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Editorial Reviews. Review. "An interesting and exciting action novel which will keep readers Cobra Strike (Orca Sports) - Kindle edition by Sigmund Brouwer.
Table of contents

To clinch the job, Dinah has to get fit at a wellness retreat on Salt Spring Island.

Cobra Strike

Grudgingly, though, Dinah admits that her lifestyle could be a little healthier. Off to Salt Spring she goes, along with the two other finalists: one friendly, the other the last word in sulky. Hoping to shed not only pounds but her crazed pursuer, Dinah learns the true meaning of personal best—it truly is how you play the game, not whether you win or lose.

Melanie Jackson has written five previous Dinah Galloway mysteries which have been heralded by Resource Links as "A great hit for mystery buffs everywhere. He passed a note across the counter. I knew what the note said because I had written it. She finally gets moved to a home she likes, and the ministry threatens to close it down unless an expensive renovation is made to the house. Nell and the two boys in the home, Billy and Tom, decide to raise the funds themselves.

I believe world

How do kids get large amounts of money quickly? By robbing banks, of course. Their first few heists are successful, but when they almost get caught on their sixth robbery, the friends start to fight about whether they should continue. The bank jobs that were meant to keep their family together just might tear it apart.

Orca Sports

James Heneghan is the best-selling author of dozens of books for kids and young adults, including Safe House and Waiting for Sarah. Norma and James both live in Vancouver, British Columbia. Bank Job was inspired by a newspaper account of three teens who robbed seven banks in Vancouver. Mackenzie is convinced the Otherworld is real, but is it a place of enchantment or enslavement for humans?

She currently lives on the edge of a small Vancouver Island community with her husband and five children. Mackenzie saw something move behind her sister in the shadow of the stones. It was an arm, long and thin, reaching out from the dark space beneath the arch. Mackenzie froze as a hand began to move over the ground at the base of the stones. Three long bony fingers and a thumb, patting the ground, feeling for something. The unlikely duo of Martin Wettmore, editor and expert grammarian, and Trixi Wilder, prankster extraordinaire, is given the task of improving the pathetic sales of their school newspaper.

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Martin and Trixi clash over everything from journalistic integrity Trixi has none to imagination Martin has none. But when the paper starts to wreak havoc at the school, Principal Baumgartner shuts it down and assigns Trixi to Saturday morning bus-washing duty.

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  • RLT - Reformed Librarians Together : Cobra Strike (Orca Sports) by Sigmund Brouwer.
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To redeem themselves, Martin and Trixi resolve to create one very special edition of the Upland Green Examiner. Chris McMahen is an elementary school teacher-librarian who has had a lifelong fascination with tabloid newspapers. He teaches media literacy to elementary students as part of their Language Arts program, and on occasion he uses tabloids for inspiration and a good jolt of laughter.

Chris lives near Armstrong, British Columbia. This week at our school, you had the best stories any newspaper editor could hope for. Just think of the headlines you could have had! Photocopier Goes Wild! This Week Origami! Next Week, Paper Airplanes? What Will They Do Next? Sing Opera? Tap Dance? Jeremy is a bit like that when he leaves his home in rural Nova Scotia and moves to Toronto with his mother. Lots of things keep him from enjoying his new life, but the worst is his science partner, Aaron, who is more annoying than sand in a bathing suit. Jeremy is also burdened by the secret he carries about the motorcycle accident that injured him and killed his father.

Although Jeremy is haunted by his past, he starts to feel at home in Toronto when he realizes he has some skills he can share with his classmates. And when his mealworm project yields some surprising results, Jeremy is finally able to talk about his part in the fatal accident. Anna Kerz loves stories that touch the heart and tickle the funny bone. She lives in Scarborough, Ontario. Collins said. His legs jiggled. He tapped his pencil on his desk. He hummed.

His head bopped from side to side as if he was hearing music. Weird kid, Jeremy thought.

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Why is she trapped in the eighteenth century? Will she be able to save this stranger? She writes fiction and non-fiction for children and young adults from her home in Ontario. This is her debut novel. She goes to school, roller skates with her best friend and enjoys her new baby cousin. And she is so looking forward to starring in the school play! But nightmares—and unanswerable questions—continue to disturb her.

War is declared, and the future of the whole world looks uncertain. Then her family is struck with another heavy blow: tuberculosis. Who will care for baby Saani? She now lives in Kelowna, British Columbia, with her husband and two children. New Juvenile Fiction Mystery and magic abound in this third book from the award-winning Grim Hill series. But even valentine hearts, pink frilly dresses and high school dances have a dark twist in the town with Grim Hill at its epicenter.

Cat unwittingly befriends the sweetheart fairy who works for a notorious banshee, intent on devouring the souls of young men to keep herself young. Author Linda DeMeulemeester has worked in the fields of literacy and education for many years, as a teacher and program adviser. In , she graduated from the Clarion West Workshop for writers of science fiction and fantasy in Seattle, WA, and has had several short stories published in magazines. Linda lives in Burnaby, British Columbia. Searching for clues, they discover that the new school custodian, Mr.

  1. Cobra Strike.
  2. Best Orca Sports Books of 2020 - Top Rated & Reviewed.
  3. RLT - Reformed Librarians Together : Cobra Strike (Orca Sports) by Sigmund Brouwer!
  4. ISBN 13: 9781551437255;
  5. Duffy, is somehow involved in these strange events. Finally Annie and Mike solve the terrible secret of the Graveyard Hounds—disembodied howls with the power to bring disaster on the entire town. April As a teacher and a principal in Vancouver, British Columbia, Vi Hughes has had many opportunities to sleuth out mysteries and share scary stories with students.

    The Graveyard Hounds is her first novel.

    Cobra Strike '17

    Some discoveries are comic, some are exciting, some upsetting, some sad. And some are puzzling. Consisting of word puzzles, a series of poems and a diary, this book will delight young readers and teenagers alike. William H. New lives in Vancouver, British Columbia.

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    His books have won widespread international recognition and, for his contributions in the field of Canadian writing, he was appointed an Officer of the Order of Canada. At first, not much changes. Soon, though, war starts taking things away: important things like neighbors and friends, trust and respect, even clothing, fuel and food.

    Through it all, Jan is still a boy, finding ways to play with friends and paddle his sailing canoe in the canals.