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Editorial Reviews. Review. “Interesting Insightful Will feel nostalgic for those who were a Jony Ive: The Genius Behind Apple's Greatest Products.
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My project began in when Steve Jobs was forced out of Apple and began his quest for redemption by attempting to build a super-computer for education. Steve represented the freewheeling sensibility of the times, combining his idealistic, hippie vision and design aesthetic with the space-race ambitions of the prior generation. I wanted to understand his process of innovation and believed that by photographing Steve I could also gain insights into the larger subject of Silicon Valley itself. I requested special access to shadow Steve and his team, and he immediately agreed.

Fearless Genius: The Digital Revolution in Silicon Valley

After three years, I expanded my project, gaining the trust and private access to every major innovator and over seventy companies, often for years at a time. I continued shooting through the rise of the internet and dot-com boom of the s, generating negatives over the life of the project. Stanford University Library is now working to research and preserve this material for study. During this era, the accelerating pace of innovation was affecting the very nature of work, the structure of corporations and the global business environment as countries began manufacturing new technology.

A digital revolution was under way that would create more jobs and more wealth than at any time in human history. Throughout the project I photographed with several concerns in mind. Primarily, I needed to understand how Silicon Valley innovators fit into the context of my work which explores the human experience of individuals as they attempt to achieve the impossible, overcoming fear and limitations. I am curious about what motivates some people to rise against insurmountable obstacles and find meaning in their lives, while others simply cannot engage.

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Steve Jobs was again attempting to change the world with his team - to achieve the impossible - by fitting the power of a mainframe into a one-foot cube. Steve told me he hoped a kid at Stanford could use it to cure cancer in his dorm room.

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Because he believed this was possible, his team also believed, and his pursuit became a noble mission. I began to see that technologists were like any other human beings working to overcome adversity. Except if they succeeded, all humanity might benefit. I want to foster dialogue around what lessons can be learned from the era which I documented. Since , there has not been a single technology innovation in the United States that has scaled up to create millions of jobs as personal computers did.

Facebook, Twitter, Google and others combined have added only 50 jobs and are basically software iterations built on work done in the digital revolution. Creating jobs is a global issue. But in the US the economy is hollowed out, and our educational system seems broken. A pictorial and textual time machine documenting the driven personalities who pioneered the technological world from to Mattresses on the floor, toddlers crawling around, empty takeout cartons left standing on tabletops and computer guts everywhere: These are just a few of the incongruous but gripping scenes Menuez managed to capture during his fascinating years chronicling Silicon Valley.

In addition to the mercurial Jobs, the author trained his illuminating camera lens on the likes of Bill Gates, John Warnock, Chuck Geschke, Bill Joy, Marc Andreessen and a cavalcade of other technological innovators.

Fearless Genius Foundation - Case Statement

In this book, Menuez captures them arguing, laughing, pondering and relentlessly pressing forward. While managing to convey both intimacy and perspective, the photographic format lends a certain historical gravitas to events that may only now be settling into comfortable memory. Everyone is having such a good time making history, but will they burn out before their chosen tasks are completed?

  1. Fearless Genius.
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  6. Users were frustrated and angry and took it out on tech support employees. The accompanying text is both complementary and instructive. An interesting introduction by novelist Kurt Andersen sets the stage for an indispensable look back at how the world we know now was actually constructed. There was a problem adding your email address. Please try again. Be the first to discover new talent! Each week, our editors select the one author and one book they believe to be most worthy of your attention and highlight them in our Pro Connect email alert.

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    Fearless Genius: A Culture of Innovation

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