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The Three and The Two is an album by drummer Shelly Manne, also featuring multi-instrumentalist Jimmy Giuffre, pianist Russ Freeman, and trumpeter Shorty  Recorded‎: ‎"The Three" September 10, ; ".
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New centuries are read as whole numbers of hundreds. We do not use the word "thousand", at least not for reading years within the past years. Years that have just three digits can be read as a three digit number, or as a one digit number followed by a two-digit number. Years that are a two digit number are read as a whole number.

Two out of three wild poliovirus strains eradicated – GPEI

You can precede any year by the words "the year" to make your meaning clear, and this is common for two and three digit years. Years before the year 0 are followed by BC, pronounced as two letters of the alphabet. There are several ways to pronounce the number 0, used in different contexts. Unfortunately, usage varies between different English-speaking countries. These pronunciations apply to American English.

Skip to main content. English grammar Determiners Quantifiers. Numbers in English.

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He was the fourteenth person to win the award. Six hundred thousand people were left homeless after the earthquake. I must have asked you twenty times to be quiet. Five pregnancies, three live births. But these numbers do not tell the whole story, either about my health or about the gap between births Nos.

Meat Loaf - Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad (PCM Stereo)

And it is in the delta between all these numbers along with the answer to the question left out—namely, how many of those pregnancies were planned? The day when you find yourself six weeks pregnant at the age of 17, as I did, is not a joyous day, particularly after doing all the right things, birth-control-wise, including getting yourself fitted for a diaphragm at Planned Parenthood.

Three Children, Two Abortions

You would you know, even then cause permanent emotional damage to a child, in not wanting to have one, never mind that you have neither the skills nor the means to raise one properly. Plus, raising a baby in a freshman dorm was never part of your plan.

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And adoption—for you, personally—is out of the question. Your parents drive you to the abortion clinic in Maryland.

But not one of those tears can be traced back to shame or to regret over the decision to abort the minuscule embryo of cells inside you. Fast-forward from to You are now 34, married, and the mother of two planned children, ages 5 and 3. You love your children! They say funny things and bring you untold joy. America: a country where pro-life actually means pro-blastula, pro-embryo, and pro-fetus, not pro-baby. You know what pro-life policies actually look like? Universal health care, so all women could afford prenatal doctor visits and the birth itself; paid maternity and paternity leaves, to allow parents to actually care for a living baby without emptying their bank accounts; subsidized daycare, so parents could go to work without paying all or most of their income to private babysitters; and a school day that hews closer to the workday, not to some outmoded agrarian schedule designed to get kids home in time to harvest crops.

You argue with your spouse about the gross inequity in domestic responsibilities as well as about more pressing relational issues. You are worried that your discord is affecting the children.

But then, one day, you wake up and realize your period is late. Apparently, seeing an embryo next to an IUD in a sonogram is a rare enough occurrence that the entire ultrasound office is called into your examining room to bear witness. While the ultrasound technicians and medical students ooh and aah over the image on the screen, your mind races over this unplanned turn of events.

Should you have this baby or not?

Markus Lüpertz: Four To Three To Two

She lays out the facts clinically, without emotion: The IUD has to come out, a procedure that often dislodges an embryo. That seals it for you. You would never knowingly bring a baby into the world who had possible deformations and disabilities from the start, never mind everything else going on at home. The marriage is teetering, imbalanced. A new baby, with or without disabilities, would be the final thumb on the scale.

There are three individual and immunologically-distinct wild poliovirus strains: wild poliovirus type 1 WPV1 , wild poliovirus type 2 WPV2 and wild poliovirus type 3 WPV3. Symptomatically, all three strains are identical, in that they cause irreversible paralysis or even death.

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But there are genetic and virologic differences which make these three strains three separate viruses that must each be eradicated individually. WPV3 is the second strain of the poliovirus to be wiped out, following the certification of the eradication of WPV2 in The last case of WPV3 was detected in northern Nigeria in Investments in skilled workers, innovative tools and a global network of laboratories have helped determine that no WPV3 exists anywhere in the world, apart from specimens locked in secure containment.

This virus remains in circulation in just two countries: Afghanistan and Pakistan. We cannot stop our efforts now: we must eradicate all remaining strains of all polioviruses. Although the region is affected by circulating vaccine-derived polioviruses, which must urgently be stopped, it does appear as if the continent is free of all wild polioviruses, a tremendous achievement.

Eradicating WPV3 proves that a polio-free world is achievable. Key to success will be the ongoing commitment of the international development community.