e-book Enjoying the Good Life

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Sep 5, - Even in everyday speech, if we say someone is “living the good life,” we probably mean that they enjoying lots of recreational pleasures: good.
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You are in this world for a purpose. You have the ability to make this life good. Here are 7 unbeatable ways to make life good. This may not be as hard as it sounds. If you think about it, forgiveness is all about finding happiness for yourself. Instead of focusing on the whys and the ' how-could-she's' give others the benefit of doubt.

Hope your out there enjoying your GoodLife

Let go of dark thoughts, and give yourself a chance to heal. Move on to a better life, without carrying the baggage of anger, hatred or jealousy. We all give love to receive love. How about just giving love, without expecting any in return? Love, when it takes a selfish turn becomes possessive, greedy, and obstinate. When you love unconditionally, you go with the belief that you did not expect to be loved in return.

A mother loves her child unconditionally. If you can master the art of loving unconditionally, you can never get hurt.

Enjoying the Good Life in Belize | Living in Belize, Central America

Easier said than done. But think of how good your life can be if you could drop your bad habits. Some bad habits such as smoking, excessive drinking, or doing drugs are harmful to your health. Other bad habits such as lying, cheating, or speaking ill of others can make you a social menace.

Have your friends and loved ones help you to give up your bad habits. You are what you think you are. So wouldn't it be wonderful if you could also be proud of who you are? Don't underestimate or devalue yourself. Sometimes, people may treat you unfairly or fail to notice your contribution to work. It is their loss that they have failed to understand you. Be proud of what you do and who you are. Life is good, no matter where you come from. Don't point fingers at others.

Being judgmental is also another way of being prejudiced. All kinds of discrimination including racism, sexism, and gender bias stem from being judgmental. Give up your prejudices about others, and be more accepting of others. As it is said in the Bible: "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

Fears are your weaknesses.

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Stop being indecisive and start listening to your gut. Decisions are how we learn about how to effectively build the life we have always dreamed of. Trying to achieve your goals without doing a little time planning is like sailing the open ocean without a compass and map. Sure it's fun but at the end of the day you need to remember why you are out there in the first place. Opportunity sometimes knocks at unexpected times.

Make sure you have enough flexibility in your schedule to respond accordingly. Be spontaneous and step outside of your comfort zone at any chance you get. Experience new things that you may have been afraid of but always wanted to try for your own personal satisfaction. The most euphoric activities tend to seem incredibly scary at first glance. One of the biggest problems people have in this world is that they are so trapped in the past or the future that they refuse to take control of their life by acknowledging the moment right before their eyes.

They are constantly worrying about other things; their body is there but their mind is somewhere else. Be present in each and every moment, it will make you a much happier and inspired human being. The more you think and the less you talk, the more you will learn and the less you will miss. And when you do talk, make sure you do so with worth, meaning and conviction. Judge yourself based on how you act on your responsibilities and promises. Either you own up to your actions or your actions will ultimately own you.

Always remember that you are in the drivers seat so keep your hands on the wheel and stop texting. Not doing so guarantees loneliness and failure. Stay true to your word as that is what your character is based off of and how you will always be remembered. There is no such a thing as perfect, there is only perception. The idea of it is based on your own definition. Instead of always searching for perfection, strive for the things that satisfy your individual wants and needs.

Being lazy and doing the bare minimum only guarantees mediocrity and dissatisfaction. Work hard to get closer and closer towards your goal every day. We all need to work to make a living, so why not make this life-consuming activity as consistently fun as possible? Make sure your work is something that drains your energy but also makes you feel like you are making good use of it.

A tired mind is inefficient and unhappy. No one can perform to the best of their ability without rest. As the good old fashioned saying goes, those who laugh more are the ones who live longer. Stop taking life so seriously and realize that everything that makes you nervous or uncomfortable may really just be there to make you laugh. Right now is the time that you can use however you want to. Right now is life. It is an entire world waiting to be shaped by your own desires. By Elite Daily Staff. This world, after all our science and sciences, is still a miracle; wonderful, magical and more, to whosoever will think of it.

Slow Down Urgency and haste instantly diminish accuracy, awareness and happiness.

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Foster and Nurture Relationships A happy and fulfilling life is a life that is shared with people that you enjoy being around the most. Be Self Sufficient Depending on other people for your own tranquility will only cause anxiety and frustration. Learn About Different Things As many great men have said in the past, the day you stop learning is the day that you die. Concentrate on Your Passions Your passion is what you love to do every day because it gives you a sense of worth and fulfillment. Travel to Distant Places Humanity has been blessed with a beautiful place to live.

Talk to Strangers Meet new people who are like you and different from you in every way you could have imagined. Exercise Your 5 Senses Sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. Use What You Have Success is not the byproduct of limitless resources. Assist Others What goes around comes around.

Be Clear on Your Goals The sky is the limit but to get there, your goals need to be made crystal clear by believing in them with all of your heart and soul. Make a Decision Each time you wait to make a decision, you are wasting your time and an opportunity is passing you by. Practice General Time Management Trying to achieve your goals without doing a little time planning is like sailing the open ocean without a compass and map.