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Mr. Bun's Accidental Adventure [Courtney J Davenport] on leondumoulin.nl *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Mr. Bun is a dust bunny. He lives on the.
Table of contents

To put it mildly, this was a mystery that gripped a nation in the summer of as even a telephone contest and TV special — with Vegas odds, no less — was set up to try and figure out whodunnit. Then it turns out it was the baby all along. Not too bad for a silly animated series, eh? Doctor Who, eat your heart out. The episode: After eating poisonous fugu fish at a Japanese restaurant, Homer is given only 22 hours to live.

He sets out to tick off his bucket list before saying goodbye for good. Homer, inexplicably, survives and vows to live life to the fullest. We end with him stuffing his face on his couch whilst watching bowling, of all things. The episode: Homer stumbles upon a Mason-like secret society operating in Springfield and, Homer being Homer, tries to finds a way to try join and most importantly fit in. And that they do: Patrick Stewart voices Number 1, the Leader of the Stonecutters, until Homer reaches top spot in the only way he knows how: dumb luck.

The answer? Not well. And then he accidentally kills himself while trying to ape Homer. Like I said, dark territory. Could I live more mas? How much mas is too much mas to live? In my brief time on earth, I have concluded that you can never live enough mas.

I Spent All of 4/20 in Taco Bell - VICE

As far as Taco Bells go, the one I decided to devote my day to is fairly unremarkable. Next door is a supermarket that I frequent before rewarding myself for purchasing healthy groceries by picking up a chalupa or three for the road. In reality, most were just normal folks on their work breaks, stopping in for an early morning taco this Taco Bell does not have a breakfast menu which is bulllllllshit. Everyone came in alone, ate their morning food in shameful solitude, and quietly left. My dreams of capturing the next viral video of a pothead too stoned to find his wallet, only to realize he was holding it, were quickly dashed.

After the lunch rush died down, I realized I had been sitting in the same spot in my corner booth for over four hours.

The Accidental Highwayman

To that I say, only can you know your truest of friends when you are sitting alone in a Taco Bell for an entire day for no real reason. As I sat there, consuming Doritos Loco tacos and Crunch Wrap Supremes, washing them down with Mountain Dew when thinking outside the bun, it is important to also Do the Dew , disappointment started to set in. Thus far, the customer who most embodied the weed culture lifestyle was a nine-year-old boy who looked like the kid from Up. He sat there putting together a Batman Lego set and murmuring to himself for 30 minutes while his tiny grandmother silently ate an order of chicken fingers.

It is a fucking Taco Bell first and foremost and I will fellate Colonel Sanders himself before I acknowledge otherwise.

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By the time rolled around, I realized we were minutes away from the ceremonial mark. Surely, this would be where the stoners rolled in and kicked off their hijinks.

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None one busted in with a plot to save Danny McBride from trouble or anything. For the next ten minutes, I listened to two guys in the parking lot revving the engine to their muscle car and the little girl across from me repeatedly burping. Shortly after that, I realized I had been sitting in the same spot for nearly seven hours with no bathroom breaks, and, aside from the two times I ordered food, no human interaction.

This was going horribly. So I called an audible on the day. I was leaving Taco Bell.

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Where was I going? To another Taco Bell. Located among NYU students and the skaters of Union Square Park, this, surely, would be where I could find me some good weed happenings. When I got off the train at Union Square, the first person I saw was a kid wearing a huge, gold weed leaf around his neck. Truly, I had found my people.

I headed into the Taco Bell and settled into my new home, adjusting to the subtle differences in the room. Just more normal people consuming their combo meals in peace. After a while, my friend Mitchell came to visit me. If anyone from Taco Bell HQ is reading this, please give this saintly woman a raise and a promotion for her impeccable service.

Mr. Burns Goes for a Check Up

Burns: Pish posh! Listen, Spielbergo, Schindler and I are like peas in a pod! We're both factory owners, we both made shells for the Nazis, but mine worked, damn it! Rainer Wolfcastle: [after many hours pass] Upon closer inspection, these appear to be loafers. Jay Sherman: Welcome to "Coming Attractions".

I'm your host, Jay Sherman. Thank you. Tonight, we review an aging Charles Bronson in "Death Wish 9. Rainer Wolfcastle: Jay, my new film is a mixture of action und comedy. Rainer Wolfcastle as McBain: Did you ever notice how men always leave the toilet seat up? Rainer Wolfcastle: [Cut back to Rainer and Jay] The film is just me in front of a brick wall for an hour and a half. Burns: [Mr.

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Burns' film is being booed by the audience] Smithers, are they booing me? Burns: [Stands and faces the audience] Are you saying "Boo" or "Boo-urns"? Marge: Did you know that there are over film critics on TV, and Leonard Maltin is the best looking of them all? Moe: [dancing on top of the bar] Money gets you one more round, drink it down, you stupid clown.

Money gets you one more round, and you're out on your ass. Grampa: The metric system is the tool of the devil! My car gets forty rods to the hogshead and that's the way I likes it. Get off your cloud and save my Tod! Homer: [after observing Barney's movie] Wow, I'll never drink another beer again. Smithers: Oh, they're not booing you, Sir, they're shouting "Boo-urns!

Apu Nahasapeemapetilon: [while Snake is pointing a rifle at him] Help! Chief Wiggum: [his tie is caught in the hot dog roller] Hey, I got problems of my own right now! Oh boy, this is going to get worse before it gets better. Homer Simpson: I'm not Mr. Simpson anymore, I'm Colonel Cool, and I'm the captain on this rocketship to the moon. Homer Simpson: I don't miss meat at all! This portobello mushroom eats like a steak - a rubbery, fungus-like steak. Homer Simpson: Don't worry, honey. The song I wrote for you is so schmaltzy, it'll make "Moon River" sound like a farting orangutan.

Sinclair: Mrs. Homer Simpson: I can't fake an interest in this, and I'm an expert at faking an interest in your kooky projects. Homer Simpson: You know, the painting class, the first aid course, the whole Lamaze thing. Llewellyn Sinclair: Hello! I am Llewellyn Sinclair. I have directed three plays in my career, and I have had three heart attacks. That's how much I care, I'm planning for a fourth.

Llewellyn Sinclair: Marge, Marge! I am asking you for white hot rage, and you're giving me a hissy fit! Llewellyn Sinclair: I am not an easy director to work for. While directing "Hats Off to Hanukkah," I reduced more than one cast member to tears. Did I expect too much from fourth graders? Marge: I haven't been in a play since high school, and I thought it would be a good chance to meet some other adults.

Marge: You know, I spend all day alone with Maggie, and sometimes it's like I don't even exist. Homer Simpson: [after breaking the ring of his pudding can] Oh no! My pudding is trapped forever.

I'm filing a class-action suit against the director on behalf of everyone who was cut from the play. I also play Mitch. I made some peanut butter brownies for everyone. Llewellyn Sinclair: [to the cast] Perhaps we are all a little mad, we who don the cap a bells and tread beneath the proscenium arch. But tonight, you will all be transformed from dead-eyed suburbanites into white-hot grease fires of pure entertainment!