Manual God (Central Problems of Philosophy)

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God (Central Problems of Philosophy) [ Wood] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. This book explores two foundational questions.
Table of contents

And does anything really matter? What do I have a reason to do if anything? Here, we will consider what these questions are really asking, and how they might relate to each other. Having set the scene, we will turn to some of the main answers that have been given to these questions. In particular, we will be interested in utilitarianism, and the arguments for and against it. Finally, we will take a brief look at how the answers to these questions might be applied to real world problems.

Richard Swinburne, Oxford Philosophy

In this course, students will learn to analyse and interpret historical texts in Moral Philosophy. This component will consider some central concepts and debates in the philosophy of mind. We will focus on the mind-body problem. This problem concerns the relationship between the mental beliefs, thoughts, desires and the physical neural patterns , and how the two might interact in order to cause our behaviour.

Are our minds separate from our brains, or are our thoughts only particular patterns of neurons firing? We will consider various theories that seek to solve the mind-body problem including dualism, behaviourism, identity theory, and functionalism.

God (Central Problems of Philosophy)

Each of these theories differs on whether they accept the existence and role of mental states. An understanding of the problem will allow us to consider related topics such as consciousness, whether we could survive our minds being uploaded to a computer, and intentionality. Metaphysics is sometimes described as the most general philosophical investigation into what there is. This component will provide an introduction to various concepts and ideas in modern metaphysics and ontology such as properties, identity, substance, necessity. In order to illuminate these notions, this component will focus on two main topics: first, the problem of identity and change; is it possible for an object to change its properties yet remain numerically the same?

How much can an object change yet remain the same?

Where Do They Do It?

Is this amount the same for different sorts of objects? And second, a debate over the existence of a disputed category of entities, universals. Universals are properties or relations that reoccur in many objects yet remain singular. For example, the colour blue reoccurs in many blue things; being taller than reoccurs as a relation between many different objects. We will consider the arguments for and against accepting the existence of universals. These problems provide paradigmatic examples of metaphysical disputes that potentially cause tensions with our natural intuitions.

They also illustrate the special nature of philosophical, and in particular metaphysical, argument, as well as providing a terminological and knowledge basis to approach other issues within metaphysics. For PI 10 ECTS students are required to submit two essays from the set list of essay titles for this module and sit a two hour exam answering two questions, from a list of questions for that module, which must be from the components for which the essays were NOT submitted during the annual examination period.

Kenneth Pearce This component provides an introduction to philosophical reflection on religious belief and practice.

Epistemological Problems of Perception

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If all our choices are already written, is our freedom …. The experience of the presence of God is a well-recognized religious experience in theistic traditions. The ….

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Its comprehensive coverage encompasses …. Ed In this volume, scholars draw deeply on negative theology in order to consider some of the oldest questions in the philosophy of religion that stand as persistent challenges to ….

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  8. It approaches an ongoing dispute concerning whether there is a First Cause …. It provides powerful arguments for the existence of the soul and …. Ed Animal suffering constitutes perhaps the greatest challenge to rational belief in the existence of God. Considerations that render human suffering theologically intelligible seem …. Book Thinking about Religion Smith, A. Ed Thinking about Religion examines cutting-edge breakthroughs from across the sciences concluding that religion persists because the mind is primed for faith, ready to grasp and ….

    Ed Tackling central problems in philosophy of religion by referring to relevant theories and findings in cognitive science, anthropology, developmental psychology, decision theory, …. Please enter a number between and.