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A far-reaching investigation into America's great waterways. They are in peril. There's a new wave of pollution that's killing fish, causing.
Table of contents

Using manure as fertilizer for crops used to be good for farms. Why has it become a problem now? Why have CAFOs — concentrated animal feeding operations — become so widely used? Is industrial scale farming a good idea or should these farms be smaller? Should big animal growing farms be regulated like industrial plants?

Would the public be prepared to pay a few more cents per pound for chicken if companies like Perdue and Tysons charged more to cover the costs of cleaning up manure? Can ordinary citizens like Rick Dove have an impact on the problem?

Poisoned Waters – video – Water Simulation

Should citizens be given this ability to enforce the law? What can you do in your area? So if it was worse before, then I can understand why the Bay is in such bad trouble. For a century, South Park has served as a first stop for new immigrants — first, the Italians and Japanese who came to farm the mud flats along the river. Now, Mexicans, Cambodians,Vietnamese and other working poor. It is a basic subsistence place — no post office, no bank, no drugstore, and problems with drugs and gang violence. Its residents do much of the grubby unskilled work in the plants nearby.

Poisoned Waters: Discussion Guide

In , after years of studies exposed pervasive contamination in the muddy river bottom, EPA designated an entire five-mile stretch of the Duwamish River, with hundreds of businesses, a mega-pollution site. One flagrant polluter was Malarkey Asphalt, a plant lying like an elongated football field along the riverbank at South Park. It made roofing tar out of used oils and chemicals. We essentially have a community here that has been on the fringes of any kind of economic or political power in the city of Seattle for many decades.

They were sure there were more toxins in the ground. It was a bombshell. Federal law allows only 25 parts per million for industrial sites; Washington state law, only one part per million for residential areas. Residents were up in arms. Eventually, the Port of Seattle announced a plan to clean up the Malarkey contamination to the industrial level of But South Park residents, by now inflamed and organized, demanded a level of one. They lobbied the Port Commission and the City Council.

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Bowing to public pressure, the authorities agreed to start a residential-level cleanup in — a concrete illustration of how vocal community activists can push the EPA and industrial polluters into action. What kinds of pollution sites does it target? Why was the lower Duwamish River in Seattle declared a Superfund site? Can grass roots community groups participate in the cleanup process of polluted sites being supervised by the EPA?

Does Superfund recognize grass roots organizations formally, as advisory groups, that can influence how environmental cleanups are done?

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How serious was the contamination problem at Malarkey Asphalt? When things started out, did the EPA and the Port of Seattle recognize the severity and extent of the pollution at Malarkey? What pushed them to look for more pollution through more testing? How did they respond to the new tests? Are there different legal standards? How is the cleanup standard determined? How can citizens groups influence that process?

For generations, the tribes in southern Puget Sound have fished along the Nisqually River. Their leader, Billy Frank Jr. For decades, almost every man-made development had ravaged the wild salmon. Dams and culverts blocked their passage upstream to spawning grounds. Logging destroyed trees and bushes, whose shade kept the river cool for salmon.

Environmental science: Poisoned waters traced to source.

Cattle fouled the waters with their dung. Farmers diked in tidal wetlands where juvenile salmon need to grow. Everyone overfished the precious king salmon. In an historic ruling, Boldt ruled Native Americans were entitled to half of the salmon catch — ten times their previous allotment. Plus Boldt gave them power to co-manage the local fisheries and watersheds with the state of Washington. That gave Billy Frank a shot of momentum and new responsibilities for protecting his cherished watershed.

Still, in the s, the runs of salmon continued to nose dive. King salmon were wiped out. To try to recover the rivershed, the state legislature set up the Nisqually River Task Force in the mids to bring together all local stakeholders. But the issues were thorny and the parties clashed.

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The tribe and environmentalists wanted natural buffers along the Nisqually s banks to protect the river and the salmon — a zone with no logging, no clearing, no cows. The task force was deadlocked for months. One rancorous night, Billy Frank rose to speak.

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What do salmon need on a watershed to survive and grow? What caused the dramatic decrease in the salmon population? How did the river and its marine life get so devastated? Is destruction of a rivershed inevitable? Why were the early months of the Nisqually River Task force deadlocked? Was mistrust a problem among the stakeholders in the task force?

What enabled the Nisqually Task Force to score a breakthrough? How did the diverse Nisqually stakeholders achieve progress to save the river and its wildlife?

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We want Wilcox Farms to keep farming. Tempers subsided. The deadlock thawed. Frank asked them all to work together to save their river. He suggested a compromise on the buffers. Cooperation began to blossom. The Army base offered a site for a tribal fish hatchery. Tacoma Power provided funds to run it.