Return of the Reptilians (Beyond 2012)

This latest installment of the Beyond Series further explores the . Return to Love (Beyond , #1); Return of the Reptilians (Beyond.
Table of contents

An interesting historical side note to this is that Terence McKenna claims to have been the first to acknowledge this conjunction of the winter solstice sun with the centre of the galaxy in print Jenkins acknowledges this in his book , pointing once again to the fundamental importance of his work in the development of the phenomenon. And taking a look at the original version of The Invisible Landscape , we find the passage McKenna is referring to on page Taking into account this phenomenon, McKenna speculates:. Because the winter solstice node is precessing, it is moving closer and closer to the point on the ecliptic where it will eclipse the galactic center.

This will occur sometime in the next years.


Although Jenkins carefully argues that this must have been the case, this notion is quite controversial amongst more traditional Maya scholars[73]. For the present study, however, verifying the scientific adequacy of his theories is less interesting than looking at the discourse that is developed around them, as it is the development of an apocalyptic narrative around the year that I am interested in. Echoing the counter-cultural ideology of the New Age movement, he explains his view on what awaits us leading up to and after the year On small or local levels of manifestation-in cultural revivals and in religious movement for example- the historical process of polarization has occurred before, but the era represents a global reversal.

This places the possibility of successful, positive transformation squarely in our own hands. What I suspect this is about is already underway- a shift from the dominator mode so characteristic of our civilization to a partnership style[76]. It does, however, indicate the possibility that the neo- psychedelic elements of speculation are moving more and more towards the foreground. In the fourth chapter of this thesis, I will return to this issue of the role of psychedelics in the development of the phenomenon.

A further catalyst in the popular dissemination of the mythology is the hugely popular television series The X-Files , which was originally broadcast from until The thematic of this series in many ways reflects the essential elements of the phenomenon: Ten centuries ago the Mayans were so afraid that their calendar stopped on the exact date that my story begins.

December 22, the year The date of the final alien invasion. Mulder can confirm the date. In this plot, we have a number of essential ingredients of the phenomenon present at once: Whether the occurrence of this prophecy in a series as popular as this was a reflection of its gaining currency in the countercultural milieu at that time, or that this series itself was an important factor in its proliferation is difficult to say. But considering the amount of viewers that must have seen these episodes, there can be no doubt that it brought the year to a much wider audience than relatively obscure esoteric books could ever accomplish on their own.

In this chapter I have attempted to trace the gradual development of an apocalyptic narrative concerning the year by taking a look at its most important literary sources. Their strange cosmology, in which DMT, psilocybin and human DNA are intimately connected to the revelation of a great shift in and the evolution of human consciousness, has served as framework in which further speculations were able to flourish.

Ever since I began my research on the phenomenon, I have been wondering if it is possible and necessary to conceive of a typological approach to this field.

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I think that although such typologies are always to a large extent artificial, they can serve as valuable heuristic tools that facilitate a better understanding of what we are dealing with. I propose to distinguish five ideal-typical categories of speculation, illustrate their basic notions as well as provide one or two examples of relevant authors and texts within each respective category.

Please keep in mind that these categories are only analytical concepts designed to organize an overwhelming amount of data, and that most of the specific instances of theory will fall into more than one of these. I am convinced this will become clear shortly. In that same book he first began to formulate his basic esoteric theories on the nature of time and the need for the Western world to change their time-keeping system in order to avoid catastrophe. To the contrary, as it seems that this type of speculation is flourishing at the moment.

The question these theorists ask is always: Changing this factor changes the manner in which people relate to the forces at work in the universe. Daniel Pinchbeck can be considered as one of the leading spokespersons of the imminence of a transformational event in the year of the present moment. He has been recognized as the successor to Timothy Leary and Terence McKenna as an advocate and theorist of psychedelic drugs.

After setting up a number of literary journals and projects, he published his first book in , entitled Breaking Open the Head: The book combines two narratives into a coherent and compelling story. In this book, Pinchbeck undergoes a remarkable transformation from an advocate of psychedelics and neo-shamanism to a fully-fledged prophet of an apocalypse in In the book he advances the thesis that.

By this thesis, the transition is already under way-though largely subliminally-and will become increasingly evident as we approach the year [91]. His basic theory is that the notion of apocalypse should be seen as a fundamental psychic archetype, the becoming-reality of which will lead to.

In the course of developing his argument, Pinchbeck weaves together his psychedelic experiences in this respect his is basically similar to Breaking Open the Head , philosophical reflection and a recurring fascination with the crop circle and UFO phenomena into what is basically a prophetic narrative. In many ways, this book recounts the themes we have already encountered when looking at his intellectual predecessors, making this publication an important source for insight into the nature of the phenomenon in general. According to Pinchbeck, he first began to have these experiences while participating in a religious ceremony of the Santo Daime Church[94] in Brazil in November Communications with this entity continued for a number of days after the initial contact, until a clear message had been received.

Although Pinchbeck has not yet officially published the entire message he received, he did post a transcript on the forum to his companion website[96] to his first book in November Three years later, Pinchbeck looks back on the incident somewhat humorously but eloquent as ever:. Quetzalcoatl-or whatever spirit, daimonic entity, or disassociated shard of my overwrought psyche had taken up temporary residence inside my skull-explained that he was an imminent field of mind, a new level of consciousness, linking sacred traditions with modern thought-streams, melding modern empiricism with mercurial realms of the soul and higher pirouettes of spirit.

The Plumed Serpent, winged avenger of Mayan myth, had chosen this moment to alight. I was a convenient reference point, a panoptic illusion, embedded at the necessary coordinates in our space-time matrix to transmit this noospheric news[97]. With yet another prophecy in place, the plot thickens considerably. In the next chapter I will have a word or two to say about the interesting connection that appears to exist generally between millennialism and conspiracism as it seems that in most, if not all theories there is an element of conspiracy theory, varying in scope of course.

Nevertheless there can be distinguished a definite type of speculation that is fundamentally concerned with the existence of a global and sometimes even cosmic conspiracy in connection with the year According to Icke, the year Different people put different time scales on these things, but they all agree on the basic period. In any case, it is clear that in , Icke saw no reason to jump on the bandwagon as of yet.

Either Icke became aware of an updated plot in the global conspiracy, or and this is much more likely he must have noticed the growing number of books and websites referring to the importance of , especially the new edition of the work of the brothers McKenna[] and their mathematical manipulation of the I Ching , which he mentions explicitly. Another theorists that falls within this category worth mention here is the Irish born Michael Tsarion , author of a number of books on ancient civilizations, divination and most importantly a very vocal advocate of a cosmic conspiracy against consciousness His work in many ways echoes that of David Icke, although he is perhaps wider in scope.

Your social structures cannot survive as they are now. You may like them as they are, but you cannot like the idea of a planet that is dead. That is the bottom line.

Starfucker - Reptilians - Music

These changes have to happen if any of you are to survive. This next type of speculation concerning often goes hand-in-hand with conspiracy theory, in that most of the authors who attempt to provide a scientific justification for the imminence of a great shift in use conspiracy rhetoric to explain why the secret scientific knowledge they have somehow managed to uncover has been hidden from the public. He is at once one of the most vocal and, admittedly, sophisticated of the many authors concerned with speculation regarding the events surrounding , and one of our most valuable sources of information regarding the various theories and sources that exist concerning One of the great advantages of having his research out in the open and available to us is that we can see very clearly how the syncretism of this phenomenon is working.

In the case of Wilcock, this happens on an almost daily basis, as new web links, visions and theories on are posted. In this sense he represents a relatively mature and sophisticated, albeit controversial and often obscure current within the phenomenon. Wilcock gained some international attention through his contention[] and of those around him that he is the reincarnation of the well-known American psychic Edgar Cayce and his until recently work as a psychic reader and counselor himself. The conversation that ensued neatly captures the important characteristics of this fourth type of speculation.

I will briefly go into all three aspects here. Who are we to judge them then? Their having been overlooked by mainstream, Western read: The knowledge they represent is actively being repressed and kept from us.

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Wilcock often posts links to newspaper articles or scientific journals which provide evidence for anomalous findings in various scientific disciplines, after which he skillfully places them in his wider discourse of Ascension in All such extraordinary changes, and many more are considered to be pointing towards the same apocalyptic event in Although the Mayan connection is pervasive in the phenomenon, a plethora of other alternative archaeologies are often used to back up theories concerning Various theories concerning the supposed ancient civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis, but also Egyptian, Mesopotamian and Judeo-Christian history are used to corroborate the theory; it seems that once you get your attention turned to the year as apocalypse, the evidence is everywhere to be found.

Wilcock himself aptly illustrates once again the syncretic and kaleidoscopic nature of the contemporary phenomenon, as we see in his work the interweaving of various discourses take place: Here, we are dealing with books and webpages not so much concerned with apocalypse in a literal or catastrophist sense, but mostly exhibit a version of New Age in a general sense , with an added emphasis on the nearness of the transformational event in In this sense, it is possible to see the phenomenon as a genre of contemporary esoteric literature and speculation.

Examples of these are widespread: In such works it can be seen that the year can indeed serve as a shibboleth of sorts, identifying oneself with a wider cultural, perhaps even political movement. In this chapter, I have attempted to sketch one possible typological approach to the wide field of speculation by distinguishing between five different speculative categories. In doing so, I have emphasized the epistemological aspects of those different types. Before moving on to the next chapter, I would like to make two final comments on my typology of the phenomenon. Firstly, most of the specific instances of speculation can be considered as hybrids of two or more of the categories distinguished above, so it will be difficult to find ideal examples in reality.

Secondly, I have to stress the fact that this approach I chose is merely one of several possible; it would be interesting, for example to differentiate theories by the specific nature of their apocalyptic expectancy, possibly ranging anywhere from mildly utopian to extremely catastrophist. In this chapter I will focus on three aspects of the phenomenon in general that appear to run as red threads throughout the entire field.

We have encountered all of these themes in one form or another in the previous chapters, while discussing the history and typology of the phenomenon, but in order to gain a clear understanding of the nature of this phenomenon it is important to treat these motives separately and make them explicit. After that I will reflect on the relationship that appears to exist between apocalypticism and conspiracy theory, of which we have seen ample evidence already.

Finally, I will point towards the importance of the events of September 11th, in New York and Washington and the changes in global socio-political discourse that ensued, in the current popularization of apocalyptic thematics and imagery in general and in the form of speculation in particular. Because of the limits on space available for this thesis, I will only be able to reflect on these topics in the briefest of ways.

I am convinced, however, that they can serve as valuable pointers for future research. An aspect of this historical period that has not been adequately studied is the role that psychoactive substances may have had in the religious imagination of that generation, and more generally: In examining a number of prolific representatives of the phenomenon, which as we saw can be seen as an apocalyptic or millennial framework for more and less esoteric speculation we have encountered several examples of experimentation with various substances.

Looking at the development of his controversial theories on the nature of history and the imminence of an eschatological event in , it is difficult to ignore the role of the psilocybin mushroom and dimethyltryptamine DMT. I would even contend that it is impossible to understand his speculations and worldview without taking into account their springing from an imagination set on fire by such psychoactive agents. On this festival you could find an eclectic mix of trance music, meditation and yoga classes and an atmosphere consciously created to facilitate experimentation with psychedelic drugs.

It is again under the influence of these agents that some of the most important threads in his neo-apocalyptic thought have come together.

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This often means that the use of psychedelics is actively encouraged as a means to make the necessary preparations. Through the conscious and pragmatic use of various psychoactive substances and neo-shamanic techniques we must become. By briefly pointing to this influence of psychedelics on some of the major theorists, I have by no means attempted to explain the phenomenon away.

It is merely one of several important constitutive elements in an increasingly complex field. I do hope that future research on the phenomenon will delve deeper into this connection between contemporary esoteric apocalypticism and the use of psychedelics that appears to exist. The more one delves into the labyrinth of prophecy related to the year , whether it be of the pseudo scientific variety, or of the explicitly prophetic kind, there is always one aspect that seems to remain constant: The fuel for all of these prophecies, speculations and revelations concerning the imminence of a great shift, whether catastrophic or glorious, whether ordained by greater powers or brought about by the hands of human beings, seems to be a very deep suspicion concerning the nature and foundations of Western culture late capitalism, military intervention etc.

And perhaps more importantly: Although it is difficult to say if and to what extent this attitude is dominant, it is quite likely that many of the contemporary authors and lecturers that include references to the millennial significance of the year are very much aware of the potency of apocalypticism in making people take a stand against a civilization that is perceived to be based on values that are fundamentally corrupt.

Back in , a Reptilian starship destroyed all lifeforms on earth except for one—a fertile immortal named Devlyn, who has been charged with repopulating the earth with Reptilian hybrids. Will he recover them? To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up.

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To ask other readers questions about The Queen's Lovers , please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Oct 24, Teresa rated it it was ok. The Queen's Lovers Author: Teresa Fallen Angel Blurb: Beyond series A continuation of the Beyond series. This book was purported to be an erotic sci-fi, but in reality was was mostly filled with erotic scenes with a brief sci-fi feel. Devlyn's sexual appetite was filled by controlling the men in her care so much that they had little will to oppose her wishes. Visiting to dust off my review after a couple of years.

I just found my way to Bag Raiders self-title album and it reminded me so much of the energy, vitality, and aural delights that I found on Reptilians years ago. Bag Raiders is far closer to Reptilians than the other Starf--er albums. There's something brilliant where they're listening, they're hearing something new, something cool, putting together something that has never been done before and will never be done again, and it's all happening here.

This is still the superior album but Bag Raiders was a pleasant reminder, a tickler, that Reptilians was out there, just waiting to be cranked up on a dizzying-loud system and letting your brain sparkle without drugs! Listen on a good car stereo on your way in to work, or with a good pair of cans or buds, and just rock out. This is amazing stuff that MUST be loud. It'll get your pulse going, great exercise music. And realistically, it will stand as sort of a unique pinpoint of distinct and unique brilliance for a group I just don't see carrying that level of creativity into future albums - a pinnacle that is unmatched in anything I've heard so far.

Please disregard that part of my original review and do not let it discourage you from enjoying it for these and other similar purposes. I have to bleep the name of the band, or Amazon auto-rejects the review I picked this album as the place to dive in based on Amazon reviews. You have to listen through a couple of times to get your head wrapped around it, but once there, you can't get back out.

I couldn't stop listening to it. This is high quality weird funky electronica. It starts with "Born", spunky, funky, washes you away with a whole wave of "wtf? It starts strong and stays strong. Get picked up with Born and twirl around with a kind of electronic hip-hop post-disco hurricane in Julius.

The disco vibe gets strong with Bury us Alive, blended with a fine contemporary indie lyric. Mellow the disco funk into the halting, pleasing, cleverly choppy-fluid title track. This album is peppy, it pops. GREAT music for getting you going in the morning. Great music to play in the car. Not great music to play for quiet concentration, like reading or studying - it GRABS your attention and doesn't let go.

This is NOT background noise. Now, having enjoyed this insane-yet-rational, tremendously clever production I was absolutely, involuntarily compelled to snap up digital copies of self-title and Jupiter, which are GOOD, worth having and enjoying, but found this latest effort also to be the best.

1. Introduction

There are a lot of common themes among them but for whatever reason, Reptilians seems like the most whole, most complete, most interesting, most engaging, well-constructed production. It really just hangs together the best. The point is, you can't go wrong here. I wouldn't even recommend listening to the previews Grab a copy, crank it up in the car or at home or on the MP3 player, make sure it's LOUD, and be prepared to be totally wowed! Kudos to the good people of Starfkr. Great music, great band. I don't usually give reviews. I bought this album totally pumped to listen to it and relax.

What I got was the opposite. The album itself was not delivered warped: I've always worried that getting albums shipped might cause them to warp a little, but that's not the issue. The problem is one complete side side B sounds like someone turning a tone dial up and down continuously, and it only gets WORSE as the side goes on. I can't even listen to it without getting a headache, and I can see my needle sliding back and forth.

I'm guessing that the pressing is just messed up. Until they have a new pressing, don't buy it. Excellent LP, comes with a neato groovy poster, and a lavender colored record. Obviously the music is great. Quintessential indie synth pop that I've been listening to since this record was released, back when I was just a young chap. Catchy hooks, sonically interesting, one of their strongest and more polished efforts.

One person found this helpful. I have not been so moved by a band as I have been by this band.