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Love in Denial & Second Chance: Did they marry for the wrong reasons? & He could not forgive her, and she could not forgive herself. [Iona Clelynn] on.
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There's plenty of better women out there who wouldn't cheat. I've never cheated on anyone. I'm currently in an open relationship. She has also never cheated on anyone. We've both been cheated on so many times. We decided that we would side step that whole cheating thing by allowing an open relationship. Still working 10 months in. No fights about it yet. Like I get it that some people are going to just upvote shit they agree with, but it seems like virtually everyone here does that.

It's probably because the nature of this particular sub is controversial and the standard definition of "upvote" doesn't apply the same. It is unclear whether you're supposed to upvote posts you agree with which will make "more upvotes" synonymous to a popular opinion or the ones which are you disagree with which would make "more upvotes" synonymous to more unpopular opinion.

So most of the times I just end up not touching a post that is popular, and it gets upvotes from people who like it thereby making it to the top.

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Well, statistically fewer people vote on the little thing. But the nature of this sub and how upvotes work make it hard for even someone like me to follow the sub guidelines sometimes. But yes you should follow them but most people don't. So this one is kinda tough. Personally, I would never give a second chance to a cheater, for me its a deal breaker. However, I believe people have the right to choose according to their believes what they want to do since you never know what circumstances went through when this happened.

As long as there is trust on the relationship and they talk through about why it happened and how it should be fixed, I dont mind people giving second chances. So im guessing unpopular? Even though I somewhat agree with OP. Unpopular The strongest relationships are the ones that overcome the toughest battles. Read overcome, not repeat.

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My parents are married 33 years and happier and stronger than ever. During a rough time in their relationship, due to external factors, my father cheated. Sure, the years after were tough on everybody, but mistakes get made and we made it through. While cheating wasn't a topic in my marriage, I was quite unsure of our relationship until we fought our way through a really, really hard time.


Relationships aren't about eternal shining love. Yeah, media makes them sound like this and they are, for a short period in time. Afterwards, they are hard work and sharing lifes, not romantic roses and certainty. I love my life.

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I don't have butterflies in my stomach. I sometimes detest her. I don't feel particularly romantic about her. But I love my wife. I think given the opportunity, I might cheat. I don't plan to. But I don't know myself enought to be certain. My parents both cheated.

My mother married H and had two sons with him. My father married B and had a son with her. B died and my father had me with my mother.

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H also cheated, but he didn't father any other children. Then my father had a son and a daughter with A, another women. And you know what? I consider all of them family. There was some tension when we grew up, but all of them mostly put the children first. We went to vacation together, sometimes, and we loved it. I grew up in a household with my mother and her children as well as my fathers first son. Don't ask why.

My younger siblings lived with my father and A. There were a couple years in which I spent half my weekends at As and my fathers house playing with my younger brother. Now, A and my father have seperated and my parents are together again, after all of us children are grown up and starting families of our own.

H is getting old and moved in with my oldest brother. About twice a year, all my and all my siblings children spent a week at my parents house, that's eight children aged 2 through 12, one is even younger and wasn't there yet, but I hope she'll be there, too, next year. We don't hold up by your ridiculous high standards and I'm sure many people will disrespect my parents and A and H for what they did and they didn't do everything right.

But we are a family and my parents love each other and I am sure they loved A, H and B at times or maybe still do. At least they still care for each other and I care about every single one of them and fought for us celebrating christmas together year after year as one, big group.

Nayobe - Second Chance For Love

I guess my point is: If you're happy with what you deem to be love: Great. I hope it stays this way. I really do.

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But don't judge. Other people may have different lifes and still be happy in the end. There is no good excuse to cheat. If the relationship is not working, break it off. If you have children, that that is the responsibility you undertaking. If you screw up the relationship because you are horny, that is your mistake. Imagine being in love with a person and wanting to raise children with them, yet never receiving a hug or a kiss or any sort of physical affection.

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Imagine further that you share interests and personalities and share philosophies on child rearing and desire to live in the same home as a family. That in exchange for a few hours a month of fulfillment and joy, you should break up the home your children live in? That you should deny them the happiness of growing up in a safe, loving environment?

That worldview is horribly shortsighted and immoral. Not as easy as you make it out to be, especially if you've been married for multiple years and your finances and place of living etc are all intertwined, and how about the one who's doing the starving STOP STARVING and start meeting their needs. Once it starts it's not going to get better. Best thing to do is to slowly wind down the relationship, finances etc..

It's difficult of course but it's the best result for yourself i. You have a point. How would someone who is almost 4 years or 8 years into marriage somehow just cut ties with all that? I answered that question in my post, you talk to your partner about it, and if you both can't come to a conclusion and you're not happy, leave them.

How is this an unpopular opinion? I thought this was just what happens I would choose sleeping in my car long before sleeping in the same house as the woman who cheated on me. Poor as in unfortunate not economically poor. And thats you're preference. Some people stay with cheaters because they thing they can make it work or its worth trying.

Love does stupid things to people's judgement. Again, your opinion and you're entitled to it. Lots of people don't break up because of cheating though, regardless of what you think they should do it. Sorry god of the universe but they certainly have the right to complain. Probably don't have grounds to though. My ex wife is still very much in love with me and bemoans her shitty behavior constantly.

I'll never take her back, because I was straight up saying "If you ever need to be with someone else, leave me, even if it's for 6 months or 5 years. My hard line is no cheating". I think because I forgave so much bullshit over the years she thought I wasn't serious. You're obviously very young. Live a few decades with that person, and you'll see things differently.

I'm not saying you would or should start cheating, I think you'd probably understand that there's a lot more to love than the desperate feeling you get looking at your partner. And there are a lot of ways to practice love. Not an excuse, just an understanding of why. I once heard of a story about a man who worked in a different country from his family and turns out he had a second family in the country where he worked.