Manual Mia and Gia: The Tortured Twins (A Short Story)

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Dr. Rick Samuels and his wife Beth adopt a set of six month old twin girls nam Mia and Gia: The Tortured Twins (A Short Story).
Table of contents

It is used for many purposes, both in medicine and scientific chemistry; not, however, in the gaseous state, but frequently in solution in water, under the names of liquid ammonia , aqueous ammonia , or spirits of hartshorn. It is generally prepared from the ammoniacal liquor obtained as a by-product on distilling coal. Combined with acids, ammonia forms salts which are of immense value to agriculture. The well-known odour of farmyard manure is very largely due to the formation of ammonia during the rotting of the dung.

Sal-ammoniac is ammonium chloride. It has a fetid smell, is inflammable, soluble in water and spirit of wine; used as an antispasmodic, stimulant, and expectorant in chronic catarrh, bronchitic affections, and asthma; also used for plasters.


It was invented by Dr. Carter Moffat, and was suggested by the presence of ammonia in some quantity in the atmosphere of Italy—the country of fine singers. The ammonites differ from the nautili in having the tube connecting the chambers placed on the outer margin of the coiled shell, while the calcareous neck where it passes through the partitions is directed forwards. The partitions are much folded, producing markings like the fronds of ferns where they meet the inner wall of the shell.

The name arises from confusion with a coiled gastropod, which was held to resemble the horns of the Egyptian deity Jupiter Ammon. A predatory and Bedouin race, they inhabited the desert country east of Gad, their chief city being Rabbath-Ammon Philadelphia. They appear to have existed as a distinct people in the time of Justin Martyr, but have subsequently become merged in the aggregate of nameless Arab tribes.

It functionates as a metal, has not been isolated, but it is believed to exist in an amalgam with mercury.

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Originally a porter in Alexandria, he derived his epithet from the carrying of sacks of corn. The son of Christian parents, he abandoned their faith for the polytheistic philosophy of Greece.

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His teaching was historically a transition stage between Platonism and Neo-Platonism. The books often attributed to him are by a Christian philosopher of the same name. It is now taken to include cartridges of all sorts for guns, howitzers, rifles, and all fire-arms. Ammunition comprises both cartridges in which explosive and missiles are combined to form one compact article, and also other forms of projectiles of which the explosive agent forms one portion and the actual missile the other.

Bombs, grenades, shells, powder, and bullets are all included in the generic term ammunition. In the British service the Royal Army Ordnance Corps is entrusted with the provision of supplies of ammunition generally, while the actual distribution in the field is the duty of the ammunition-column, a Royal Artillery organization. The earliest recorded amnesty in history is that of Thrasybulus at Athens, and the last act of amnesty passed in Britain was that of , after the second Jacobite rebellion.

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It exists as a mass of protoplasm, and pushes its body out into finger-like processes or pseudopodia, and by means of these moves about or grasps particles of food. There is no distinct mouth, and food is engulfed within any portion of the soft sarcode body. Extensive ruins tell of former greatness, the most prominent being the mausoleum of Seyed Quam-u-deen, who died in Some of the species yield Cardamoms, others Grains of Paradise.

Amorphous Rocks or Minerals , those having no regular structure, or without crystallization, even in the minutest particles. Though engaged in the occupations of a peasant he must have had a considerable amount of culture, and his book of prophecies has high literary merits. It contains denunciations of Israel and the surrounding nations, with promises of the Messiah.

The privilege was confirmed and extended by the treaty of Tien-tsin in , and the port is now open to all countries. The name cf. An ampere-meter or ammeter is an instrument by which the strength of an electric current is given in amperes. The Frog, breathing in its tadpole state by gills and afterwards throwing off these organs and breathing entirely by lungs in its adult state, is an example of the latter phase of amphibian existence.

The Proteus of the underground caves of Central Europe exemplifies forms in which the gills of early life are retained throughout life, and in which lungs are developed in addition to the gills. A second character of this group consists in the presence of two occipital 'condyles', or processes by means of which the skull articulates with the spine or vertebral column; Reptiles possessing one condyle only.

See Batrachia. The tribes sent two deputies each, who assembled with great solemnity; composed the public dissensions, and the quarrels of individual cities, by force or persuasion; punished civil and criminal offences, and particularly transgressions of the law of nations, and violations of the temple of Delphi.

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Its calling on the States to punish the Phocians for plundering Delphi caused the Sacred Wars, , , B. He had miraculous skill in music, being taught by Mercury, or, according to others, by Apollo. In poetic legend he is said to have availed himself of his skill when building the walls of Thebes—the stones moving and arranging themselves in proper position at the sound of his lyre.

See Zethus. Shore-jumper Orchestia littoralis , 2. Portion showing the respiratory organs a a a. Many species are found in springs and rivulets, others in salt water. The sand-hopper and shore-jumper are examples. There are several species, found in tropical America. They feed on ants and earthworms, and were formerly, but erroneously, deemed poisonous.

The first amphitheatre at Rome was that constructed by C. Scribonius Curio, 59 B. The Colosseum at Rome is the largest of all the ancient amphitheatres, being capable of containing , persons, 87, of whom occupied numbered and reserved seats. That at Verona is one of the best examples remaining.

Its dimensions are feet by , and it is 98 feet high. The name means 'both-ways theatre', or 'theatre all round', the theatre forming only a semicircular building. In the Homeric poems she is the personification of the Sea, and her marriage to Poseidon is alluded to in a number of scenes depicted on ancient monuments. Such are a bas-relief in the glyptothek at Munich and a mosaic in the museum at Naples. The adults retain the clefts at which the gills of the tadpole projected.

Ampthill, a market-town of England, Bedfordshire, about 7 miles south-west of Bedford. The ampulla has also been employed for ceremonial purposes, such as holding the oil or chrism used in various Church rites and for anointing monarchs at their coronation. The ampulla of the English sovereigns now in use is an eagle, weighing about 10 oz.

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The ampulla of the French kings, kept at Rheims in the tomb of St. Remy, was destroyed in The district has an area of sq. It has considerable manufactures of shawls and silks; and receives its name from the sacred pond constructed by Ram Das, the apostle of the Sikhs, in which the Sikhs and other Hindus immerse themselves that they may be purified from all sin. He brought Egypt under the power of the Caliph Omar in , and governed it wisely till his death in The burning of the famous Alexandrian Library has been generally attributed to him, though only on the authority of a writer who lived six centuries later.

On account of the lowness of the site of the city the greater part of it is built on piles. It is divided by numerous canals into about 90 islands, which are connected by nearly bridges. Many of the streets have a canal in the middle with broad brick-paved quays on either side, planted with rows of trees; the houses are generally of brick, many of them six or seven stories high, with pointed gables turned to the streets. Among the public buildings are the old stadthouse, the work of Jacob van Kempen, commenced in and finished in , which is now a royal palace, the interior being decorated by the Dutch painters and sculptors of the seventeenth century with their masterpieces; the justiciary hall, an imitation of a Greek temple; the town hall fourteenth century ; the exchange, a handsome building, constructed in on the site of the old bourse built in ; the Palace of National Industry; the national museum; and the central railway station.

The old church is a structure of the fourteenth century with stained-glass windows painted by Digman in the fifteenth century. Among its numerous industries may be mentioned as a speciality the cutting and polishing of diamonds. The harbour, formed by the Y, lies along the whole of the north side of the city, and is surrounded by various docks and basins. The trade is very great, being much facilitated by the great ship-canal 15 miles long, opened , admitting the largest vessels connecting the Y directly with the North Sea at Y-Muiden, where the entrance is between two long piers projecting into the sea.

Another canal of much less importance, the North Holland Canal 46 miles long, 20 feet deep , connects Amsterdam with the Helder. Between the harbour and the Zuider Zee the Y is now crossed by a great dam in which are locks to admit vessels and regulate the amount of water in the North Sea Canal.

The oversea trade of Amsterdam has immensely increased since the opening of the great canal, and the foreign trade of the kingdom practically centres in Amsterdam and Rotterdam. There is also a large trade with the interior by railway, river, and canal. In the beginning of the thirteenth century Amsterdam was but a fishing village. In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries it had attained some importance, especially through the Baltic trade. The ruin of Antwerp through the troubles with Spain was greatly to its advantage, and during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries Amsterdam was one of the wealthiest and most flourishing cities in the world.

Its forced alliance with France ruined its trade, but since its commerce has revived. Amsterdam is the birthplace of Spinoza and of the painters van de Velde and van der Neer. Amsterdam , New, a town in British Guiana, on the east side of the River Berbice, near the sea, with some trade as a seaport.

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Amsterdam Island , a small and almost inaccessible island in the Indian Ocean, about halfway in a direct line between the Cape of Good Hope and Tasmania. It is sparsely provided with vegetation, and inhabited only by sea-birds, but it was taken possession of by France in , along with the neighbouring St.

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It was discovered by the Dutch in In a victory was gained here by the French under Murat over the Russians under Bagration. According to Pliny the elder, the bulla , or amulet, was first hung by Tarquinius Priscus on the neck of his son. See Charms. He was first-lieutenant on the Belgica during the Belgian south polar expedition, He then planned an expedition to the area of the north magnetic pole and a north-west passage by water.

Here he made his headquarters, and by numerous excursions was able to prove that the north magnetic pole has no stationary position, but is in continual movement. After his return Amundsen began his preparations for an Antarctic expedition, and on 9th August, , he sailed from Norway on Nansen's ship, the Fram , and reached the South Pole on 7th March, He published an account of his North-West Passage expedition, entitled Sydpolen. Den norske Sydpolsfaerd med Fram An English translation was published in Amundsen started on a North Polar Expedition in It forms, for a large portion of its course, part of the boundary-line between the Russian and the Chinese dominions, and is navigable throughout for four months in the year.

In Russia acquired from China the territory on the left bank of the Upper and Middle Amoor, together with that on both banks of the Lower Amoor. The western portion of the territory was organized as a separate province, with the name of the Amoor area, , sq. The eastern portion was joined to the Maritime Province of Eastern Siberia. See Ottoman Empire. Sir Thomas North's English translation of Plutarch , of which Shakespeare made much use, was derived from that of Amyot.

Myrrh, frankincense, and the gum-elemi of commerce are among their products. Among the chief genera of the order are Amyris , Balsamodendron , Boswellia , and Canarium. Hence, as an independent noun, books recording such sayings; the sayings themselves. Their doctrine is based upon the words of Christ in St. Mark , xvi, The founder of the sect appears to have been Nicolas Storch, a disciple of Luther's, who seems to have aimed also at the reorganization of society based on civil and political equality.