Guide Paintings At The Convention

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Artistic Convention and the Issue of Truth in Art. ERNEST C. MARSHALL. This article addresses the issue of truth in the arts, i.e., whether, and in what sense.
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A very young child will scribble about — on anything! One of the most engaging aspects of Minoan Art is the free form way that the figures seem to float in space. Do you think that growing up floating in water created a culture that was aware of the spaces between things?

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You might be interested to know that this is called the Coriolis effect and begins to reverse itself the closer you get to the equator. People whose directional inclination is towards magnetic north those who live in northern latitudes become temporarily disorientated the further south they get. Another interesting phenomenon is found with those who live between two large bodies of water. The electromagnetic field that is generated in between knocks this internal positioning off kilter and is restored when approaching one or the other of these bodies of water.

There are also geomagnetic anomalies where the internal and instrumental compass also become skewed. These are interesting places but what is interesting is that people are drawn in the direction of the energy source.

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Some other thoughts on the subliminal cartographic references. We tend to know the map of the world through the mercator projection the most common way in map making of plotting a spherical surface sort of on a flat sheet. So we tend to think that the countries at the equator are larger relative to those nearer the poles. Canada has a greater land area than the US with Australia not much smaller.

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Poorly travelled southern Ontarians Canada totally mis-judge the size of the northern part of their Province because the Provincially produced road maps have south Ontario printed on one side of a large sheet and North Ontario on the other. The trouble is that the Northern map is half the scale — so the area of North is about four times that of southern Ontario. My trips to New Zealand also screw up the references… sun from the north… and so on.

Come to think of it, was the sun shining at all? Everything we do is framed by context. Misreading the context will always mislead the intent, in all things. Playing with the context in art is device to play with the audience. Good art lets the audience play along.

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Think Magritte, for example. Have you ever seen a world map with the south pole at the top? Some of the school map supply companies have them. The upside-down map makes you think about the political and social dominance of the northern hemisphere. Most remarkable to me was the size of Canada when you look at a map of north America upside-down — Canada is huge and the US looks quite inconsequential. Featured Artist Joan Marti, Spain.

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Trustpilot Score. Participants used a mouse to draw an estimate of the approximate origin and direction of light in the painting yellow vector in Figure 2B , circle depicts the origin. Accordingly, in the results section we present both raw, uncorrected estimates as submitted by participants and mirror-corrected estimates. Viewing time was unlimited and observers were instructed to prioritize accuracy of response over speed. Participants had the opportunity to forgo an estimate if they felt that for that specific painting estimating light source was impossible.

Figure 2. A A screenshot of the experimental program. See text for details. B Examples estimates of the approximate direction of light in the paintings.

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Numbers depict participants' confidence. Data was preprocessed using custom software written in Python. The statistical analysis was carried out using R software R Core Team, Linear-mixed modeling was performed using lmerTest package Bates et al. Binomial confidence intervals were computed via binom package Dorai-Raj, Importantly, once the reports were corrected for the mirroring, there was a clear and strong preference for observers to report light the source as being located on the left see Figures 3B,D,G and Table 2.

However, the orientation of estimates relative to the vertical did not depend on whether the estimate was left- or right-sided Figure 3F and Table 2. This pattern of results validates our procedure and confirms the prior reports of the light in paintings mainly originating from the left. Figure 3. The estimated angles of illumination for A,C the raw uncorrected estimates and B,D the mirror corrected estimates. Solid lines depict individual observers, gray area depicts the overall group responses.

F Distribution of the relative angle for light source estimates with light originating on the left and right side. Higher confidence was associated with significantly more consistent estimates across participants, see Figure 4B. To quantify the effect, we restricted the analysis only to paintings with an estimate from at least three different participants.

Specifically, we fitted a linear model with a standard deviation of estimates for individual paintings as a dependent variable and an average observers' confidence as a fixed factor. Figure 4. Distribution of confidence reports and observer consistency.

Science Fiction/Fantasy Convention Art Shows: A Guide for Artists

A The proportion of confidence reports, circle colors denote individual observers. B The standard deviation of estimates as a function of average reported confidence level only paintings with estimates from at least three different participants were included in the analysis. Higher confidence resulted in estimates that were more consistent across observers. We also analyzed for Zeitgeist-dependent positioning of the light source in paintings we used the approximate dating of paintings with a resolution of 25 years; see data and statistics Figure 5.

This is very compatible with the notion of art historians that lighting and shadowing effects were identified as a basic and innovative topic of Western art history with the rise of Early Renaissance painters such as Masaccio — , Andrea Mantegna — , and Andrea del Verrocchio — Critically, some preliminary works also dealing with clear lighting and shadowing effects could have been covered in the statistical analysis by the mere fact that before A.

Still, based on participants' confidence Figures 5B,C , we can clearly state that overall there was no clear and reliable way of positioning the light source before the Early Renaissance. Figure 5. Light source Zeitgeist. A Distribution of paintings' creation date. Please note that paintings created before A. B The proportion of paintings for which an estimate was possible. C Participants' confidence, lighter and darker gray stripe denote, respectively, standard deviation and standard error of the mean. D The proportion of the light source direction estimated as originating from the left.

By employing an extensive set of images of very different sujets of Western art history, we have compiled clear and unbiased evidence that within the period — A. This result, based on participants' estimates, was complemented by the participants' confidence in their estimates.

All authors contributed to manuscript revision, read, and approved the submitted version. The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. Arnheim, R. Bates, D. CrossRef Full Text.

Cavanagh, P. Shape from shadows. Coles, P.