Manual A Summer of Passion, Love, Pain, and Happiness

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A Summer of Passion, Love, Pain, and Happiness offers a vivid account of the trials and tribulations that three successful single women endure in their quest for​.
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Think about all the hours you wasted plumbing the ocean-deep, ecstatic mysteries of human partnership when you could have been futzing around with that home-brew kit.

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Yes, this was worth it. The minute you start breaking it down, the message of "Don't Think Twice" suddenly starts to seem a lot less romantic. Like your sister's ex-boyfriend, who worked at the Bass Pro Shop in town for a while and now might be in jail. Like your aunt's wind chime store, which would have closed forever ago had she not received that inheritance from her mom in the '80s. Like your friend's cool dad, who wasn't exactly, technically , paying child support.

That's right. In addition to being a run-of-the-mill passive-aggressive jerk — turns out, he's also possibly a pedophile. Even if we are to accept that this is a metaphor and she's not actually a child — which there's no indication it is, but OK, Bob Dylan — the fact that Commitmentphobe Gunderson here would willingly choose an immature partner reflects way more poorly on him than it does on her.

Breaking up with anyone in such a cruel, dismissive way is a recipe for sticking them with years of therapy bills. Who has two thumbs and wrote a bittersweet folk song about hurtling through the stratosphere in a giant aluminum tube at miles per hour? This guy. And impressive in its loveliness because jet planes were still kind of new at the time it was written. To a modern ear, this would be sort of like singing, "I'm a scoooting away on my hoverboooooard," but in a way that's somehow still folksy and heartbreaking and singable by 9-year-olds at summer camp.

Not easy to do! You see — he hates to go! He just hates it!

The Naive Beauty and Pain

We know this, because he tells us he hates it. And why would he hate to go if he didn't love his partner just that much? See ya! All the plaintive guitar, loping bass line, and twangy, melancholy warbling in the world can only distract so much from the fact that the song's main character is well, kind of a jerkweed. And in reality — surprise surprise! All the movies I watched alone while you were home nursing the quadruplets.

All the times I drained our life savings on Zoo Zillionaire. All the random sex I had with other women.

13 Best Books About Love of All Time

Totally meaningless. Certainly fun to do! Really fun. Like, I had a fantastic time. But rest assured — completely empty, in an ontological sense. Yes, when you break it down, "Leaving on a Jet Plane," is less of a passionate tribute to love overcoming distance and more the deluded ramblings of a guy who needs to convince himself he's "good" despite all evidence to the contrary.

And for all he claims to be broken up about having to part from his one and only, the dude seems pretty excited about the flight. Oh, you're leaving on a jet plane , are you? Are you Zone 1? Gonna humblebrag on Twitter about the "terrible" Cibo express salad you were forced to choke down as you sat waiting to embark on your fun, mysterious adventure?

Ah cool. He'll think about her while strumming and making "my love is delicate as the morning dew" eyes at a waif-y grad student in the front row. That pretty much makes up for it all.

After all the betrayal and heartbreak, after basically revealing himself to be a grade-A sleaze who can't be trusted, he still has the gall to tell her to wait? To wait for him? Unlike all the previous trips, where he's cheated a billion times, drained the family bank account, and just been a general screwup and disappointment. Percy Sledge, having a few thoughts.

09 Made To Be Together - Trey Songz - Passion Pain & Pleasure

Sure, you can write the lyrics down, but it doesn't even come close to capturing the heartache. The yearning. The delicious, delicious pain-belting:. From the opening lines of "When a Man Loves a Woman," we know that, at least on occasion, a man loves a woman. Back up.

John Keats

A man, no matter how devoted, no matter how selfless, no matter how in love, needs shelter. Otherwise, a man will die of exposure and hypothermia. A man can't put up with that kind of isolating behavior. A man needs friends! Once a man's whole support system erodes out from under him, a man will be bitter, ungrounded, and alone.

And a man's mental health will deteriorate. This is not what happens "when a man loves a woman. An abusive woman. A woman who, in truth, only loves a woman. Side note: Lest it go unsaid, there is way more than one way for a man to love a woman. Maybe they spend every waking moment cuddling and bopping each other on the nose. Maybe they sleep in separate bedrooms. Maybe they dress up in large, plush cat costumes and refer to each other Mr.

And when a man loves a man, I imagine it feels much the same. Or when a woman loves a woman. Or when a gender nonconforming person loves a gender nonconforming person. Regardless of the depth of commitment, living situation, or combination of genders or sexual orientations, there's no one-size-fits-all love solution. Every relationship is a unique snowflake. Variety is the spice of life. Necessity is the mother of invention. There's more than one way to skin a cat. A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. It doesn't matter if it's the right metaphor, as long as it's a metaphor.

Point being: Generalize at your peril, Sledge. And please, seek help! You can do this!

Acknowledging Suffering

And if you ever find yourself in a similar situation, please give these people a call. This song is perfect. You should always be listening to it. If you're not listening to it now, smack yourself in the face and Google it.

Beyond Passion: The Science of Loving What You Do

It's just that important. I am singing the phone book. You are weeping like a tiny baby. Over pounding drums and a soaring melody, Heart sisters Nancy and Ann Wilson deliver a primal tribute to the one true romantic fantasy shared by every living being on Earth: picking up an unnervingly attractive man for one night of mind-blowing sex and then releasing him back into the wild to bone — but never quite as compellingly ever again. Counting the days since.