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I could have gone left or I could have gone right but it really didn't matter because I had no idea where I was going anyway. It's like a rule with me Go left. My friend Joel Stupid voices in your head You gotta try to figure them out and break the code. Joel said the lithium they gave him pretty much shut the voices down. I never had heard voices though.

It would probably be fun for a day or two So I went left after I walked out of the Crocodile's hotel. I usually always go left when I got no idea but this time I was especially glad I did. I get about a block and right there smack dab I run into this guy I lived with in Osaka Japan Mike Levine He had let me borrow a pair of his shoes because I could find any in my size in Japan.

Mike's got this big smile on his face as he sees me Walking down the street I saw a couple of American girls I stopped them there and asked them where they were staying I invited them to share a hotel room with me if we could find one I felt like I was really going to like Beijing. It seemed like an easy city. Things were looking good. Shit, I been here for like two hours I already met the guy I came to meet, had a ticket for the Trans Siberian, hooked up with two lesbians and there we found a three dollar a night hotel.

Six yuan a night for each of us. What more greatness could god bestow on me? Another lesbian? A blind supermodel?

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That would just be asking too much I thought. Lady Luck, I've always said, she was indeed a friend of mine. Never look a gift horse in the mouth they say I always unpack fully so if I get robbed they can't just take one bag and split Never got robbed once. I have come home more than a few times affected by some intoxicant or another and fallen vicim to my own booby traps though.

It always scared the beejesus out of me. I left the hotel in a hurry and jumped on the first bus I saw I didn't care I was sure that I hadn't been there anyway. That's the great thing about exploring like that. A new city It's all new. Sitting on the bus I was of course the only westerner riding it. The Chinese weren't as polite as the Japanese and they would just stare at you forever I kinda wanted to blend in really.

That was going to be tough. I started having what could only be described as auditory hallucinations on that bus I could understand things sometimes I was certain that people were commenting on how intoxicated I was The sweat was pouring from my pores. It was getting to be more than uncomfortable The next stop was my stop no matter where it might be I didn't even have a clue as to where I was Away from that hash house hotel and off of that bus I just wanted my own little piece of contraband free real estate where I could sit and watch China go by and make amusing comments in my head to entertain myself.

Before me was layed an enormous plaza I had never seen such a large paved public space. It was gigantic enough it looked like you could lay down and land a in it if you went from one corner to the next. It was so big and vast that the smog of Beijing obscured the other side of it from me. I didn't know what this place was, but it made me feel realy small This was the old Beijing I'd seen it. This was the Beijing where the streets seemed impossibly large considering no one really owned a car This was the square in Beijing where less than a year had passed since thousands of students took a chance to try and change their world This was the Beijing where their blood ran like rivers down the curbs and into the sewers where like the extinguishing of their tender lives for naught all was soon forgotten by a world more infatuated with its demand for cheap consumer electronics in attractive clamshell packaging.

The one year anniversary of the slaughter was approaching and here as if by accident I find myself in the place where history was made and so conveniently forgotten. Here and there I could still see bullet scars, burns and other marks that told the tale of a failed movement killed in a single night of murderous debauchery.

It was eerie in Beijing. I couldn't put my finger on it. Was it just the intoxicant's influence? I couldn't place it until I found a nice grassy place to sit down and let everything stabilize. Let my altered mind stop spinning. The government had sent what looked like the entire youth of the capitol city to 'summer camp,' where they'd sing patriotic songs and watch lots of motivational films and learn the error of their ways.

It was re-education for the entire young population It was spooky Like some kind of Twilight Zone episode. Everybody's seen the picture of 'Tank Man,' that guy whose name the world doesn't know I know I could never forget that guy I woudda love to have bought that guy a drink or eight. I was walking down that street and a momentary sense of deja vu made me stop It felt like I'd been there before I was standing in that spot. In the Tank Man's spot. The premonition came from looking at that photograph.

There was a pay phone there I thought my parents might like to know where in the world I was so I tried to call them from it without luck. Maybe they'd think it was cool that I was calling them from there I thought. I wanted to feel the scene out I wanted to let it all sink in a little bit so I sat down and I had a look around. It all began to unfold in my mind I could see the crosswalk he was walking across when it happened. I stood up, still painting the scene on the canvas of my mind with the brushes of my imagination and I walked towards the crosswalk Surveying the scene where this historic collision happened from the street Just like in the square where I had felt so small The thought of standing my ground in front of a column of many ton armored tanks with their diesel engines shaking and belching thick black smoke and rumbling in anger I'll tell you this He was a bad ass motherfucker who said 'hey I don't like what's going down here.

He never even put those grocery bags down. But for a moment, that man stopped the world. He stood his ground. He stood our ground.

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He stood for everyman that day. When I got across the street I walked back towards Tienenmen Square wondering what happened to the guy. These thoughts were crisply punctuated when I found the remains of a completely flattened bicycle.

It had been run over by something pretty heavy because it was as flat as a bicycle could conceivably become. It even had a curve to it I picked it up, still thinking about Tank Man and I realized what it meant. Something inside me wanted to take it home I wanted to show them what we pretty much let happen here It was a strong symbol to me at least of an oppresive government that lost it's temper on it's own people. I'd never get that flattened bicycle home, but I carried stashed inside the tubes of my backpack messages that people had asked me to carry out of the country to a place where mistakenly so they thought good and decent people might give two shits about the treachery bestowed upon them in their quest for what we have but could really care less about.

A freedom so strong I promised myself I'd remember what happened to them.

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I promised myself that on June 4th, that I'd say a prayer there in Tienenmen Square. I'd recognize their martyrdom to the cause of freedom and I'd pay my respects on the anniversary of the barbarism of their all powerful and vicious central authority. When that morning came with its sultry brownish orange sunrise, three hundred and sixty five days after the blood letting, when the flag of a nation was raised over it's most proud square I was the only person that wasn't Chinese standing there as a witness to at least offer the the quiet contempt of my heart and the objection of my soul as a counterbalance to the disgrace of the murder of these children.

There were no television cameras or satellite trucks Two days later I'd board a train that I'd get off of in another world As the new decade is about to dawn on the Western hemisphere, here's my little summary of However, life goes on for those who continue living. Aging, what what! The year started with me being worried about abdominal pain.

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After some tests, it turned out to be nothing concerning. Throughout the winter, I like many other Canadians had to put up with the bullshite Polar Vortex again on quite a few days. There are pictures of my face completely covered, like some sort of militarized local cop, due to the cold. But yeah, climate change is a hoax from Tchaina! I found that I was coming home angry more often than not. That was definitely not the outcome I was going for when I signed up for lessons. I had my last lesson in June, and I decided not to go back. On February 2nd, Ally and I went to the big fundraising gala with my main workplace, escorting a former client as the featured speaker.

It was quite the fancy event. I won an Italian stovetop covfefe maker for Ally at the silent auction, which she uses on the regular. Not yet anyway. And you know what? I do deserve it. On March 7th, my 23andMe results came in! What would it say? Would it reveal what part of Greece my ancestors came from?

Would it have any other really interesting results? But more importantly, who are these French ancestors?? Another question focused on a relative, whose relationship to me was hinted at being very different from what we thought. But another family member then took the test, and their results corrected that error. She has gotten quite good at that style.

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On April 12th, we got on a flight and took our second trip to New York City. But somehow, Ally was able to suggest going on a short trip to New York yes, it was her suggestion. I was happy that she was willing to get away for a bit, so in February we started planning and buying advance tickets. New York has so much stuff to see, and so many ways to get around, so I was happy to figure that part out.