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The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World as listed by Hellenic culture. It was described as a remarkable feat of.
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Archaeologists uncovered evidence of a huge bronze screw that could have moved water from the Euphrates River into the gardens. They also discovered an inscription that said the screw delivered water to the city.

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Bas-relief carvings near the site depict lush gardens supplied by an aqueduct. The hilly terrain surrounding Mosul was much more likely to receive water from an aqueduct versus the flatlands of Babylon.

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Dalley further explained that the Assyrians conquered Babylon in B. That was before the time of the construction of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Therefore, Ancient Greek historians may have had their locations wrong all along.

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Ironically enough, King Sennacherib himself may have added to the confusion, because he often called Nineveh by the name of New Babylonia. Those miscalculations may have been what led archaeologists to doubt the existence of the ancient wonder of the world in the first place. As scientists dig deeper into Nineveh, they may find more evidence of these vast gardens in the future. Even more promising? The excavation site near Mosul sits on a terraced hill, just as Greek historians once described in their accounts.

As to what the hanging gardens really looked like, no firsthand accounts currently exist. And all the secondhand accounts only describe what the gardens used to look like before they were ultimately destroyed. So until archaeologists find an ancient text describing the gardens accurately, consider visiting your local botanical garden or greenhouse to walk among lush landscapes and carefully pruned shrubs. Then close your eyes and imagine traveling 2, years into the past to the time of ancient kings and conquerors.

Enjoy this look at the Hanging Gardens Of Babylon? Next, read about The Colossus Of Rhodes and what happened to the massive ancient wonder.

The Garden of Babylon

Then learn about the other wonders of the ancient world. By William DeLong.

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While many saw the Hanging Gardens of Babylon as a legend, research shows that it may have actually existed, just not where originally thought. Share Tweet Email. Report a bad ad experience. William DeLong. William DeLong is a freelance wordsmith.

He thanks you for reading his content. Previous Post. Nomadic tribes in the middle east mixed ground almonds with dates, pistachio, sesame and bread crumbs to make a portable and calorie-dense food to take on their journeys. Grapes and their vines were symbols of fertility and wealth across the ancient world. Most modern grapes are descendants of a species that originated in Iran around B.

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Olive oil was a staple in the ancient world - the earliest records of the olive oil trade date to BC. Olive trees can live up to years, with minimal cultivation, in harsh desert conditions that many other fruit-bearing plants cannot tolerate. Quince is native to the Middle East. The modern European pear does not occur naturally - it is a mix of wild progenitors that have been cultivated and hybridized since around BC.