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To be specific, the cry of the Amazon speaks to us of struggles against those who want to destroy the life as conceived integrally. Such forces are guided by an economic model linked to production, commerce and consumption, where the maximization of profit takes priority over human and environmental needs.

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In other words, the struggles oppose those who do not respect human rights and the rights of nature in the Amazon. LS 22 , especially among young people. Life is linked and integrated into the territory, so the defence of life is the defence of the territory, there is no separation between the two aspects. The massive felling of trees, the extermination of the tropical forest by intentional forest fires, the expansion of the agricultural frontier and monocultures are the cause of the current regional climate imbalances, with obvious effects on the global climate, with planetary dimensions such as great droughts and increasingly frequent floods.

Creation is presented in the book of Genesis as a manifestation of life, sustenance, possibility and limit. In the first account Gn a the human being is invited to relate to creation in the same way as God does. The challenge presented is great: How to recover the Amazon territory, rescue it from neocolonial degradation and restore its authentic and healthy well-being? To the aboriginal communities we owe their thousands of years of care and cultivation of the Amazon. In their ancestral wisdom they have nurtured the conviction that all of creation is connected, and this deserves our respect and responsibility.

The culture of the Amazon, which integrates human beings with nature, constitutes a benchmark for building a new paradigm of integral ecology. The Church should assume in its mission the care for our common home:.

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In the Amazon territory, according to data from specialized Church institutions e. They live on the margins of society or in sporadic contact with it. These peoples live in deep connection with nature. Many of them have chosen to isolate themselves because they previously suffered traumas; others have been violently pushed aside by the economic exploitation of the Amazon. The PIAVs resist the current model of predatory, genocidal and ecocidal economic development, opting for captivity in order to live in freedom cf.

PIAVs are vulnerable to threats from agro-industrial enterprises and from those who clandestinely exploit minerals, timber and other natural resources. They are also victims of drug trafficking, infrastructural mega-projects like hydroelectric dams and international highways, and illegal activities linked to the extractivist development model. The risk of violence against women of these villages rose due to the presence of settlers, loggers, soldiers, and employees of resource industries, most of them men.

Such violence and discrimination severely threatens the physical, spiritual and cultural survival of these indigenous peoples. Add to this the lack of recognition of the territorial rights of indigenous peoples and of the PIAVs. Criminalizing their allies for their protests and cutting budgets meant to protect their lands make it even easier to invade their territories, thus further threatening their vulnerable lives.

In view of this dramatic situation, and hearing such cries of the earth and of the poor cf. LS 49 , it would be opportune to:.

Pan-Amazon Synod. The Working Document for the Synod of Bishops

Governments must implement all measures necessary to protect their physical integrity and that of their territories, based on the precautionary principle, or other protection mechanisms in accordance with international law, such as the specific Recommendations defined by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights IACHR of the OAS and contained in the last chapter of the report, Indigenous peoples in voluntary isolation and initial contact in the Americas It is also necessary to guarantee their freedom to abandon their isolation when they so desire.

In the Amazon, migration in search of a better life has been a historical constant. It is like a pendulum of coming and going, [25] of forced displacement within the same country and abroad, of voluntary migration from rural areas to the cities as well as international migration. This transhumance [26] in the Amazon has not been well understood or sufficiently worked out from the pastoral point of view. They come in search of a better future for themselves and their families.

They abandon poor, yet worthy lives.

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Many of them, in the hope that certain jobs will bring an end to their precarious situations, are drawn by the promising allure of gold mining. But let us not forget that gold can turn into a false god which demands human sacrifices. The Amazon is among the regions with the highest levels of internal and international mobility in Latin America. The causes are socio-political, climatic and economic as well as ethnic persecution. The economic ones are mostly induced by political projects, mega-projects and extraction companies, which attract workers but at the same time expel the inhabitants of the affected areas.

Such migrations occur between countries of the Amazon such as the growing wave of migration from Venezuela or to other regions e.

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The phenomenon of migration, neglected both politically and pastorally, has contributed to social destabilization in the communities of the Amazon. This has led many people to wander about and sleep in downtown areas, without work, without food, without shelter. Many of these belong to the indigenous peoples forced to abandon their lands.

They are the destiny to which people turn after having been evicted from their territories. The city must be understood according to this model of exploitation: to empty the territories in order to appropriate them, to displace the populations and expel them into the city.

Young people also move in search of employment or underemployment to help maintain what is left of the family, abandoning their primary education and enduring all kinds of abuse and exploitation. In many regions of the Amazon, these young people are victims of drug trafficking, human trafficking or prostitution male and female. The neglect of governments with regard to implementing quality public policies in the interior, mainly in education and health, allows this process of mobility to accelerate every day.

Although the Church has accompanied this migratory flow, pastoral gaps remain in the interior of the Amazon region that need to be addressed. What do migrants expect from the Church? How can we help them more effectively? How can we promote integration between migrants and the local community? All this will require preparation of the head and heart of pastoral agents in order to face this critical situation.

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The problem of migration needs to be dealt with in a coordinated manner, especially by churches on the border. Despite speaking today of the Amazon as the lung of the planet cf. LS 38 and the breadbasket of the world, the devastation of the region and poverty have caused a great displacement of the population in search of a better life.

As the number of cities increases, the number of inhabitants in rural populations decreases. However, the question of urbanization encompasses not only the displacement of people and the growth of cities, but also the transmission of a particular metropolitan lifestyle. Its pattern reaches into the rural world, modifying habits, customs, and traditional ways of living.

Culture, religion, the family, the education of children and youth, employment and other aspects of life change rapidly to respond to the new calls from the city. Introducing the Amazon into the globalized market produced more exclusion, as well as an urbanization of poverty. According to the responses to the Preparatory Document Questionnaire, the main problems that have arisen with urbanization are the following:.

A cosmic dimension of experience cosmovivencia palpitates within the families.

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  6. It draws on age-old traditional knowledge and practices in different fields such as agriculture, medicine, hunting and fishing, in harmony with God, nature and the community. In short, the family is where one learns to live in harmony: between peoples, between generations, with nature, in dialogue with the spirits. The family in the Amazon has been a victim of colonialism in the past and of neo-colonialism in the present.

    Today, the imposition of a western extractivist economic model once again affects families by invading and destroying their lands, their cultures and their lives, forcing them to emigrate to the cities and their peripheries. The current accelerating changes affect the family in the Amazon.

    Thus we find new family structures: single-parent families headed by a woman; an increase in separated families, consensual unions and assembled families; and fewer institutional marriages.

    Amazonia: New Paths for the Church and for an Integral Ecology

    In addition, one still finds women being subjugated within the family, while family violence, absentee parents, teenage pregnancies and abortions are on the rise. The family in the city is a place of synthesis where traditional and modern cultures meet. However, families often suffer from poverty, precarious housing, lack of work, increased consumption of drugs and alcohol, discrimination and juvenile suicide. In addition, there is a lack of dialogue between generations in families; traditions and language are lost.

    Families also face new health problems; there is a need for adequate education about motherhood.

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    One also finds a lack of attention to women in pregnancy and the pre-partum and post-partum phases. The Pan-Amazon is abundantly multicultural, therefore the greatest contribution is to continue fighting to preserve its beauty by strengthening the community-family structure of its peoples. To this end, the Church must value and respect cultural identities. In particular, it should:. Women must assume a leadership role within the Church. A family pastoral ministry of integral accompaniment, which does not exclude the wounded family.

    A sacramental pastoral ministry that strengthens and comforts everyone and excludes no one. Ongoing formation of pastoral agents that takes into account the recent synods and the realities of Amazon families.