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Table of contents

Before you agree to have surgery, you will receive information about the risks and benefits. You will also learn about the possible side effects. Today, many people are able to have less invasive surgery than in the past. This means that surgery side effects are often milder and people often recover sooner. Also, doctors are better able to reduce pain and other physical side effects from surgery. Relieving side effects is an important part of cancer care and treatment. This is called palliative care or supportive care. Talk with your health care team about any side effects from surgery you may experience.

This includes any new side effects or a change in side effects. It is common to have some pain after surgery. The amount and location of the pain depends on many factors, including:. Pain after surgery lessens gradually as the body heals. In the meantime, your doctor may give you pain medications to decrease your discomfort. Many people feel very tired after major surgery, especially when it involves the abdomen or chest.

Surgery for Rectal Cancer

The causes of fatigue from surgery include:. Appetite loss. Poor appetite after surgery is very common, especially when people receive general anesthesia. It may be associated with temporary weight loss. Most people regain their appetite and return to their normal weight as the effects of the surgery wear off.

Why it's done

Swelling around the site of surgery. It is natural to experience some swelling after surgery. A surgical cut in the skin is a form of injury to the body. The body's natural response to injury is inflammation, which causes swelling. As the healing occurs after surgery, the swelling usually goes away. Drainage from the site of surgery. Sometimes the fluid that builds up at the surgery site drains through the surgical wound. Signs of infection include drainage that smells bad, fever, and redness around the wound.

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If you develop signs of an infection, contact your surgeon's office. See below for more information on infections. Bruising around the site of surgery. After any surgical incision, some blood may leak from small blood vessels under the skin. This can cause bruising, which is a common occurrence after surgery.

But if you have significant swelling along with bruising, contact your surgeon's office.

Possible risks and complications of spine surgery

It is common to experience some numbness in the incision site. This is because the nerves in the skin are cut during surgery. Though numbness usually does not cause a person any problems, it often lasts a long time. During surgery, people usually lose some blood.

Sometimes people can lose a larger amount of blood depending on the surgery. In these situations, the surgical team will have blood available in case a transfusion is needed.

After surgery, you may experience some bleeding from the wound. If this occurs, cover it with a clean, dry bandage, and contact your surgeon's office. An infection may occur at the site of the incision, but it can also occur elsewhere in the body. Surgeons take great care to lower the risk of infection during an operation. After surgery, your health care team will teach you how to prevent infection during recovery. Signs of infection in a surgical incision include:.

If you have any of these signs, contact your surgical care team. Antibiotics generally work well to treat most infections. But some infections form an abscess. A doctor usually has to drain an abscess. Antibiotics do not work as well for an abscess because they may not be able to reach the infection. Lymphedema is a common side effect that may occur after lymph nodes are removed. This type of surgery is called a lymph node dissection. Lymph nodes are tiny, bean-shaped organs that help fight infection. They filter bacteria and other harmful substances from the lymphatic fluid.

Lymphatic fluid is a colorless fluid containing white blood cells that travels through most tissues of the body. Sometimes, when the lymph nodes are removed, lymphatic fluid collects in the surrounding tissues and cannot drain back out. This causes the swelling known as lymphedema. Lymphedema causes discomfort and tightness in the swollen area.

It can also limit the movement and function of that area, such as an arm or leg. You may need specific therapy to manage this side effect. Talk with your surgical care team about the risk of lymphedema before having any lymph nodes removed. Skin surgery includes removal of skin lesions or sampling them biopsy to confirm a diagnosis. The sample will be sent to a pathologist who will examine the skin under a microscope.

The initial healing process occurs over weeks. Remodelling and strengthening of the wound continues for 6 to 12 months following skin surgery. Complications such as bleeding and infection may delay the healing process, increase pain and discomfort and result in a larger scar. A small amount of bleeding and bruising can be expected. If bleeding occurs, rest with the affected area elevated above the level of your heart, and apply firm, constant pressure on the wound for 20 minutes without removing the original dressing. If bleeding continues, urgent medical advice should be sought.

Skin surgery inevitably results in an injury to some components of the skin i. However, important structures may also be damaged, particularly if the skin lesion for removal has grown deep into underlying structures or the lesion is in a site where important structures such as nerves or salivary glands lie close to the skin surface.

Medications used immediately before or during surgery include local anaesthetic and analgesics to reduce the pain of the procedure.

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