Manual Ghosts in Earthly Colors

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Oct 30, - When we die, if we end up stuck on Earth as ghosts, we won't all become the same color of ghost. The color our ghost version takes is dependant upon our personalities and the lives we've led. Take this quiz and find out which color your ghost will be.
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Spiritually, white or silver is associated with spirituality and connection with a higher source. Some investigators believe orbs that are either white or silver in appearance are an indication that a spirit is trapped on this plane. It may also be a sign the spirit is there to offer protection to the people in the area.

White energy is typically perceived as highly positive in nature. Spiritually, many feel black or brown colors are associated with lower spiritual vibrations or heavy energy. Some people interpret this as evil although it isn't necessarily the case.

Learn Colors with Spooky Ghosts in Play Doh with Funny Funlings and Thomas The Tank Engine TT4U

When black or brown orbs appear, some investigators interpret them as a sign the area may be unsafe or negative in nature. Examine such a place with caution, and if you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, leave. From a spiritual perspective, red and orange colors are associated with safety and security, as well as a sense of belonging. While these warm colors are often associated with strong emotions, such as anger and passion, this may not be the case when it comes to ghost orbs. Some paranormal investigators believe a red or orange orb is a sign that an entity has assumed the role of a protector.

This could be someone who was charged in life to keep watch or be a caretaker. In spiritual practice, green is associated with the heart.


It is also associated with nature. Green orbs are sometimes thought to be an indication of the presence of a human spirit as opposed to one that was never on Earth in human form. Likewise, green orbs may represent love or oneness with nature. Blue is spiritually associated with psychic energy and truth. It is a very calming color, and many people associate it with spiritual guidance.

Some people feel blue orbs are a sign of a calming presence or energy while others feel they indicate the presence of a spirit guide in that location. Gray may indicate depression or spiritual lack, or it may represent fear or ambivalence. If you see an orb that's this color, it may indicate the presence of a depressed spiritual entity, or an entity lacking in spiritual awareness. Smoke, like the color gray, may indicate confusion or trouble.

It is a common belief that pink orbs are messengers of love. This can be universal love, such as the spiritual love of an ascended master, guide, teacher or archangel. It can also be a more specific love, such as the love of a deceased family member who takes on the mantle of a spirit orb to say they are still with you.

Could it be that in some way the emotions of their tragic deaths show through in the colour of the image we see? Or is it simply that white is the normal colour for most apparitions? Grey ghosts are among the most numerous of spirit and residual energy manifestations. When carrying out research there seems to be an equal amount of 'grey ladies' and 'grey men' or some other form of grey phantom.

One of the most interesting grey ghosts can be found at Rufford Old Hall in England, built in the late 15th century. This 'Grey Lady' also seems to keep very royal company as the ghost of Queen Elizabeth I is also said to haunt here. The haunting is a classic tale of a broken hearted lady, waiting for her husband to return from war. She waited many weeks for him to arrive and as the time passed she became more frail and ill.

Possible Orb Colors Explained

Her husband never did return from battle. The intriguing aspect of this story is that the reason for the haunting was reputedly given by the ghost herself during investigations. Another eerie account is not to be found in any stately manor house but a mountain. The 'ghost' is called the big grey man of Ben MacDhui or simply the grey man.

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Many witnesses have described this curious 'apparition' as either a tall, large man or some form of being that is covered in short hair. The sightings are always accompanied with strong feelings of uneasiness and being watched. Apart from the various sightings, strange footprints have also been reported. When we look at the various details of this alleged 'ghost' it would seem that this presence may be more physical than spiritual. The most fascinating aspect of this 'creature' is that it has been around for hundreds of years.

They are similar in appearance to the legends in other parts of Europe called wild grey men ; woods men or sometimes Wudewas. They have been compared to the sightings of Big Foot in North America and the Yeti in the Himalayas and for some these creatures represent an ancient line of hominids. The stories from mountaineers is generally that the Grey Man of Ben MacDhui is malignant and stalks anyone who trespasses into his territory.

Although actual visual contact is rare, there have been enough to get a good description of this humanoid figure - approximately feet tall, short hair all over his body, very long arms and legs. But is it a ghost or a physical species not yet recognised by science? Moving back to an account that is almost certainly non-physical is Glamis Castle. I have mentioned this ghost in another hub but the accounts are so numerous that there is always something fresh to say about this location. She was falsely accused of witchcraft and plotting against the King.

She was finally executed - a disgrace that would haunt the normally benign King until his death. It is said that her spirit walks through all of the castle but she seems to have a particular liking for the family chapel situated at the Castle. This apparition is given so much respect that there is a particular chair within the chapel that no one is allowed to sit on - this is the chair that is reserved for Lady Janet. Apart from the 'grey man of Ben MacDhui' the spirits of grey ghosts would seem to have had similar heartache to the 'white' ghosts.

But if we look at the colour spectrum there is not really that much difference between shades of grey and white. This is particularly true if witnessing an apparition in diverse locations with variable amounts of natural light available. The colours of an apparition may well shift from white to grey and back again.

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  2. Watches I Have Known.
  3. The Colour of Ghosts: White Lady and Grey Lady Meanings.
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  5. Donald Featherstone’s Complete Wargaming: Revised Edition.

Therefore, it might be appropriate to class both white and grey ghosts together. But as with the white ghosts, why is the colour grey also common?

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With the thousands of accounts on record we could speculate that this is just the colour the majority of apparitions are or that are perceived by our limited vision. As mentioned previously, the UK is one country where apparitions of green ghosts are common. Within folklore, especially of Scotland and Ireland, there are a number of traditional supernatural entities dressed in green.

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For example elves, leprechauns, faeries and banshees. In addition there are much darker legends of Green Lady figures who are demonic in nature.

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Under their long gown is hidden a hairy body and cloven feet. But putting folklore traditions aside, there are also many reports of green ghosts that are human in form. One of the most interesting cases of a green ghost is to be found in Fernie Castle in Fife. This is the ghost of the 'green lady' but no one knows her name.

The spirit is perhaps that of a young bride, who married against her father's wishes. A fight began between her new husband and her father and in the tangle the bride fell from one of the castle towers.

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Her ghost is still said to be seen at Fernie today. Also in Fife is the spirit of Green Jeanie another female ghost. This particular spirit is very fond of electrical appliances - often switching them on and off at very inconvenient times. A very protective green ghost haunts Skipness Castle by beautiful Loch Fyne.

She is said to have protected the castle and the inhabitants for centuries. It is alleged that when the castle was in any danger from attack the green lady would arouse spiritual forces that confused the enemy to such a degree that the planned assault was abandoned.