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Walking on Higher Ground and Awakening the Spirit Within: A Christian Student Athlete's Spiritual Journey Through the Doors of College and Beyond [Miguel R.
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Unsere Beauftragten untersuchen, ob die gemeldeten Inhalte mit den Richtlinien vereinbar sind und ergreifen ggf. Paperback, Seiten.

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Dieser Artikel wurde noch nicht bewertet. Versand nur aus Nordamerika. This Christian autobiography talks about the dream of a small boy to follow in the footsteps of his childhood role model to earn a full scholarship in college football. Everyday children are influenced by athletes in high school, college and professional sports. This book offers insight into the world of a high school and college student athlete. It shows that it is possible to make the right decisions along the way and encourages student athletes to become the role models this society desperately needs.

Maintaining a healthy and balanced diet is important for everyone, but if you are experiencing an awakening it is crucial that you nourish your physical body.

Symptoms of Awakening

Even though you are awakening to a higher frequency, you can also become a target to lower energies who may try to latch on and hitch a ride with you. Awakenings also leave you more susceptible to spirit energies and can stir up a lot of your own inner-demons as well. This can leaving you feeling more sensitive and vulnerable, which is why it is super important to protect yourself energetically. Keep your surroundings clear, clean and clutter free and sage your home regularly.

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You can also adopt these 9 protection practices. Awakening symptoms are important because they let you know that you are about to shift and change, however if you find your symptoms getting out of hand it may be because your are resisting them. Resisting change causes pressure to build and this can not only prolong the dark hours of awakening but it can leave you feeling depressed, anxious or overwhelmed.

When you feel the symptoms coming on, try to embrace them and let them into your life. Try to feel the changes on a deeper level and begin welcoming in the new energy.

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The more you get comfortable with this new wave of high energy, the more you are going to enjoy the process. It does take time and practice, but try to remain open to letting it in. Most importantly, remember that awakening is a beautiful thing and as the old energy dies off, the new can emerge, fully awakened.

Here is a full list of awakening signs and symptoms. Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats. Share this:.