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I can think of books that, upon rereading them, I was surprised to find more or less direct statements of plot facts that I did not pick up on the first time through.

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Jere, What time will you be in West Hartford on October 28? I have a class that afternoon and a dinner I have to go to that night, but depending on your schedule, I might be able to get there. It's only about 40 minutes from where I live. I really enjoyed the book!

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Great baseball stuff, great sense of place, very supsenseful, and it kept me guessing til the end. I have an autistic son and was blowm away by your honesty. Post a Comment. Pages home bio best of glossary 23 ballparks. She has also written eight novels including three mysteries , as well as some short stories and travel essays. They collaborated on Dirty Water , a murder mystery set in and around Fenway Park and featuring several members of the Red Sox. Mary-Ann and Jere were kind enough to reply to my emailed questions.

How did the idea for a Red Sox-themed mystery come about and how did it evolve as the writing progressed?

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Dan asked me if I was interested in writing a mystery centered on the Boston Red Sox. I was, but knew I couldn't do it alone — I'm a longtime Sox fan, but short on the nuances of the game. So since I had a member of the family who was a Sox blogger, I asked Dan how he felt about Jere collaborating on the book and he thought it was a grand idea. Our idea was to jump right into the clubhouse in the first scene with the what-if kind of question that often starts a fiction. What if the players should discover an abandoned baby in their clubhouse an hour or so before game time?

From there, we asked the typical why , how and who questions now that we already had the when and where.

The plot began to reveal itself when we saw an obscure article about a well-known sports agent arrested by the Judicial Dept. Jere : We initially wanted to go into the Red Sox clubhouse, but couldn't get in. We ended up settling for a personal Fenway tour from someone in the organization who we had a personal connection to - and honestly, that worked out a whole lot better, as that person became a key fictional figure in our book, and meeting him made it that much more realistic.

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We do use the real players' and reporters' and other public figures' names. We also worried players would get traded, but then we decided to specifically have it be about the World Champion team. How did the idea for including a blogger come about? Game recaps and stats in the book's blog obviously would not work very well narratively, so how did you decide what to include?

Jere : We didn't know going in that we'd have a running blog with comments in the text.

Anne Marie Pucci is a dirty girl

But once we came up with a blogger character who knows too much, it was a natural. Some of the blog posts were things I'd written in some form before and figured they'd be good for our blogger's character's blog. That way the reader would feel they were reading the thoughts of a Red Sox fan while these crazy events are going on - sometimes he's talking about the game, sometimes he's writing general thoughts on the Red Sox and their history, and sometimes he's writing about the baby found in the clubhouse and events surrounding it.

Which books have you written with these characters Detective Rocky Patel previously? Are there any other returning characters? The sleuth in the series is an FBI agent who works special cases that she researches before deciding to take them on. They are cases that have been closed, but Poppy finds reason to re-open them. Each book's secondary is a different character. I thought Rocky would be the perfect investigator for the crime involving the Red Sox. Poppy Rice makes an appearance in the book via a couple of advisory phone calls and transmissions to Rocky.

It is a psychic coincidence that the original sleuth's name is a combination of two of my all-time favorite players. Tell me about your collaboration. I'm assuming that it was not as cut-and-dried as Jere did the blog and Mary-Ann did the main narrative. Also, you must have both worked on weaving in just enough information into the blog posts to keep the readers guessing as the story goes on. Some reviewers have assumed that was the case and stated it as fact without ever checking with anyone. Clarke blames Danielle for this.

After seemingly moving on and getting back in the car, it breaks down on the side of the road. Clarke and Danielle continue on foot, trying to rent a car, only to find Joseph has been released from prison and has reported their credit card stolen.

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Desperate for money, the two enter a bar and Danielle enters a stripping contest. After she is booed profusely, Clarke realizes that it is a biker gay bar. Danielle tells him he must strip instead. Clarke is cheered as he dances, but is caught by Joseph who enters during this.

Danielle collects the prize money, but they are both taken in Joseph's other car. Clarke provokes his father into pulling the car over to attack him, while he tells Danielle to flee.

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Danielle manages to make it to a bus station, upset having to had to leave Clarke behind. She finds her father's house, where she is met by her mother, who asks her to leave. Danielle manages to make it to her father, who rejects her, revealing he has a young daughter. Sad, Danielle goes home and visits Clarke's mother, who tells her that Clarke's father has sent him to military school and has moved into an apartment.

As she breaks down singing, Clarke enters dressed in a military uniform. They finish the song together and get into Danielle's car. Clarke reveals that his mother let him out early and that, in an all boys school, he became very popular, with some sexual implications.

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Danielle, with a less rebellious attitude, and Clarke, now no longer afraid to be himself, drive off into the sunset. Sally Hawkins and Lisa Kudrow were originally cast in late Scott declared that he found himself cheering not for the main characters on their road trip, but for the actors Temple and Dozier who were doing their best to salvage a chaotic script that "has far less insight, and much less panache, than a randomly chosen episode of Glee. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Dirty Girl Theatrical release poster.

The Numbers.