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Buy now at: * Amazon * Apple iBooks RADIANCE IN THE BUSINESS OF MIRACLES Kate Summers believed that fleeing New York city for the plains of the.
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In she volunteered to help women at the Salvation Army Gateway dress for job interviews and work. After working with eight women in one month, she saw how much such a service was needed. Because of her experience with those women, she founded A Miner Miracle in and set up shop on Mission Street near downtown. Helped by donations, grants and fund-raisers, A Miner Miracle and the other two services cater to low-income women who are ready to get off welfare and go to work.

The women are referred by state and community agencies; no walk-ins are accepted.

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At A Miner Miracle, the referring agency gives Miner some background about the client and the type of job she's seeking and makes an appointment for her. When she arrives, Miner or a volunteer takes a before picture of her.

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They then look through the racks of clothing donated by corporate sponsors, like Koret of California and Byer California, and individuals to find two outfits that are suitable for the type of work the client seeks. This session also includes grooming advice. They just don't know what appropriate means. We help them present themselves well and with pride," Miner said. Miner then arranges for the woman to have her hair cut and styled at Pastel Hair Salon, which gives A Miner Miracle discounts. After having her hair done, the client goes directly back to A Miner Miracle, where a volunteer gives her a makeup lesson and a starter makeup kit with supplies donated by the Body Shop and Mary Kay.

Then it's time to put on her new clothes and pose for an after picture. Miner keeps the before and after pictures in an album to show new clients and visitors. She also gives copies to the client. Body language, facial expression and attire in most of the before pictures show women who don't have much confidence, let alone proper attire.

The after pictures, however, show women who stand proudly, look terrific and exude a radiance that comes from knowing they look good. I thought I was dressed up.

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After getting her new outfits, hair style, makeup and all of the personal attention, "I felt overwhelmed by love. I walked out of there with my head held high," Shipman said. Miner "helped the inside and the outside merge," Shipman said.

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  • At Career Closet in San Jose, each client gets five or six outfits - enough for the interview and the period before the first paycheck, said Mary Cefalu , executive director. About 75 percent of the more than 3, women who have used Career Closet since its founding in have gotten jobs, and nearly two-thirds of those were single mothers and former AFDC Aid to Families with Dependent Children recipients, according to a Career Closet brochure.

    Like her colleagues in San Francisco and Walnut Creek, Cefalu said she foresees an even greater need for her agency's services as changes in the federal welfare law require more recipients to seek employment. Serving 85 to women a month, Career Closet gets most of its clothing from donations. It recently received a huge infusion of donated clothing thanks to a drive conducted by Outlets at Gilroy.

    The one-week drive resulted in "hundreds and hundreds of donations," said Jennifer Munday , the factory outlet mall's general manager. The agency that put the finishing touches on her move into the mainstream was A Miner Miracle. It outfitted her for the interview that led to her job as a receptionist-clerk at Ace Pacific Co. Other agencies that helped her before that included A Woman's Place, a shelter for homeless women; Smith House , a women's detox center; Healing and Recovery Process, run by the Salvation Army ; Good Shepherd Grace Center , a residential drug and alcohol recovery program; San Francisco Vocational School , a job training program; and Womentoring, a San Francisco Bar Association program in which female attorneys serve as mentors to low-income women.

    About the shop

    These women have the skills, but they can't afford appropriate clothing. In many cases, they don't even know what appropriate clothing is. Kathy Miner , founder and executive director of A Miner Miracle, had owned and operated a boutique that offered wardrobe consulting to women. In she volunteered to help women at the Salvation Army Gateway dress for job interviews and work. After working with eight women in one month, she saw how much such a service was needed. Because of her experience with those women, she founded A Miner Miracle in and set up shop on Mission Street near downtown.

    Helped by donations, grants and fund-raisers, A Miner Miracle and the other two services cater to low-income women who are ready to get off welfare and go to work. The women are referred by state and community agencies; no walk-ins are accepted. At A Miner Miracle, the referring agency gives Miner some background about the client and the type of job she's seeking and makes an appointment for her.

    When she arrives, Miner or a volunteer takes a before picture of her. They then look through the racks of clothing donated by corporate sponsors, like Koret of California and Byer California, and individuals to find two outfits that are suitable for the type of work the client seeks. This session also includes grooming advice. They just don't know what appropriate means. We help them present themselves well and with pride," Miner said.

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    Miner then arranges for the woman to have her hair cut and styled at Pastel Hair Salon, which gives A Miner Miracle discounts. After having her hair done, the client goes directly back to A Miner Miracle, where a volunteer gives her a makeup lesson and a starter makeup kit with supplies donated by the Body Shop and Mary Kay. Then it's time to put on her new clothes and pose for an after picture. Miner keeps the before and after pictures in an album to show new clients and visitors.

    She also gives copies to the client.

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    Body language, facial expression and attire in most of the before pictures show women who don't have much confidence, let alone proper attire. The after pictures, however, show women who stand proudly, look terrific and exude a radiance that comes from knowing they look good. I thought I was dressed up.

    Living "A Course in Miracles" - Part 3 of 3

    After getting her new outfits, hair style, makeup and all of the personal attention, "I felt overwhelmed by love. I walked out of there with my head held high," Shipman said. Miner "helped the inside and the outside merge," Shipman said.