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And why is it you who wants to stay at the end of the day even when he just wanna be friends. Darling , just know that if he really wants you , he would come to you and say it! Straight forward. Because he would be afraid of losing you. Just like you are afraid of losing him. This is going to be a very long story: I met this attractive looking guy near a bus station. He came out of nowhere while I was texting on my phone waiting for my ride to come and he asked me if I want it his number.

He seemed like he want it to give me another chance that we ended up giving our new numbers since we both got new phones.

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I also apologized to him for flaking him the other day and he understood about my anxiety issues when it comes to meeting new people. Or should I trust him to go over his place next time we meet? I have to admit but he does act like a shy gentleman in my face and gives me mixed signals but in messages he acts too extra which I think thats too weird and gross. Diana, Forget the kid! He sounds manipulative…. I have been focussing on my marraige and really happy with my husband but, he is always on my mind. I have hold back a lot on communication etc from my side and have started to write down on my phone notepad how i feel, what i want to say to him etc wheter its good or bad.


It helped me to stop messaging him sending nice motivational quotes whenever that need fills me. I cant go and have coffee with him. We are both scorpios and in my 12yr marraige, nothing ever possessed me to look around to other guys. We are committed creatures and wont do stupid things to just experiment. That is why it bothers me so much. We dont commit easily but when we do, its meaningful. I cant understand why this happens to me now.

I fancied you until I saw you yawn

Luckily not me or he did not convess anything about love or such yet. We only agreed we seem to have the same interests. A lot in common. We dont talk for days, then all if a sudden he shows me lics of his house he fixes up. Sends me pics of him and his daughter catching fish. I deliberately witheld communicatiin frim my side but then he sends me stuff. And i would respond of course. He is really an awesome man. Oh my gosh never been so confused.

Hi, i am married 12yrs. All of a sudden i started to care a lot about a guy at work. Worked with him for 2 years and can say the crush is for the past 6 months now but getting stronger since we started to lightly whatsapp and fb. Ooi we have so much in common. I am an ex hr manager and currently Safety manager and was concerned about the maintenance guy who might nit be in the right frame of mind. So he speaks to me as i was constantly making sure he is ok.

Jo and i try stopoing these feelings but it takes over. Giid thing is we have not even taken it to the next step yet. Our marraige is on good grounds. We do not have children and i feel our life is so boring. He has 2 kids, staying with him as the mother was the problem, and me living kids but not able to get them myself… I thought this may also be one of the reasons. However, been thinking about him non stop, wondering how our lives would be together. My husband is lovely but this new guy is a handy man, a person that is used to making decisions. Much stronger character as my huzzy.

Now what? Been having the stares, he always close to me, tries to make me laugh, tells me i have a good heart. But he wont reach out, maybe a respect issue as i feel greatly respected as a manager and the ethics i display. I was nit looking for anyone else. How can this happen and what do i do now?

Im also overweight so definitely can be a downfall. That was me in my 20s, before I knew better, anyway Dont give up on a 12 year marriage for the chance of living a fantasy. If the guy really is keen he will edge closer I think. Maybe you two could grab a coffee, get to know him. Forget the kid! Instead of grabbing a ladder to check the ceiling, he actually called me and lifted me up for a minute.

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Plus a joke immediately after. How obvious is this? Help please, a little confused. So I confessed to one of my work mates I had a crush on him. Things were going well.

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I confronted him. He said is this a fear or insecurity, was sure how to respond. He challenged if he should pick up his interest, I agreed in a flirty way. He seemed to like that I stuck up for what I wanted, because he had a huge smile on his face, and made a teasing comment. He made a passing comment about his pet hates from going on dates from dating websites, and not to worry, he wont do that to me. Still felt awkward. In the afternoon, he came over to walk me out, but seemed in a rush to leave. Next day he a little distant, so I mirrored him, and played it cool as for i dont want to seem needy.

Zoe Karpeta - "I Fancied You Until I Saw You Yawn" - StarNow

Have I messed up things? Not your fault. He might really like you, but something is holding him back. I have started falling for a guy, and he has been my great friend since months. He may not have the same feelings for me. But he never use to ask me about my crush or whom I use to like.

Inspite of sharing some love qoutes on my whatsapp status,he never use to ask me.

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And moreover when my friends says something about me in front of him he just looks downward and smile, and kind of blush also. Does he have got some mixed feelings for me? This is maybe stupid, but there is a guy I like for a year, but.. It all started on the first few weeks of school. I saw him standing far in front from me, but he was looking at me when I was about to look at him. When I saw him on school I began the like him.. Idk why, but it just happened. Since that day he keep staring at me.

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Like on school, outside, shopping mall, Public transport etc. His body is always towards me and his feet too, he never smile at me.. Well maybe 1 time, but it was a little one, but there was a time that I was going outside to talk to a guy, but he was also going outside and stared at me from afar and when I was inside he did the same?