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Walking the Deck

Kelland once recalled. I thought at least twice about each word that went into that story. Every word was whittled and polished just so. That was the only damned story I couldn't sell to anybody in all my years of writing. He had graduated from the Detroit College of Law in Kelland was probably the only author who ever built so long and lucrative a career on what was, after all, a single character. Always he was innocent, selfeffacing and shrewd.

Many of Mr. He continued his political activities, which had begun in earnest with the New Deal, from his new western base. From to he was Republican national committeman from Arizona and held a commanding role in the party's conservative wing.

GPL thanks Mark Grimm, Julie Tidd and Committee on Renewal | The Altamont Enterprise

For a time, he was chairman of its executive and publicity committees. At various times Mr. In he blamed President Franklin D. Occasionally, the website mis-applies a block from a previous visitor. If your IP address is shown by Maxmind to be outside of Germany and you were momentarily blocked, another issue is that some Web browsers erroneously cache the block. Trying a different Web browser might help.

Or, clearing the history of your visits to the site. Please email the diagnostic information above to help pglaf. So today I did some research, reactivated my Wikipedia account, and rewrote the Wikipedia entry. It turns out Kelland was an interesting man, who embodied some interesting contradictions.

His best-known characters were friendly down-home characters, yet he himself could be vitriolic, e. I doubt I would have liked Kelland; personally and politically, he and I would have had very little in common. From Wikipedia , after my major revision, accessed 14 October U.

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Although largely forgotten now, Kelland had a long career as a writer of fiction and short stories, stretching from to A prolific writer, his output included sixty novels and some two hundred short stories. His best known juvenile works were the Mark Tidd series and the Catty Atkins series, while his best known adult work was the Scattergood Baines series.

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Deeds Goes to Town starring Gary Cooper. Deeds Kelland was born in Portland, Michigan, and attended public schools in Detroit. After completing two years of high school, he took a job in a chair factory, studying law at night. From , he worked at the Detroit News as a reporter, political editor, and Sunday editor.

Kelland married Betty Caroline Smith in , and at the urging of his father-in-law, left the newspaper business and moved to Vermont for a short period to run a clothespin mill with his brother. By , he had returned to Detroit to work for The American Boy , beginning as a proofreader, and moving up to become editor.

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Circulation grew from 90, at the beginning of his tenure, to , in when he left the magazine. From , he also lectured on juvenile literature and writing at the University of Michigan.

The bank failed, tying up most of his securities. Kelland bought a house in Phoenix, Arizona, in , and became active in national politics at about the same time. Kelland an avid bridge player, and a golfer who regularly hit below 80 Malcolm W. He died in Scottsdale, Arizona, on February 18, Told by Binney Jenks.

Rather than go home, Mark rents out the whole hotel, and winds up in a conflict of international importance. Told by Tallow Martin. Mark Tidd, Manufacturer Mark and the boys help Silas Dolittle Bugg run his sawmill profitably, while fighting off unscrupulous men who want to steal the water rights to the mill, learning about the joys of inventory systems and bookkeeping, and meeting a railroad magnate along the way.

Told by Plunk Smalley. The boys run into bandits and help an unrecognized Duke. Quizzer No. Hart, Phillip W. Andrews, pp. Sharpe, , p.

Mark Tidd, Editor

Autobiographical article. Bud was playing substitute quarterback on our Central High team. Filled with the old Rutgers spirit of do or die, he dashed down the field with his own teammates doing everything they could to stop him and the opposition cheering him on quite lustily.