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A recent multicenter study of more than 11, eight- and nine-year-olds, led by pediatric researchers at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, in New York City, showed that kids who had at least 15 minutes of recess a day even just 15 minutes! According to study author and developmental pediatrician Romina Barros, M. Barros decided to conduct the study after observing a young patient's classroom--to see how antsy the student and his peers were by lunchtime.

They were given no work breaks, save for 15 minutes of quiet snacking at their desks. Barros, who has two daughters of her own, one of whom is now in school. They were fried. Barros says. In addition to the mental pause, recess appears to be the most effective way to keep kids active. A study by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation found that 42 percent of the nation's schoolchildren get most of their total daily exercise at recess -- more than do so in P.

For sure, in light of America's childhood-obesity problem 17 percent of kids between 2 and 19 are obese , participating in recess is one of the few inexpensive, readily available opportunities we have to get kids moving.

Summary: How to Win Friends & Influence People

What's more, children who don't get recess miss out on valuable life lessons, according to Susan Ohanian, an education advocate and author of What Happened to Recess and Why Are Our Children Struggling in Kindergarten? It's barbaric. It's been quite a while since I've experienced recess, but I have incredible memories of my time on the playground: I loved playing jacks and Miss Mary Mack with my best friend, Stacey; I almost got my butt kicked in a schoolyard brawl with the nerdy girl, Kim; and the slide gave me the perfect cover for staring at and daydreaming about Sean, who I thought was the cutest boy, like, ever.

Most of all, I couldn't wait to feel the sun kiss my face as I soared higher and higher on the swing--a rare delight for this latchkey kid who couldn't go outside until my mom came home from work. Recess was everything to me. So, if research has proven that recess is good for kids, why are more and more schools eliminating it? Studies suggest that as many as 40 percent of schools nationwide have cut recess--citing lack of time, supervision, and resources.

Students most likely to get little or no time outside, says Dr.

In Cold Blood

Barros, are those in low-income, urban neighborhoods where play areas are scarce--and teachers are busy trying to raise their students' test scores to meet strict federal No Child Left Behind standards. Meanwhile, there are some parents who don't object to seeing recess go away. They often have less than fond memories of the playground, and are keen on sparing their children the bullying they endured. Our opponent now has a very accepting, open attitude.

Next time you find yourself in disagreement with someone, challenge yourself to get them to agree with you on at least two things before you each share your perspectives. Pointing out early on that you share the same ultimate goals will help start the conversation with a more agreeable tone. Most people who try to get others to agree with their perspective do too much of the talking.

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Instead, let the other people talk themselves out. They know their problems better than we do. We are often tempted to interrupt someone when we disagree with them. We must listen patiently and with an open mind, and be sincere in encouraging them to share their ideas fully. This principle helps in both business and family situations. Her daughter let loose the thoughts and feelings she had been bottling up - her mother never listened to her and always interrupted her with more orders.

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The mother realized all she had been doing was talking, not listening. From then on, she let her daughter do all the talking she wanted and their relationship improved significantly.

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Fight the urge to talk about yourself by learning to be comfortable with short silences in conversation. We much prefer to think independently, have autonomy, and act on our own ideas. We like to be consulted about what we think and what we want. So how can we use this to our advantage? Take the case of a man named Mr. Wesson, who sold sketches for a design studio. He failed hundreds of times in getting one of the leading New York stylists to buy his sketches.

One day, he tried a new approach. He took several incomplete sketches to the stylist and asked how he could finish the designs in such a way that the stylist would find them useful. The stylist offered his ideas, Mr. These skills will take time to develop, but will help you avoid conflict and get better results. Make a list of reasons that you want them to do it, and a list of reasons that they would want to do it. What if there were a magical phrase that would stop arguments, create positive interactions, and make the other person listen to you attentively?

Well there is. If I were you, I would undoubtedly feel the same way. If someone feels negatively toward us, once we begin apologizing and sympathizing with their point of view, they will begin apologizing and sympathizing with our point of view. Everyone wants to feel understood and have their troubles and opinions recognized.

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Use this to turn hostility into friendliness. Next time you approach a disagreement with someone, take a moment to imagine yourself in their shoes. If you were that person:. People usually have two reasons for doing things -- one that sounds good, and the real one. A person will recognize on his own the real reason he does something.

But all of us, being idealists at heart, like to think of motives that sound good. Take, for example, a landlord who had a tenant that decided he was going to break his lease four months early. The landlord could have handled the situation by pointing to their contract and listing all the consequences that would follow, but he instead had a talk with the tenant and said:. I sized you up when I first met you as being a man of your word. Take a few days to think it over, and if you still intend to move, I will accept your decision as final.

The result? The tenant concluded that the only honorable thing to do was to live up to his lease. Most people are honest and want to fulfill their obligations.

Professional and collaborative decision-making: A principals perspective

In most cases, people will react favorably if we make them feel that we consider them honest, upright, and fair. For example, most people aim to be responsible, fair, wise, and diligent. We make games out of chores so our kids will play along and find it fun to pick up their toys when they get to make a pretend train around the playroom. Carnegie tells a story of a salesman who walked into a grocery store, told the owner that he was literally throwing away money on every sale he was making, and threw a handful of coins on the floor.

The sound of the coins dropping got the attention of the owner and made his losses more tangible, and the salesman was able to get an order from him. Find creative ways to use showmanship in presenting your ideas. Could you include a funny video in your presentation? Or begin with a dramatic statistic to underscore the importance of your message? Most people have an innate desire to achieve. Along with that desire often comes a fierce sense of competition - everyone wants to outdo others and be the best.

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  • Frederic Herzberg, one of the great behavioral scientists, did a study of the work attitudes of thousands of people, ranging from factory workers to senior executives. He discovered that the one major factor that motivated people was the work itself. If the work was exciting or interesting, the worker looked forward to doing it. This is what every successful person loves: the game. We seek a chance for self-expression, a chance to prove our worth, to excel, to win. When all else fails in motivating your employees or your children to do something, turn it into a game!

    Offer a reward to incentivize your sales reps to bring in the most revenue for the month, or tell your kids that whoever picks up the most toys gets to choose the restaurant they go to for dinner.