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Rafe, Earth soldier on a stealth mission at a disputed planet gets stranded alone on an island after a quick and devastating battle with the Silth, a feline ra.
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A senior U. So I wanted to meet him on our last trip, because I wanted to talk to him and ask him, O. Now the president wants to leave.

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How does it affect you? And we waited. We actually went off to do something else. And when we were on the road, driving in the opposite direction, we got a phone call and said, well, if you want to see him, come now. So we promptly turned the car around and drove out to a base that they have.

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And they sort of showed us where to park and brought us in and then took us into a little trailer with sort of some seats and carpeting. And I think it had A. And there he was — sitting there, wearing camouflage uniform. He was a fairly modest figure, quite soft-spoken. I noticed when I shook his hand that his palm was quite soft, which sort of taught me that he was not somebody who spends a lot of time holding a Kalashnikov and firing at the enemy, but somebody who was involved in much higher strategic matters.

And I sat across from him, asked him if I could record, set down my recording, and then we began the conversation. I mean, at that time, it was quite theoretical. Because Trump had said that he wanted to leave.

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And then a number of people in the administration had sort of talked him down and said no, this is a bad idea. You know, he sort of talked about it as in this partnership — was kind of keeping the lid on things. But there was a lot of concern about sleeper cells and about remnants of the Islamic State that were hiding out and just sort of looking for their opportunity to come back. I think he was quite concerned that if the U. And Ben, what is it about this man that would cause him to be seen so differently by the Turks than by the Americans? Well, part of it is that the United States history with Mazlum Kobani is very short.

The Turkish history with him is very long. And so we have to sort of go back and look at the much longer history, you know, of who this guy was and what he was involved in before he showed up as a partner with the Americans a few years ago. The Kurds are one of the largest ethnic groups in the world that does not have its own nation.

There are 30 to 45 million of them, mostly in Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria. They were promised their own state by Western powers after World War I, which they never got.

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And so the current borders of the region were drawn, and the Kurds were left in all these different countries. And so most of them have been interested in having some kind of Kurdish independence or an independent Kurdish state since that happened. In Turkey, there was a very strong effort by the state to try to quash Kurdish identity.

The Kurds have suffered repression, mainly in education and political representation in the country. They would ban teaching of Kurdish language in schools and other forms of cultural expression. And in the late s, there was a reaction to this. They became a military organization. They were basically an underground guerrilla organization that went to war with the Turkish state.

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And they would attack Turkish army vehicles, army posts, sometimes Turkish civilians. The Turkish Army would respond with raids and attacks on Kurdish villages. And it was just kind of classic insurgency and counterinsurgency. According to Turkish sources, up to , the conflict between Turkey and the P.

And so when Turkey thinks about the Kurdish issue and when they think specifically about the P.

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And the P. It now claims 50, members fighting for an independent Kurdistan. You have operatives who leave and set up bases elsewhere in the region. You have Kurds from other countries who sympathize with the movement and join. And this is where Mazlum Kobani comes into the picture. I mean, he goes by the name Mazlum Kobani, which is a nom de guerre. Mazlum is a nickname, and Kobani is the name of his hometown. When I asked him what his real name was, he told me it was Mazlum Abdi. Then if you go and ask the Turks, they tell you that his real name is Ferhat Abdi Shahin.

But from what you can piece together, how does he fit into this movement that ends up operating in this part of Syria? So I was very curious about his history. And when I met Mazlum, he was 52 years old. And I knew that he had studied at Aleppo University and that he had popped up in Syria in his late 40s. And so my question was, well, what did this guy do in the meantime?

Where was he? So I talked to other people in the region. I talked to the Turks, and I talked to officials in Iraq, who told me that, yeah, he had been very active in the P. He had joined when he was in university. I was told as well that he more recently became the head of a special operations unit that oversaw some attacks on Turkish soldiers. So this is how we get to this really fraught moment where the U. The Turks, when they look at this guy, they pay attention to what he did in the previous three decades, and how he was active in this organization that carried out a lot of violence in Turkey and received a lot of violence from the Turkish state, to be fair.

The Americans are not really interested in that. I mean, in , their backs were really to the wall.

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ISIS was expanding and taking over a tremendous amount of territory. It was terrifying people by beheading people on television. And, you know, they were besieging some of their towns. And they wanted to go in and slaughter all the Kurds because they considered them infidels. In that situation, they find out that the United States also wants to fight against the Islamic State. So they needed local partners, and they found this Kurdish militia. And the United States started launching airstrikes. This is really when this partnership was born. You had the guys on the ground, telling them where the positions were that needed to be bombed.

Kobani — that is the town on the Syrian-Turkish border, just on the Syrian side. ISIL fighters there, as you can see, bombarding the town. Shells —. In reality he is a puppet. The draft said that the conference, where the police and working miners were hissed and booed, had voted to back breaking the law. I was not referring to the trade unions, or other political parties, or anything of the kind. I was referring to those people who are the enemies of freedom and democracy itself. And in case anyone doubted me, they were there for all to see in Blackpool last week.

Week after week she used to tell me that the dispute was between the miners and the National Coal Board, nothing to do with the government. Soleimani directed the recent attacks on U. In recent days, he was planning new attacks on American targets, but we stopped him.

He should have been terminated long ago. By removing Soleimani, we have sent a powerful message to terrorists: If you value your own life, you will not threaten the lives of our people.

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