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The serpent that tempted Eve was interpreted by some to have been Satan, or that Satan was using a serpent as a mouthpiece, although there.
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The Primeval History forms the opening chapters of the Torah , the five books making up the history of the origins of Israel. This achieved something like its current form in the 5th century BCE, [27] but Genesis shows little relationship to the rest of the Bible: [28] for example, the names of its characters and its geography - Adam man and Eve life , the Land of Nod "Wandering" , and so on - are symbolic rather than real, [29] and almost none of the persons, places and stories mentioned in it are ever met anywhere else. It was also recognized in ancient Judaism , that there are two distinct accounts for the creation of man.

The first account says "male and female [God] created them", implying simultaneous creation, whereas the second account states that God created Eve subsequent to the creation of Adam.

Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden - Bible Story

The Midrash Rabbah — Genesis VIII:1 reconciled the two by stating that Genesis one, "male and female He created them", indicates that God originally created Adam as a hermaphrodite , [34] bodily and spiritually both male and female, before creating the separate beings of Adam and Eve. Other rabbis suggested that Eve and the woman of the first account were two separate individuals, the first being identified as Lilith , a figure elsewhere described as a night demon. In Reform Judaism , Harry Orlinsky analyzes the Hebrew word nefesh in Genesis where "God breathes into the man's nostrils and he becomes nefesh hayya.

He points out that "nefesh" signifies something like the English word "being", in the sense of a corporeal body capable of life; the concept of a " soul " in the modern sense, did not exist in Hebrew thought until around the 2nd century B. Some early fathers of the Christian church held Eve responsible for the Fall of man and all subsequent women to be the first sinners because Eve tempted Adam to commit the taboo. Medieval Christian art often depicted the Edenic Serpent as a woman often identified as Lilith , thus both emphasizing the serpent's seductiveness as well as its relationship to Eve.

Several early Church Fathers , including Clement of Alexandria and Eusebius of Caesarea , interpreted the Hebrew "Heva" as not only the name of Eve, but in its aspirated form as "female serpent.

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Based on the Christian doctrine of the Fall of man , came the doctrine of original sin. St Augustine of Hippo — , working with a Latin translation of the Epistle to the Romans , interpreted the Apostle Paul as having said that Adam's sin was hereditary: "Death passed upon [i. This doctrine became a cornerstone of Western Christian theological tradition, however, not shared by Judaism or the Orthodox churches. Over the centuries, a system of unique Christian beliefs had developed from these doctrines. Baptism became understood as a washing away of the stain of hereditary sin in many churches, although its original symbolism was apparently rebirth.

Adam and Eve - Wikipedia

Additionally, the serpent that tempted Eve was interpreted to have been Satan , or that Satan was using a serpent as a mouthpiece , although there is no mention of this identification in the Torah and it is not held in Judaism. Conservative Protestants typically interpret Genesis 3 as defining humanity's original parents as Adam and Eve who disobeyed God's prime directive that they were not to eat "the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil" NIV.

When they disobeyed, they committed a major transgression against God and were immediately punished, which led to " the fall " of humanity. Thus, sin and death entered the universe for the first time.

Who Tempted Adam and Eve to Sin?

Adam and Eve were ejected from the Garden of Eden, never to return. Gnostic Christianity discussed Adam and Eve in two known surviving texts, namely the " Apocalypse of Adam " found in the Nag Hammadi documents and the Testament of Adam. The creation of Adam as Protoanthropos , the original man, is the focal concept of these writings. Another Gnostic tradition held that Adam and Eve were created to help defeat Satan. The serpent, instead of being identified with Satan, is seen as a hero by the Ophites. Still other Gnostics believed that Satan's fall, however, came after the creation of humanity.

As in Islamic tradition, this story says that Satan refused to bow to Adam due to pride. Satan said that Adam was inferior to him as he was made of fire, whereas Adam was made of clay. This refusal led to the fall of Satan recorded in works such as the Book of Enoch. In al-Qummi's tafsir on the Garden of Eden , such place was not entirely earthly. As a result, they were both sent down to Earth as God's representatives. Each person was sent to a mountain peak: Adam on al-Safa , and Eve on al-Marwah.

In this Islamic tradition, Adam wept 40 days until he repented, after which God sent down the Black Stone , teaching him the Hajj. There is also a legend of a younger son, named Rocail, who created a palace and sepulcher containing autonomous statues that lived out the lives of men so realistically they were mistaken for having souls. The concept of "original sin" does not exist in Islam , because according to Islam Adam and Eve were forgiven by God.

I am made of pure fire and he is made of soil. In Swahili literature , Eve ate from the forbidden tree, thus causing her expulsion, after being tempted by Iblis. Thereupon, Adam heroically eats from the forbidden fruit in order to follow Eve and protect her on earth.

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While a traditional view was that the Book of Genesis was authored by Moses and has been considered historical and metaphorical, modern scholars consider the Genesis creation narrative as one of various ancient origin myths. Analysis like the documentary hypothesis also suggests that the text is a result of the compilation of multiple previous traditions, explaining apparent contradictions. With scientific developments in paleontology, geology, biology and other disciplines, it was discovered that humans, and all other living things, share the same common ancestor which evolved through natural processes, over billions of years to form the life we see today.

In biology the most recent common ancestors , when traced back using the Y-chromosome for the male lineage and mitochondrial DNA for the female lineage, are commonly called the Y-chromosomal Adam and Mitochondrial Eve , respectively.

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These do not fork from a single couple at the same epoch even if the names were borrowed from the Tanakh. John Milton 's Paradise Lost , a famous 17th-century epic poem written in blank verse , explores and elaborates upon the story of Adam and Eve in great detail. As opposed to the Biblical Adam, Milton's Adam is given a glimpse of the future of mankind, by the archangel Michael , before he has to leave Paradise.

The Temptation of Adam

Moore 's story Fruit of Knowledge is a re-telling of the Fall of Man as a love triangle between Lilith , Adam and Eve — with Eve's eating the forbidden fruit being in this version the result of misguided manipulations by the jealous Lilith, who had hoped to get her rival discredited and destroyed by God and thus regain Adam's love. They even assist Him in naming the animals. When Eve is tempted by the serpent and eats the forbidden fruit, Father makes Adam choose between Him and Eden, or Eve.

Adam chooses Eve and eats the fruit, causing Father to banish them into the wilderness and destroying the Tree of Knowledge, from which Adam carves a staff. Eve gives birth to Cain and Abel, and Adam forbids his children from going beyond the waterfall in hopes Father will forgive them and bring them back to Eden.

When Cain and Abel grow up, Cain breaks his promise and goes beyond the waterfall, finding the giant stones made by other humans, which he brings the family to see, and Adam reveals his discovery from the past: during their infancy, he discovered these humans, but had kept it secret. He tries to forbid Cain from seeking them out, which causes Cain to become enraged and he tries to attack Adam, but instead turns his rage to Abel when he tries to stop him and kills him.

Later, when an elderly Eve tries to speak to Father, she tells how Adam continually looked for Cain, and after many years, he dies and is buried underneath the waterfall. Eve also gave birth to Seth, which expanded hers and Adam's generations.

Why not a serpent?

Finally, Father speaks to her to bring her home. Before she dies, she gives her blessings to all her future generations, and passes Adam's staff to Seth. Father embraces Eve and she also reunited with Adam and Abel. In Ray Nelson 's novel Blake's Progress the poet William Blake and his wife Kate travel to the end of time where the demonic Urizen offers them his own re-interpretation of the Biblical story: "In this painting you see Adam and Eve listening to the wisdom of their good friend and adviser, the serpent.

One might even say he was their Savior. He gave them freedom, and he would have given them eternal life if he'd been allowed to. Lewis ' science fiction novel Perelandra , the story of Adam and Eve is re-enacted on the Planet Venus - but with a different ending. A green-skinned pair, who are destined to be the ancestors of Venusian humanity, are living in naked innocence on wonderful floating islands which are the Venusian Eden; a demonically-possessed Earth scientist arrives in a spaceship, acting the part of the snake and trying to tempt the Venusian Eve into disobeying God; but the protagonist, Cambridge scholar Ransom, succeeds in thwarting him - so that Venusian humanity will have a glorious future, free of Original Sin.

Turning to the New Testament, it is indeed striking that the devil's three temptations of Jesus in the wilderness are also directly related to Jesus's identity as God's Son:. After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry.

The tempter came to him and said, ' If you are the Son of God , tell these stones to become bread'. For it is written:. For it is written: "Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only". The first two of Satan's tests are prefaced with the taunt, "if you are the Son of God. What does it mean to be the Son of God? What sort of Son is Jesus? In response to the first temptation, to turn the stones into bread, Jesus quotes the Old Testament: "Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God" see Deuteronomy This same pattern is repeated with the second and third tests.

In each case Jesus quotes the Old Testament Scriptures to indicate that , " listening to God is that which is life-sustaining. To sum up, in the Garden Adam and Eve believed the serpent and became rebellious children of God, suffering a symbolic death as a result. In the wilderness Jesus passed the test and refused to believe Satan's lies; he was indeed the Son of God. From a Christian perspective these two biblical texts offer a disturbing critique of the self-made self of the postmodern West.

With preacher's license, we might infer that Satan continues to tell lies about the identity of human beings in our day:. The two archetypal episodes of temptation in the Bible were fought over the issue of personal identity. What is a human being?