Guide Hellenism

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Hellenistic period.
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Please set a username for yourself. People will see it as Author Name with your public flash cards. Origin of Hellenism Classical Greek Hell? All rights reserved. Link to this page. MLA Style "Hellenism. In YourDictionary. Hellenism noun An idiom or custom peculiar to the Greeks. The civilization and culture of ancient Greece.

Hellenistic religion

Admiration for and adoption of Greek ideas, style, or culture. The study of Greek influence on Judaism has developed into a special branch of research on which E. Bickerman, H. Lewy, S. Lieberman, V. Tcherikover, and M. Hengel, among others, have written with distinction. Research on Hellenism has been helped by archaeological discoveries, new inscriptions, and the constitution of a new branch of research, papyrology, since the beginning of the 20 th century. Papyrology is especially relevant to the study of the Hellenistic period because a considerable portion of the papyri discovered in Egypt belongs to the last three centuries B.

Hellenism Tik Toks to watch as a devotional act to the Greek gods

However, a knowledge of the political history of Hellenism is hampered by the fragmentary nature of the surviving sources. The works of the great historians of the Hellenistic age Hieronymus of Cardia, Duris, Timaeus, Agatharchidas, Phylarchus, and Posidonius are all lost, with the exception of Polybius, and only fragments of his work remain. Plutarch's Lives of some Hellenistic kings and politicians are of the utmost importance. Strabo, Pliny the Elder, Pausanias, Galen, Athenaeus, and Diogenes Laertius, though all writing in the Roman Empire, provide essential information on Hellenistic science, social life, and customs.

The empire of Alexander the Great was the result of the military and intellectual cooperation of Greeks and Macedonians, who constituted the ruling class in the states emerging from the struggles of Alexander's successors. This collaboration was precarious in Greece alone, where consequently there was no political stability. The rivalries between Greek cities and the interference of the great Hellenistic states in Greek affairs led to Roman intervention at the end of the third century and ultimately contributed to the transformation of Greece into a direct Roman dependency in B.

The third century was the period of the greatest power and prosperity of these kingdoms.

Discover Greece

Almost everywhere during the second century B. The Romans took full advantage of the difficulties of the Hellenistic states, played on the fear of social revolution among the wealthy Greeks, and exploited rivalries and native rebellions, with the result that they defeated and ultimately absorbed all the Hellenistic states.

Macedonia, first defeated in , was reduced to impotence in and transformed into a province in Syria the Seleucid state was first deprived of some of its best Oriental regions by native rebellions such as those leading to the creation of the Parthian and Bactrian states about B. Later it was defeated and mutilated by the Romans The Jewish rebellion of the Maccabees contributed to the further decline of the Seleucid state, which was transformed into a Roman province in 64 B.

Pergamum became a Roman province province of Asia in B. Egypt the kingdom of the Ptolemies , as already noted, was incorporated by the Romans in 30 B. The last act of resistance against the Romans during the Hellenistic period in the East was not Greek, but Jewish. In all the Hellenistic states Greek was the language of the aristocracy and the administration. The foundation of new cities especially in the Seleucid kingdom and of new villages particularly in Egypt contributed to the spread of Greek, but the peasants and the native priests kept the indigenous languages alive.

Except in Judea, which had an original literature in Hebrew and Aramaic even under Greek rule, the important developments in literature were all in Greek. Fabius Pictor in Rome.

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The schools and the gymnasia were organized according to Greek tradition: Homer, the tragedians of the fifth century especially Euripides , and the orators and historians of the fourth century were the models of the new classicism. Erudition developed for its own sake and, notably in Alexandria and Pergamum, was under royal protection. The libraries of Alexandria were centers of research, besides containing extraordinary collections of manuscripts apparently not confined to texts in Greek. Classicism notwithstanding, literature and art developed new styles, characterized by realism of detail and a tendency toward the idyllic and the pathetic.

Modern scholars have recognized local trends not only in literature but also in art. They are, however, not so important as the essential unity of Hellenistic culture. Philosophy remained centered in Athens, but the great philosophic schools of the academy Platonists , Peripatos Aristotelians , Stoa disciples of Zeno , and Porch Epicureans spread everywhere. There was also a revival perhaps a transformation of Pythagorean groups, which began to look like a religious sect.

Natural sciences made enormous progress, and so did mathematics. Euclid, Apollonius of Perge, and Archimedes represent the culmination of Greek research in geometry and mechanics.

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  5. Hellenism in Late Antiquity!

Eratosthenes applied mathematics to geography and Aristarchus developed the heliocentric theory, but Hipparchus who made fundamental discoveries in astronomy persuaded the succeeding generations with his new version of the geocentric system. Scientific medicine flourished in Alexandria and elsewhere: The advances in anatomy Herophilus , physiology Erasistratus , etc.

Pytheas explored new regions in the north.

Political developments

The philosopher Posidonius explained the tides. Everywhere the new literature and art interested large strata of the Greek-speaking public, which was predominantly middle-class. If some poets were obscure and full of subtle allusions to the literature of the past Callimachus, Lycophron, Euphorion, and to a certain extent Theocritus , others were easily comprehensible Menander, Herodas, and perhaps Apollonius Rhodius. New prose genres, such as the erotic novel, were meant to appeal to a large public.

There are signs that much of the literature now lost was fairly popular in character. Figurative art certainly had a wide appeal, as can be deduced from the amount of cheap, but graceful, figurines of this period. Improved techniques of work affected the lives of the many, and town-planning together with the easier economic conditions of private persons produced better housing in many places. But neither philosophy nor science meant much even to the middle class in the Greek-speaking cities. In religion the stronger influences came from the native populations, not from the upper Greek or Hellenized stratum.

There was no sign that the gods of the Greek Olympus were dying: they went on performing miracles and acquiring new festivals and new sanctuaries. However, a progressive transformation of the old city cults was noticeable, with a new emphasis on free associations of devotees of a specific god, on mysteries, on spiritual notions such as philanthropy and purification.

Dionysus became distinctly popular. At the same time Oriental gods — either with their original names Osiris, Isis or by identification with Greek gods Hermes — Thot; Jupiter — Dolichenus — were widely worshiped outside their original countries, with appropriate modifications of their cults. A curious case of a new god with old Egyptian roots was Serapis. Babylonian astrology gained many believers, even among philosophically educated Greeks.

Hellenism in Late Antiquity

The Greek idea of Fortune Tyche increased in importance and was worshiped as a goddess, partly owing to Oriental influences. No doubt there were educated people who cared little for gods, either Greek or Oriental.

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  • Epicurus preached the indifference of gods to human events and Euhemerus reduced the gods to ancient human benefactors; yet the climate of the age was religious. International trade both favored, and was favored by, this uniform upper stratum; Greek-speaking traders moved round the world. They were joined by more or less Hellenized Orientals and later by Italians. The slaves, the native peasants, and the Greek proletariat neither contributed much to, nor enjoyed the advantages of, this civilization.

    It is much more difficult to speak of Hellenism as a political and institutional phenomenon, because conditions varied so profoundly from region to region. Monarchy was the unifying institutional fact. The king was supposed to own his own state by right of conquest patrimonial monarchy.