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How can you help the psychic children in your life to not only cope with and manage their psychic abilities so they can turn them into psychic gifts? Psychic.
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I started crying the happiest tears reading this about children. My 19 yr old he had always been very aware, yet withdrawn, I understood him! It helped him to grow into a very awesome intuitive crazy wild very giving and loving young man! He trusts his feelings thoughts and vibes very much. And I do as well. He can guide any and all to the good he sees that he knows, and they trust him very much.

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As I do also.. Especially my dad who died before she was born. But she knows him she loves him and speaks of him as if he is physically right here with us. And o my goodness when she talks about my daddy I smile and tears fall I know my dad is with us. My lil Camilla Jr. Is an angel herself. I am headstrong on loving and giving to our kids in out community. They are our future!

They need love guidance and acceptance.. Love conquers all. Thank you so very much for this article. Thank you. As a toddler, I remember talking to my friend an Angel. Academics were very easy for me. I have always been able to see and notice Elementals presence. Thank you for giving me Hope, and much needed guidance.

My daughter is very gifted. I suppressed for a long time. My daughter is only 7 and she is a medical intuitive, she talks about a past life in Paris during WWII. She talks about Hitler when he marched into Paris. She can describe in detail works of art that are displayed in the Louvre. She is learning to read auras and learning Reiki with me. She is also obsessed with crystals. I am working with her so that none of these gifts are lost. If only we could form a group or community for these children. They are so very different from their piers. I find by providing a safe space for my daughter to express herself is imperative and keeping all media at a minimum is essential to her growth.

This is a great point Elyse, so much of what is broadcast through our media is incredibly negative and just flat out not helpful for supporting psychic and sensitive kids or anyone really in developing and honing in their gifts…. I have a great niece that has every single on of these attributes. I have been trying to point it out to her parents so that they can teach her to utilize this amazing gift she has.

They seem to be reluctant, any advise for them by anyone would be greatly appreciated. Thank You. This is a tough one because people can become very closed off and reluctant due to so many layers of beliefs based on assumptions… Really, doing your best to help them provide a loving, safe, and healthy environment is key….

I know one of my twins is psychic but she is afraid and refuses to talk about it..

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You can support her by providing her with a super clean diet, whole foods and cutting out toxins and chemicals! And also, mention to her she can surround herself with light, call in angels for protection etc. Learning about energy clearing and psychic development yourself can be helpful too so you can keep your home clear, and keep opening the lines of communication with her. I believe my grandaughter has my same abilities.

How to Determine If Your Child Is a Psychic

She has always talked to imaginary friends since she could talk. We thought something evil had attached itself to her. How can i get my daughter to teach her daughter to be more aware of it? Your email address will not be published. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Skip to content. Sponsored Links.

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About The Author. Melanie Beckler Melanie Beckler is an internationally acclaimed best-selling author, channel, and founder of www. If you liked this message, you're going to love the Angel Solution membership program Creative geniuses often talk about inspiration coming to them from a seemingly outside source. For them, creativity is just another of the many gifts they have because they can connect so well with the world around them. Their psychic gifts allow them to imagine entire worlds.

They can make connections beyond what most people with limited vision would be able to do.

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If your psychic child loves creative projects, support and encourage their creative activities. Creativity is a great outlet for them to express themselves. Above all else, your psychic child will need support from you. Striving to listen without judgment or disbelief will encourage their communication with you, and will indicate that you are open to their talking about their psychic impressions and experiences as they occur.

Always try to validate their experiences whether or not they seem to make sense to you and foster an environment of comfort. Try not to react with fear or embarrassment because this can lead to them shutting you out from future communication. They may also internalize shame of their gift from this, and consequently suppress their abilities, which can be harmful to their emotional and psychic well-being.

Children with psychic gifts are vulnerable to the energetic drain that can occur from consciously or inadvertently taking on the emotions and energies of others. Teaching your child basic techniques to protect themselves from such drain can be important to ensure they feel safe and secure. This can include grounding skills, such as practicing meditation or even activities such as yoga or the martial arts.

Breathing exercises can be helpful during times of emotional duress as well.

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An additional exercise for your psychic child involves telling them to imagine they are surrounded by a bubble — or orb — of light. Calling this bubble around them can allow your child to surround their self and their energy with positive energy, keeping any negativity out. Yes, it can be both! This makes normalizing the experience vastly important in order to ensure your child that their gifts are not bad or deserving of worry. Tell them that there are a number of other adults and children all around the world that possess the same kinds of gifts — and if their gifts make them anything, it makes them special.

Many believe that children are given psychic abilities for a reason, to serve some greater purpose. Be sure to convey that you are willing to help them find resources that can connect them with others if they are interested. As a part of listening to them as they share their experiences with you, also be sure to ask them for additional ways you can offer your support. Your child may experience nightmares or be fearful about their abilities, and it is important to be able to listen to ways they feel you would be able to best help them.

Psychic children often intuitively possess the means to manage their energy, and therefore, have some ideas of what can help. Commonly, this may mean installing a nightlight for their bedrooms or keeping a noise machine to soothe their fears as they rest. However, try not to assume what will help — be sure to ask.

To the best of your ability, encourage a nutritious diet for your child, including a colorful variety of foods, as well as healthy exercise and movement. It takes energy to eat and digest food, and consuming a balanced, nutritious diet can help your child stay connected to the positive spectrum of their psychic energy potential.

Kids will be kids, so treats are fine, of course, but they will likely feel much more balanced if their diet contains all of the necessary nutrients. Shaming a child for their food choices can also be detrimental to their psychic potential and emotional state, however, so always strive to come from a place of love and understanding. Healthy movement can be positive to maintain a good energy balance for your child as well.

Emotionally, it can be very beneficial to engage in physical activity. Keeping a journal of both your experiences with your psychic child, as well as encouraging your child to keep a record of their emotions and experiences can be very beneficial emotionally. Encouraging your child to record their dreams and psychic experiences can also help you observe patterns and help you and your child to distinguish the true meanings behind them.

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It is best to record every psychic impression or experience directly as they occur, while the energetic pulls and emotions are still fresh. Follow your heart, and try to consult your child — particularly as they age — about whether or not they feel ready to disclose their gifts to a certain person. Their comfort level in telling others is important, just as your judgment is when they are younger.

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They are not anything you nor your child should be ashamed of. Lastly, try to keep things in perspective. Your child is still just that — a child. And they deserve to experience normality just as any child without psychic gifts does. Although the psychic abilities of your child are special, they deserve to be nurtured with the normal love of a parent, as well as be given the same opportunities as other children experiencing their first years of life. Allow other sides and interests of your child to develop as they discover their own special life path.