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The Bottomless Belly Button is a plus page comedy-drama that follows the dysfunctional adventures of the Loony Family. After some years of marriage.
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There is a scene late in the comic when the grandmother is at the grocery store, and the man in line in front of her gives her an angry look for not putting a divider between their items.

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It seemed like an outrageous response to a fairly common situation, and I This review is kind of like an "it's not you, it's me" break-up, because I should really acknowledge that Dash Shaw's The Bottomless Bellybutton represents a certain side of art-house indie cartooning that just doesn't resonate with me. It seemed like an outrageous response to a fairly common situation, and I realized that most of the world is angry or annoyed at the family that is at the center of The Bottomless Bellybutton.

As a reader, I should be sympathetic to their plight in the face of hostility, but truth is, I was angry and annoyed with them, as well. I didn't care at all if they got where they were going, and the book is way too long to put up with a group of people who the author seems to be telling us are really the source of their own problems.

For Further Reading

There was one nice moment I really liked, where Peter, a boy portrayed with a frog's head, reverts back to his real face for a moment, when he realizes his new girlfriend doesn't see him as a freak. It's very subtle, revealing that the reason Dash Shaw has chosen to draw Peter as a weird frogboy is because that is how he sees himself, but he's really as normal as the rest of them.

The book has multiple instances of characters having warped self-images, but this is the one place where it really comes through as something special. Overall, the cartooning is about as unappealing to me as the writing. It has a rushed, unfinished quality that grows tedious in the book's first couple of hundred pages. Given that the whole novel is pages, that's a lot of unattractive comics to plow through.

I suppose Shaw could be trying for what Douglas Wolk calls a "beautiful ugly" aesthetic, but for me he's way too heavy on the second half of that equation. Again, I'm more than willing to concede that all of this criticism stems from my personal tastes and is not necessarily reflective of the quality of Shaw's work. There are actually some very good, emotionally heavy moments in Bottomless Bellybutton that struck me despite my struggles to connect with the overall product.

Likewise, though I was originally going to complain about an ongoing annoyance with indie cartoonists being overly obsessed with urine, semen, and boogers, as I read, I saw that this was the low-end of a sophisticated thematic metaphor about the way the transmogrification of water is similar to changes humans go through over their life. In other words, despite myself, I get it; it's just that "it" is not for me.

View 1 comment. Aug 10, Brian Stillman rated it did not like it Recommends it for: jackasses with soul patches. Shelves: read Let's see This is the kind of stuff Daniel Clowes and Jeffrey Brown make sing.

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This does not sing. If Zach Braff were a graphic novelist this Let's see If Zach Braff were a graphic novelist this would be his output. All that would be missing would be the cd insert chockful of hipster montage music primed to manipulate the audience into emotions the visuals and dialogue fall short of stirring. Apr 22, Jeffrey rated it really liked it Shelves: comics. A huge thick book that maybe reads quicker than it looks it will, but undoubtedly will reward repeat readings Dec 26, Olavia Kite rated it it was amazing Shelves: english , comics , fiction. The characters are frustrating.

I loved the descriptions of visual details, motion, even colors or lighting.

Bottomless Belly Button

Those descriptions do not make up for any shortcomings in the drawings, because those are fantastic and lively in themselves. Mar 07, Sooraya Evans rated it did not like it. We follow a dysfunctional family in great detail as each member goes about his and her daily routine. Nothing interesting, really. This person masturbates. That person has sex. At a point, it gets very repetitive.

For Further Reading

For some reason, we had to see every single character take a shower. Aug 17, Brent Legault rated it it was amazing. The things that Shaw does with light, with water, with sand will confound your eyes and uproot your mind. There is detail here. Shaw has paid attention to it and so should you. Note the coming of dusk. Note the one "true" glimpse of Peter.

Note how the "x" marks the "spot. Shaw offers up a cacophony. A melodic cacophony.

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His is a noisy book. Floor plans. Cinematic scenes. I felt like I was watching a movie directed The things that Shaw does with light, with water, with sand will confound your eyes and uproot your mind. I felt like I was watching a movie directed by the protege of Wes Anderson.

A Week at the Beach, With a Divorce Imminent

Aug 15, Lars Guthrie rated it it was amazing. I've been having extraordinary luck hitting on extraordinary examples of graphic novels recently. Here's another one. The semi-primitive drawing and confessional tone put me in mind of David Heatley's 'My Brain is Hanging Upside Down,' although this is a full-blown, even epic narrative if a week with a dysfunctional family reuniting to inaugurate the parents' divorce can be epic in scope.

The weightiness reminded me of Yoshihiro Tatsumi's 'A Drifting Life'--some plus pages--a format that I've been having extraordinary luck hitting on extraordinary examples of graphic novels recently. The weightiness reminded me of Yoshihiro Tatsumi's 'A Drifting Life'--some plus pages--a format that is pure joy.

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If you want to go to another world for a few hours and learn more about your own, read this. I especially liked the use of language connected to image. For example a two-tone sunset popping with words--'purples,''pinks,''pinks,''purples,''pinks,' etc. The angle that we perceive from is hardly objective. It's a function of language and culture, what is said and what is not said. This fits in with the revelations about brain plasticity found in Norman Doidge's 'The Brain That Changes Itself,' and studies conduced by Standford psych prof Lera Boroditsky which suggest 'that the grammar we learn from our parents, whether we realize it or not, affects our sensual experience of the world' quote from an April 6 NPR story.

Bottomless Belly Button Digital Comics - Comics by comiXology

A provocative, revolutionary work based in the everyday and ordinary. Highly recommended. Aug 09, Jamil rated it liked it Recommends it for: Mary, Lindsey. Shelves: comics. It's almost overwhelming, but I totally ignored one of the caveats of this graphic novel and read all three parts all odd pages straight through early Friday morning.

Jan 18, Printable Tire rated it really liked it. The Bottomless Bellybutton is an absorbing mammoth graphic novel for a rainy day or two. There are some great "comic-matic" moments without dialogue and a great use of cartoon space, and a clever use of the lack of color and a fancy use of diagrams and letters and zany gimmicky stuff like that I usually really enjoy. Ultimately, though, there's not much substance to this big thing, a case of style trumping sensation in the end and by style I mean more book design than the actual art, which is The Bottomless Bellybutton is an absorbing mammoth graphic novel for a rainy day or two.

Cosplayers by Dash Shaw - video preview

Ultimately, though, there's not much substance to this big thing, a case of style trumping sensation in the end and by style I mean more book design than the actual art, which is fine at serving its purpose but not amazing by any regards. This book often seemed like the product of a talented but neophyte artist testing out the medium with the various tricks up his sleeve, but ultimately bereft of an interesting story that went anywhere or had anything original or interesting to say.