24 Declassified: Operation Hell Gate

24 Declassified: Operation Hell Gate is the first in the series of 24 Declassified novels. Jack Bauer begins a long day with a memory stick and a prisoner named Dante Arete. This prisoner leads him to New York City, where a rogue agent named Frank Hensley turns the FBI and the rest.
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24 Declassified: Operation Hell Gate

Islands Magazine - March A Year in Provence. We'd love you to buy this book, and hope you find this page convenient in locating a place of purchase. The broadest selection of online bookstores. The links will take you to the Web site's homepage. From there you can navigate to the title you are interested in. Interest-specific online venues will often provide a book buying opportunity.

Click here for a list of interest-specific sites grouped by category. If you are located outside the U. Within twenty-four hours a nightmare will be unleashed that could cause the death of untold millions and devastate a great nation. It's a plot being carried out by the unlikeliest of allies. A powerful mole within the deepest reaches of U. Intelligence has secretly conscripted the very criminals he's been charged with investigating -- former IRA terrorists, Latino and Asian gang members, Middle Eastern assassins and others -- creating one of the most insidious terrorist networks law enforcement has yet to take down.

One man stands between the destroyers and the death tide: But he's three thousand miles from the CTU command center without backup in a strange city, New York.

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He's been artfully set up and is being hunted by the FBI for the murder of two of its agents. And time's almost up. Thanks for signing up! We've emailed you instructions for claiming your free e-book. My mom actually picked this up for me as a joke because my friends and I talk about Jack Bauer being so extreme. So, needless to say, I didn't go into this book having high expectations.

This book definitely met, then blew away my expectations. I couldn't put this thing down! The book is a I'm pretty big on 24, I wouldn't say I'm an ultra die-hard fan that needs a 24 fix between seasons.

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The book is about a situation that happened well before Season 1, so I was sort of glad that it wasn't playing into the shows story-line specifically. The smartest thing this author did was have it take place outside of L. A, instead it was in New York City.

By the time I was reading this, it was around Season 3 or so, so I was pretty tired of adventures in L. It is written in pure 24 fashion with the the clock ticking away, exept for the "prologue" part, which was really cool to see used because that definitely helped set up the action in the book. The story was fairly well developed and had all the random encounters that Jack always seems to get into, such as the case with the Bar Fight scenario. The book didn't let up it's intensity in the least, and I even found it more intense than some of the later seasons!

This would have made an incredible season and it would've been great to see this. I don't want to discuss the story too much because, like 24, giving away too much ruins it for people. If you want a very exciting read then I would definitely recommend this. The only problem Cerasini has at this point as an author is topping this novel in the next installments!

I will say they brought Operation Nightfall into reality in comic book form, which was alright, but I want something bigger! However, at this point, I do look forward to reading the next novel! May 13, Josh rated it did not like it. You'd think an author who writes a book about a highly trained CTU agent wouldn't think a Glock can pass through airport security because it's "made of plastic".

There's more metal on a Glock than there is plastic. That statement is a basically a microcosm of how awful this novel is. Jan 18, Robert Garcia rated it it was amazing Shelves: The collection from this series is an easy quick read. The format is like the Television show, broken down into 24 chapters like each hour that passes and the flow of the story is smooth and action packed.

These kind of books are my sweet treat after reading some heavy reading before hand. I love that there are books that simply entertain me like this novel. Jun 17, Andy rated it it was ok Shelves: I remember reading this when I was huge on The book certainly has not stayed with me and did not keep me thinking afterwards but I remember it was a fun light read. I have not read any of the other 24 books since and can not see me doing so.

Apr 10, Nicole rated it it was amazing Shelves: As the story unfolds, hour by hour, we see the threat get more threatening from different character's points of view.

Operation Hell Gate 24 Declassified

Enjoyable and a quick read. Oct 06, Bryan Schmidt rated it really liked it. Well done, capturing the characters, pace, and tone. The definition of "paperback thriller", complete with purposely simplified plots, characters and prose, a steadfast pace and few reasons to obsess over. In short, the kind of book you'll read on a short plane ride or, heck, even waiting for said plane in today's convoluted air-travelling world , but not something that will occupy your thoughts much afterwards.

It must be said that this tie-in indirect prequel to the 24 hardly holds a candle to TV series up until season 6, that is; from then on The definition of "paperback thriller", complete with purposely simplified plots, characters and prose, a steadfast pace and few reasons to obsess over. It must be said that this tie-in indirect prequel to the 24 hardly holds a candle to TV series up until season 6, that is; from then on, it died pretty quickly , but I honestly can't fault it enough for that to give it a bad rating.

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I mean, the book accomplishes what it set out to do, and did not follow any pretense of being more than it was: For that alone, I must commend it; too many hardcover big releases get caught pretending to be much more than they are, this one's at least honest. And, truth be told, an enjoyable romp in the end. I'll keep on reading one of these books a month, see if they get better.

If nothing else, they provide a welcome change from my usual SF-F reading habits, so there's that at least. I stopped reading this book before and decided to actually finish it before I reviewed it. It's a decent read, despite the fact the author continually said ex-Marine there is no such animal rather than former Marine. I know a couple of them and one scared the life out of me when I said ex-Marine and he corrected me on that. As the author's blurb states he writes military nonfiction, he should know better.

Also, one thing both Tony and Jessica should have known, you never remove a knife from a I stopped reading this book before and decided to actually finish it before I reviewed it. Also, one thing both Tony and Jessica should have known, you never remove a knife from a wound like that. If an artery was hit, it acts like a cork. Removing it removes the pressure and the person will bleed out in minutes in this case.

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  • A fast, if problematic, read; a decent book.