches about how I stole the comforter last night, only to somehow land on that relating to my childhood trauma and abandonment issues and his desperate need for control. There was so much we needed to say to each other, and I actually think we always said it. But the other was never listening. Every time a fight would break out, it was instantly about who was going to have the bigger emotional reaction.

It was so petty, but the subtext suggested that he and I were no longer compatible. The ecosystem was poisoned. I was always sacrificing the better parts of me to fit in to his vision, and I expected the same. But at some point, the mirror shattered. M and I got engaged, we even got married. Only to be divorced 2 months later in a series of events I knew was going to be our reality even though I tried to sidetrack destiny.

And does it ever work? But we will ignore red flags until we are blue in the face in order to preserve an image and hang on to an idea we think still serves us. I learned that we must stop imposing timeline expectations upon the people that enter our lives. I know, I know. Sometimes, people come into our lives because we begged the universe for something and they presented it in human form. I begged the universe for a net to fall into after my mom died. I begged the universe to help me heal.

The universe gave me M. He saved my whole entire life. Brought me back to the land of the living and he is literally the reason I am alive today. M wished to be fully seen and loved for exactly who he was.

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The universe brought him me, and I did love him and see him, with my whole heart and soul. But it was clear, the moment we were back on our feet, it stopped working. Even he knew that, through the utter grief that was our separation. Attachment is beautiful. It is expectation and control. And love and control cannot co-exist. It is a grand idea to live fully inside of every experience you have.

No one owes us their time and no one knows how much time we have. I still love M, I always will. And I anticipate he feels the same, even though we hurt each other so deeply. But our time ended and we gave each other exactly what we needed and now on the other side of that, we are better people for someone new. We may never speak again. We may never know anything about each other ever again.

Our luna moth cycle ended. We as a unit died and we both chose, out of love, to bow out gracefully and recycle ourselves back to the gods of love. We never fought once during the break up and we always maintained respect, which is ironic because we could never seem to do that when we were together.

But it is healthy to examine the subtext of our relationships, those silent cries for release inside of our everyday words. Because only then can we see the natural end of things, when the cycle of a relationship is over even. We need to harness acceptance in these moments, so that we can allow the relationship to fall away as it is supposed to. When things naturally find their end, they do not drain us and we should celebrate accordingly.

We should also celebrate the bravery it takes to admit that something is over. At some point nature has to admit that the leaves are dead and decide to let them go. Until they are once again full, blooming with hope and fragrant blossoms. We will go through many luna moth life cycles in our life and each time we should approach it with the same reality.

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What did this teach me, how can I honor it, how can I say goodbye and allow myself to observe and not get stuck inside of the grief? Written By Christian Berry - September 07 At this current place in time, words are as powerful as they have always been, if not more considering the speed in which words can be sent across the globe and beyond.

If you think about it, it used to take months to send a letter between cities, even longer internationally. And if you wanted to speak with someone directly, that travel could take years. I anticipate the delay made communication much more intentional. People had time to think about what they wanted to say. It eliminated petty behavior and generally brought forth logical and level headed truth, and I can imagine, quite a few people found closure inside of the travel itself, only to turn back to their starting point.

The faster the exchange in communication became, the less intentional the language. Words began flowing out of people, unfiltered and unquestioned, and it left our species in a state of suspended animation, having to self-interpret fast words with no intended meaning. If our brain is a laser gun, our words are the laser produced by the gun. It is wise at this place and time to focus more than we ever have about how we bring forth our thoughts into reality. The place where I grew up was small.

The people there wanted small lives and small houses, but loved big families and big cars. They had a big god that swallowed them whole, and big secrets that buried them deep, but few words to explain why they felt the way that they did, if only to say that what they did was because so many people before them had done the same. Thought patterns, beliefs and actions seemed to be almost inherited.