A Short Life of Christ (Highlights in the Life of Christ)

In this work Professor Harrison does not attempt to retell the events in Christ's life; rather, He combines history, biblical theology, and apologetics in his study of the significant aspects of Christ's life. Highlights in the Life of Christ Series.
Table of contents

His life is the pattern for Christian conduct 1 Pet. Thank God Jesus Christ is not only the standard of righteousness, He is also the source of it. He is both the pattern and the provision for the Christian walk. It was the death of Christ which saved us from sin in the past; it is the life of Christ which delivers us from sin in the present and future.

Orthodox Christians have taught much on the death of Christ although much more should be done , but we have not given sufficient emphasis to the life of Christ. It is in this study of the life of Christ that we shall learn more of our Lord as the pattern and provision for Christian living. Even a casual reading of the Old Testament leaves us with the impression of incompleteness.

That which God had promised, that for which Israel hoped, had not yet been fulfilled. Yet when we turn to the epistles of the New Testament, little is said of this kingdom. We read much about the church and little about Israel. Some have understood this transition to mean that God will fulfill His promises to the nation Israel through the church and that Israel as a nation has no literal earthly kingdom to which she can look forward. God will literally fulfill His promises to His people.

Our study of the life of Christ will help us understand just why this delay has occurred.

Series 3 - Getting to Really Know God...

First of all, we can now look back upon the Old Testament prophecies and discern two distinct lines of prophecy. One line predicted the first coming of Messiah as the suffering Savior, Who would forever put away the sins of His people by His death on the cross cf. Psalm 22; Isaiah The other line of prophecy foretold the kingdom that Messiah would establish after atonement had been made for His people cf. These two comings of Messiah were not perceived by Old Testament saints. We now understand because of the gospel accounts and their explanation by the Apostle Paul.

By His works, He validated His power and authority to make such a claim. By His teaching, He revealed that true nature of His kingdom. Most Israelites had a different kind of Messiah in mind, and a different concept of the kingdom. Consequently, they began to withdraw from Him and Jewish leadership quickly began to resist Him as a real threat to their aspirations. None of this caught our Lord by surprise, for the Messiah must first suffer before He could reign. Our Lord began to withdraw from ministry to the masses and pour His life into His disciples.

He began to teach the crowds in the veiled language of parables and to explain in detail only to His intimate followers and friends. He began to speak less of His earthly kingdom and more of His interim program for the church. He dealt less with Jews and more with Gentiles.

The Sources of Information About Jesus' Life and Ministry

Our Lord began to more openly and aggressively attack the Jewish leaders, showing their error and provoking their anger. He strategically retreated when things became prematurely volatile. He literally engineered His own death by the hands of His opponents. Jewish unbelief and rebellion brought about the death of Christ for the sins of men, whether Jew or Gentile. It also made possible the proclamation of the gospel to the Gentiles. It is not the Gentiles who must be saved by becoming Jews and thereby submitting to circumcision, self-baptism, and the Law , but the Jew who must enter by the door the Gentile Christians have passed through, the door of faith.

All of this fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies concerning Messiah. For this we Gentile Christians can greatly rejoice, for it has meant our salvation. I am well aware that many people sincerely believe that God has provided many ways to Heaven. If man were responsible for such matters, this might be the case. With Peter, John agrees: Jesus Christ is the most important person in all of recorded history.

When you stand before the judgment bar of God, God will not ask you what church you joined, or how many attendance buttons you earned, or how much money you gave, or whether or not you were baptized.

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Do you believe He died for your sins? To have Him, is to have eternal life. Perhaps my greatest struggle in preparing for this series in the life of Christ has been the decision as to how I should approach the study. Some have endeavored to deal with the subject chronologically, but there is little agreement on such matters, for chronology was not a great concern to the gospel writers. Others have approached the gospels harmonistically. Such a study seeks to look at the life of Christ through the eyes of the gospel writers collectively.

There is great value to such a study, but this would necessitate a lengthy analysis of the gospels. One Solitary Life - Anonymous Author He was born in an obscure village, the child of a peasant woman. Until He was thirty, He worked in a carpenter shop and then for three years He was an itinerant preacher. He wrote no books. He held no office. He never owned a home. He was never in a big city. He never traveled two hundred miles from the place He was born.

The Life of Jesus in less than 4 minutes

He never did any of the things that usually accompany greatness. The authorities condemned His teachings.

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His friends deserted Him. One betrayed Him to His enemies for a paltry sum. He went through the mockery of a trial. He was nailed on a cross between two thieves.

The Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ > Free Bible Study Guides

While He was dying, His executioners gambled for the only piece of property He owned on earth: When He was dead He was taken down and placed in a borrowed grave. All the armies that ever marched and all the Navies that were ever assembled and all the parliaments that ever sat and all the rulers that ever reigned - combined - have not affected the life of man upon this earth so profoundly as that One Solitary Life.

Good ref with maps and pictures from wiki. Just was born at an iffinte time, his works are lke no man has ever know, he is my conquer, my saviour, my delivered, he has protected me and my family and the world over , he has taught me to love and be humble at all times, even through trying times he is my healer my, master Jesus is not selfish he is not proud, he is nout boastful Love has no boundaries.

The day you were destined to come into this world you decided you couldn't wait. You were born early but not the way I wanted, you were still born. This week if you had of lived, you would have turned twenty, but it wasn't to be this way ordained by fate Still until this very day, your fate I mourn. Always a whole in my heart, an ache in my arms, for babes that were lost. Lost because of hypertension, definitely not a friend but a much dreaded foe. My heart, my very being ended up paying a tremendous cost.

Five more children suffered the same fate as you, I try to dry my tears, but they still continue to flow. Your brothers and sisters were lost to miscarriage, unlike them, I got to hold you. Just like any mother, I inspected everything including your fingers and toes.

Thomas Davis rated it really liked it Nov 12, Lyndsey rated it really liked it Jan 20, Duane Guthrie rated it really liked it Jan 12, Todd Hudnall rated it really liked it Jul 11, Shawn Michael rated it liked it Feb 10, Maurice Mickles rated it it was amazing Aug 18, Robin rated it really liked it Mar 18, Eric rated it did not like it Apr 17, Great book on the chronological aspects of Christ's life, ministry, and passion. Clinton Curtis rated it really liked it Jun 15, Cornwall rated it liked it Aug 17, Shop Leggett rated it it was amazing May 07, Jonathan Noyes rated it really liked it Mar 06, There are no discussion topics on this book yet.

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