Cancer for Christmas: Making the Most of a Daunting Gift (2nd Edition - Kindle exclusive)

In Cancer for Christmas: Making the Most of a Daunting Gift, Casey shares the questions she asked her d Paperback, pages. Published August 17th.
Table of contents

He unwrapped it to find a book titled: The Greatest Story Ever Told. He was eager to read it, but when he opened it, the pages were blank. Inside was a note from Eileen that said, "John, your life is before you. Fill these pages with kind acts, good thoughts and matters of your heart. Write a great story with your life. It made him want to be significant.

It inspired him to do whatever he could to make his life matter. Today Maxwell is recognized as the 1 authority on leadership, his books have sold 26 million copies in 50 languages, and his companies have trained 5 million people to be leaders in countries. He wants to give the gift that had such impact on him thirty years ago to others.

The scientific evidence behind why we should maintain a lifestyle more like that of our ancestors to restore our health and well-being. This disconnect affects every area of our lives, from our energy levels to our relationships to our general health. Only by using ancient evolutionary instructions to navigate modern life can we realize our true potential in everything including strength, health and well-being, intelligence, happiness, and more.

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A safe three-day cleansing and detoxification plan to rid the body of toxins, eradicate blemishes, reduce fine lines and create an even skin tone. All the current information on skin superfoods and nutritional supplements for anti-ageing andwrinkle fighting to enhance repair and regeneration of your skin cells, subdue inflammation and boost collagen production.

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People with various challenges in their jobs will find solace and advice. Every year more than , students from all around the world come to study in the UK - and the number is growing by 10 per cent a year. At present, most students coming to the UK have to rely on information from their friends, and brief leaflets and booklets supplied by universities.

This indispensable guide tells students all they need to know about Britain's higher education system: We have a natural tendency to see the best in things, to put a positive spin on situations and to err on the side of optimistic - we are a nation of wishful thinkers.

We are hard-wired to believe that if at first you don't succeed, try and try again. But hanging in there at all costs, and persisting no matter how many setbacks you face, is actually unhealthy and unbalanced. Give Up to Get On explains why quitting done right can be an act of self-assertion, a source of potential empowerment and a doorway to new possibilities. The most satisfied people know both how to persist and how to quit. They are flexible and adaptive to change. They know when to let go of unattainable goals and move on.

And when they do quit, they do so decisively - and set new goals without looking back. Give Up to Get On will teach you how to make quitting a thoughtful and intelligent decision, which will take you out of dead-end jobs, doomed relationships, and flailing careers. For many mothers, a child's senior year brings about a serious look back on the past eighteen.

Toni Piccinini knows exactly what that's like, and in The Goodbye Year , she offers the loving support every soon-to-be Empty Nester needs. Think of Toni as your bossy-but-loving Italian auntie, with modern sensibilities and a packed pantry. With the wisdom she's acquired from saying goodbye three times to her own children, she reassuringly holds your hand while encouraging you through the insanity of the college application process, the rejections and the acceptances, and the teary dorm drop-offs. Even better, she reminds every mother that the best is yet to come,freedom, creativity, flexibility, and the Me Years.

Has becoming a capable, poised grown-up turned out to be more complicated than you imagined? Because perfection's overrated anyway. Hundreds of thousands of people have read Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life to identify the things that are most important to them and give focus and direction to their lives. Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life for Teens finally brings these essential skills to teen readers, presenting a comprehensive acceptance and commitment therapy ACT , positive psychology, and emotional intelligence plan for moving past depression, anxiety, unhealthy behaviors, and simple self-doubt.

This engaging book follows the journey of the characters Jess and Sam as they learn to control their impulses and focus on becoming the captains of their own ship. Readers come to see their dreams clearly and take steps to make them happen, even though these actions may risk criticism from others and cause them to feel temporarily embarrassed or afraid. By learning that feelings do not need to be translated into actions, teens learn to see their lives in the long term and gain self-control and emotion regulation skills that will serve them well as they move into adulthood.

Our extensive network of local groups provides on-the-ground assistance to families, including financial support and advice, help with transportation and daycare, shopping and meal-planning, and all the many little things that become so difficult when a child is in treatment. For help finding a local group near you, we encourage you to visit www.

The first critical step in approaching financial planning for cancer treatment is to determine whether you have private insurance and if so, what parts of the treatment are covered and by how much, and what requires advanced authorization for coverage. The paperwork can be daunting, especially at a time when you are already trying to cope with the shock, disbelief, pain, denial, and sorrow that comes from the initial diagnosis.

However, there are resources available to help you, including the hospital billing office, where administrators specialize in helping families navigate through the complicated world of insurance payments, co-pays, authorizations, and other minutia associated with insurance coverage. If you do not currently have health insurance, there are still a variety of options to ensure financial coverage for childhood cancer treatments, including signing up for health insurance through your employer if offered, purchasing a private health insurance plan, signing up for a health plan offered through state marketplaces developed under the Affordable Care Act , or applying for Medicaid or other low-income health care assistance.

Some of the factors that you may consider while comparing different plans include:. You may also consider speaking directly to the hospital billing staff about coverage options and any discounts available to your family to help mitigate the high cost of cancer treatments. In addition to planning for the cost of treatment, there are a variety of additional, and potentially unanticipated costs that can easily accumulate unexpectedly during this difficult time. For example, you may need to plan accommodations for you and other family members when your child is undergoing his or her treatment, transportation costs, and child care for other children in the family.

Success stories

While it can be difficult to anticipate these auxiliary costs of fighting cancer treatment, taking the time to plan for the unexpected and relying on the support and advice of families who have been there as well can help mitigate the potentially high costs of helping your child fight—and win—the battle against childhood cancer.

Childhood cancer is an area of oncology that has seen both remarkable progress as well as substantial continuing challenges. While survival rates for some pediatric cancers present a story of success, for many types of pediatric cancers, little progress has been made. Many cancer treatments are known to cause not only significant acute side effects, but also lead to numerous long-term health risks and reduced quality of life.

Even in cases where the cancer is considered curable, the consequences of treatment present substantial long-term health and psychosocial concerns for children, their families, their communities, and our health system. To examine specific opportunities and suggestions for driving optimal care delivery supporting survival with high quality of life, the National Cancer Policy Forum of the Institute of Medicine and the American Cancer Society co-hosted a workshop which convened experts and members of the public on March 9 and 10, At this workshop, clinicians and researchers in pediatric oncology, palliative, and psychosocial care, along with representatives from the U.

In addition, parents of children with cancer and pediatric cancer survivors shared their experiences with care and provided poignant personal perspectives on specific quality of life concerns and support needs for children and families across the life spectrum. This report summarizes the presentations and discussion of the workshop. To download the full book click here. For a young child, just a routine check-up or basic blood test can be absolutely terrifying. But when a child is suddenly diagnosed with cancer and facing extended hospital stays and complicated medical procedures, both the young patient and his parents have to quickly adjust to the complex, scary, and strange world of oncology and advanced medicines.

The ACCO is dedicated to helping families facing a cancer diagnosis navigate this new and different world as comfortably and completely as possible, so families can focus their time and energy on comforting their child and making the best possible decisions for his or her long-term health and happiness.

Children and families coping with childhood cancer face a number of challenges in the days and weeks immediately after diagnosis. When first entering into the confusing world of a hospital for tests and treatment, the medical centers or hospitals can seem confusing and even frightening; even the hospital rooms may appear scary at times. Healthcare professionals, physicians, and nurses are always well-meaning and dedicated to the long-term care of the patient, but they have many questions to ask and a lot of information to share, and the process can be simply overwhelming.

Sometimes, it can even feel like the doctors and nurses are speaking a completely different and unknown language. But perhaps most frustrating is the need to handle financial concerns when all you want to do is comfort your child. Medical insurance professionals are available to help navigate through the paperwork and help you understand your coverage. In some cases, insurance companies may require advanced approval on various procedures and tests or may have queries related to payment.

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Most of the time children with cancer undergo treatment at large and advanced pediatric cancer centers located in major cities around the country. Treating adolescents with cancer presents a series of unique challenges for both medical staff and parents.

See a Problem?

Adolescents want to be treated as adults and may resist treatment and hospitalization in a pediatric unit. Yet in most cases, pediatric oncology units are still the best medical option for adolescents because their cancers are more closely associated with childhood cancers than adult cancers.

Many pediatric hospitals now offer separate areas designated for adolescents in order to accommodate their special emotional and physical needs. The American Childhood Cancer Organization is dedicated to helping parents understand, navigate, and master the complicated world of pediatric oncology in order to give their child the best possible chance at fighting, and beating, childhood cancer. If your child is facing a cancer diagnosis, we encourage you to visit our website at www. In the briefest space of time, in the time it takes to say just four little words, the normal, hectic, everyday life of a family can so easily be turned upside down.

The normal daily routine of the family changes overnight as families cope with the diagnosis, educate themselves on the best treatment options, comfort and care for their sick, scared child while still working, providing for their family, and trying to maintain a semblance of normalcy for siblings. Handling all of the dramatic changes that a cancer diagnosis requires needs support.

Most of this support comes from family members and friends who can supply meals, care for other siblings, transportation, and emotional support. At the ACCO, we are dedicated to offering support as well. We understand just how traumatic a diagnosis of childhood cancer is, and our resources are geared towards helping families navigate this difficult time armed with the information they need to make the right choices for their child and with tools to give their children comfort and succor as they face treatment.

In Cancer for Christmas: Making the Most of a Daunting Gift, Casey shares the questions she asked her doctors, what she did with the answers, and how she navigated surgery, chemo, and radiation treatment with determination, ferocity, and a large dose of humor.

Candlelight Christmas Kindle Edition

Fierce and funny, thought-provoking and inspiring, Casey's story of her journey to cancer free is full of insight In Cancer for Christmas: Fierce and funny, thought-provoking and inspiring, Casey's story of her journey to cancer free is full of insight into how to survive, and thrive, after getting life changing medical news. Casey supports the Save the Tatas Foundation-Imagine a world without cancer. Paperback , pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Cancer for Christmas , please sign up.

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This book is not yet featured on Listopia. So of course I think it's readable. Mar 01, Ted Kopp rated it it was amazing. I recently finished reading this book, which I had purchased a while back. I personally know the author — like her, I live in Richmond, Virginia, and she was kind enough to autograph my copy.

Also, I have a family history of cancer — among others, my mother and her mother both died of it. Last but not least, I got hit with Stage 2 colon cancer last summer, and the fact that I am a six-month survivor now, in remission, finally jogged my memory about this book! Now for the book itself — I liked mos I recently finished reading this book, which I had purchased a while back.

Now for the book itself — I liked most everything about it.