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Tom Swan and the Head of St George Part Three: Constantinople. by Christian Cameron. A young Englishman, Tom Swan, is taken prisoner by the Turks in Constantinople and threatened with a life of slavery.
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A character so real and so complex you are riding along his journey, not at his shoulder, but in his skin. Christian Cameron's tireless search for knowledge and perfection of his understanding of every period he writes in, just makes the world as vivid fr me the reader as i suspect it is when the characters talk to him during the writing of the story.

I love the fact that these adventures will be coming out monthly but i lament the fact that there will not be a full blown series. As once again the writing astounds me. Very Very Highly recommended Parm Apr 23, S. Turney rated it it was amazing. I was hit by the freshness and difference of the first Tom Swan installment after the general available array of somewhat serious, dark historical fiction.

I had wondered whether a second installment might not live up to the first as it would lose something of that 'new' feeling. I was wrong. After a brief mental dragging through my memory to do a quick 'Last week on Tom Swan What the second part loses in novelty, I was hit by the freshness and difference of the first Tom Swan installment after the general available array of somewhat serious, dark historical fiction.

Christian Cameron - Author

What the second part loses in novelty, it gains in immediacy. There is no need to introduce the characters or their world, so you are dropped straight into the story and the action. In part two, at last, the relevance of the title is made clear and it has given me a strong indication of where the series is going. This short story is filled with duels and bribes, moneylenders and organised criminals, princes and liars, sea-battles and subterfuge.

It has it all. Moreover, the settings really hit me as the book is set in Rome, Venice, Athens and Constantinople, all places I have been and love, and can picture the scene perfectly.

  1. The Reconstruction of Georgia Studies in History, Economics and Public Law, Vol. 13, No. 3, 1901.
  2. Revived and Recently Created Orders of Chivalry.
  3. Transcript of Piece HO107/1911 (Part 4).
  4. The Exiles (The Exile Series Book 1)!
  5. Music in the Biography of de Hartmann in: Gurdjieff and Music.

The new characters introduced in this are excellent, and the book ends on a traditional serialised cliffhanger. I cannot wait to read the next installment, hopefully this week. I hope that Cameron's experiment with this serial has proved successful for him, as I'd hate to think there will be no more Tom Swan books after part Oct 19, Chris rated it it was amazing.

Beginning to like the Tom Swan e-reader series by Christian Cameron of which I already reviewed part 1 and II here on goodreads even more and more. It is really getting addictive getting your montly dose of Tom Swan I must say.

  1. Second Chance;
  2. If I Were Me (If I Were You Book 1);
  3. Sticker Collection Blue.

Part III. This time: Dashing action in Constantinople. Tom the adventurer in all his youthful enthousiasm gets himself into big trouble with the Turks, but the wily and ingenious fox and true survivalist he is, he wrongfoots the opposition, meets new friends, Beginning to like the Tom Swan e-reader series by Christian Cameron of which I already reviewed part 1 and II here on goodreads even more and more.

Tom the adventurer in all his youthful enthousiasm gets himself into big trouble with the Turks, but the wily and ingenious fox and true survivalist he is, he wrongfoots the opposition, meets new friends, does some discoveries, runs a few secret agendas of his own on the side, and comes out of the whole turmoil pretty much unscathed.

Adding in that process yet again a couple deadly enemies who are after his blood to the list. Great scenery which also involves the constantinople sewers. And again some brilliant fighting scenes. Part III ends with Tom escaping Constantinople, but far from being out of danger, the Turks are hot on his tail again Can't wait for part 4. Tom Swan- my hero!! Gran, gran novella.

Cornwall Online Census Project, transcript of Piece HO/(4)

May 28, Rob rated it really liked it Shelves: historical-fiction , medieval. Tom Swan conquers Constantinople. The cliffhanger from book 2 is resolved right away in the first section of book 3.

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The one is a shorter story, but action packed. Good for a longer domestic flight. And if you don't finish, you will later that night from your hotel room. Dec 22, Arun rated it it was amazing Shelves: historic-fiction. This is the part where the series becomes light-read action and adventure.

Tom Swan becomes an almost immortal hero, creating enemies in Turkey, the fiercest the form of Sultan. Totally enjoyable.


Nov 09, Barry rated it it was amazing Shelves: read-reviewed Couldn't wait to start it and now sadly I've finished it. Terrific stuff. Each part just gets stronger and better. Where oh where is the next installment? James Nevin, Andrew Risk, Esq. George Franklin, Rector of Kildimo, county Limerick. Newport Bleach Yard Thomas SHEPPARD returns his sincere thanks to his friends and the Publick, for their favours last Season, and as he has taken care of everything necessary for carrying on the said Business, the ensuing Season, hopes for continuance of their custom, as particular care will be taken to have them done to their Satisfaction.

On the 18th inst. Franklin, Edward Gregory Leeson, Esq. On Fridy evening, Mr. John COLLINS, a most inoffensive man was wantonly attacked at the race course of Newcastle, by two men of this city, who beat hime in such a manner, as to cause his skull to be fractured, but from the timely assistance , and persevering attention of Surgeon FRANKLIN, there is every hopes of his speedy recovery. On their sppearance they were attacked by a violent mob of near persons, who beat them most desparately, previously swearing them never to come again on such an errand.

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QUAINE, besides receiving several wounds on his body, had his skull dangerously fractured; the other two were also severely beaten. Coroner, held an inquest on the body of Mr. Were admitted and sworn attornies of his Majesty's Court of Exchequer. On the 2d inst.

  1. Crack Western #81 - Version 1;
  2. I Took a Lickin and Kept on Ticking (And Now I Believe in Miracles).
  3. Tom Swan and the Head of St George Series.
  4. Order of Christian Cameron Books.

Mooney, Esq. Fraser, on the half pay of the Royal Artillery. Doctor Frazer served for many years in that distinguished corps, of which four were campaigns in the Peninsula, one in America, and one in France. He was beloved and respected by all ranks of officers for his amiable social qualities, and high professional talent. His premature death will be by none more deeply regretted than by such of his military comrades as had the pleasure and benefit of his acquaintance. He had lately resided at Moate, in this Co.

On the 31st ult. On the 20th instant, in Dublin, Samuel Buchanan, Esq. On the 26th inst. Thomas Gamble. On the 5th inst. Frazer, of the 7th Hussars, second son of the late Sir W. Frazer, Bart.