Harry Potter and the Civil War

The Revolutionary War was a war fought between American No-Majs and British The Harry Potter Wiki is written from the perspective that all information.
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When the young Grindelwald began telling Dumbledore about his ideas, he found that Dumbledore was in agreement — whether this was due to true belief on Dumbledore's part or out of something else is unclear. They also believed that wizards have been gifted with their magical powers for a reason, so that they might rule the non-magical population.

Grindelwald was forced to leave Godric's Hollow after he had a duel with Dumbledore and his siblings, Aberforth and Ariana , in which Ariana died. Over the coming years, Grindelwald began his dark revolution and his power grew throughout Europe, but Britain was left relatively unscathed, possibly because he was afraid of his old friend Dumbledore. Due to his obsession with the Deathly Hallows, Grindelwald's had adopted the symbol of the Hallows as his mark as he built up his organisation - an army of Dark wizards and witches following him and his quest. His attacks and risks of exposure he caused spread fear worldwide and he and his "fanatics" became widely feared, even in places where they weren't active.

The threat that Grindelwald caused brought the attention of international authorities like the International Confederation of Wizards. A world wide hunt began for Gellert Grindelwald and it intensified as the attacks he caused began to expose the Wizarding World. While he was able to identify Credence Barebone as the obscurial, he was unable to harness the destructive power of his obscurus and was captured through the combined efforts of the MACUSA Aurors, Newton Scamander and Porpentina Goldstein.

President Seraphina Picquery imprisoned Grindelwald, but he later escaped. After Grindelwald's rise to power across Europe , the wizarding community desperately sought aid. The British Minister for Magic , Hector Fawley , was ousted from his office in , for not taking adequate measures to stop Grindelwald's influence. Discussing the values and morality of her characters Draco and Dudley, Rowling explained that both were indoctrinated with their parents' beliefs. She said that there was a real moral cowardice to Draco, but that he was not wholly bad. Analysts note the criticism of racism in J.

When asked about the theme of racism and if her books have changed how people think, Rowling said, "I do not think I am pessimistic but I think I am realistic about how much you can change deeply entrenched prejudice, so my feeling would be that if someone were a committed racist, possibly Harry Potter is not going to have an effect. When asked in a post- Deathly Hallows webchat about Hermione 's future, Rowling said, "Hermione began her post-Hogwarts career at the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures where she was instrumental in greatly improving life for house-elves and their ilk.

She then moved to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement where she was a progressive voice who ensured the eradication of oppressive, pro-pureblood laws. After the publication of Deathly Hallows , Rowling responded to queries about metaphors in the books for ethnic cleansing: I didn't sit down and think, 'I want to recreate Nazi Germany ', in the—in the wizarding world.

Because—although there are—quite consciously overtones of Nazi Germany, there are also associations with other political situations. So I can't really single one out. In her book tour Rowling further discussed the topic, stating "It wasn't really exclusively that. Rowling stated on her website that the Harry Potter phrases 'pure-blood', 'half-blood' and 'Muggle-born' compared to "some of the real charts the Nazis used to show what constituted 'Aryan' or 'Jewish' blood.

I saw one in the Holocaust Museum in Washington when I had already devised the 'pure-blood', 'half-blood' and 'Muggle-born' definitions, and was chilled to notice the similarity. Christopher Hitchens noted in The New York Times that the lightning bolt —the shape of the scar which Harry received as a result of Voldemort 's curse, now considered to be emblematic of the series—is also the symbol of Sir Oswald Mosley 's British Union of Fascists , a prominent group of Nazi sympathisers during the s and s.

In the same article, [27] Hitchens noted that "The prejudice against bank-monopoly goblins is modeled more or less on anti-Semitism and the foul treatment of elves is meant to put us in mind of slavery". Rowling mentions in an article that Mosley was married to Diana Mitford , sister of her heroine, Jessica Mitford. Jessica, after whom Rowling named her daughter, never forgave Diana's Nazi sympathies. Rowling also noted that Mitford's other sister Unity , to whom Jessica was closest in youth, became an arch-fascist and favourite of Adolf Hitler's.

Jessica's story may have thus inspired a part of Harry's story: Andromeda Jessica Mitford married the Muggle-born Ted Tonks against her family's wishes as Jessica eloped with her cousin Esmond Romilly and was blasted out of the family-tree tapestry. These parallels were noted in the American communist newspaper People's Weekly World. In an act commemorating the Holocaust , actor Daniel Radcliffe , whose mother is Jewish, donated his first pair of Harry Potter glasses to an art exhibition inspired by a famous World War II photo of a mangled mountain of spectacles of victims of ethnic cleansing.

Aviva Chomsky daughter of famed academic Noam Chomsky in the Providence Journal suggests that Harry Potter is a parable on immigration rights, noting that US "immigration, citizenship and naturalization laws are based explicitly on discrimination on the basis of national origin. Where you were born, and what passport you carry, determine whether you have the right to come here, to visit, to work, or to live here.

On the Harry Potter series, Rowling said on her United States book tour in October , "I very consciously wanted to show what is one of the great evils of war, which is that totally innocent people are slaughtered Another great evil of war is that children lose their families. Time magazine said in , "Rowling adapts an inherently conservative genre for her own progressive purposes. Her Hogwarts is secular and sexual and multicultural and multiracial and even sort of multimedia , with all those talking ghosts.

In , responding to a question from a child about Dumbledore 's love life, Rowling revealed, "I always saw Dumbledore as gay. Don't forget, falling in love can blind us. This was Dumbledore's tragedy.

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Melissa Anelli, webmaster of the fan site The Leaky Cauldron , told The Associated Press, "Jo Rowling calling any Harry Potter character gay would make wonderful strides in tolerance toward homosexuality By dubbing someone so respected, so talented and so kind, as someone who just happens to be also homosexual, she's reinforcing the idea that a person's gayness is not something of which they should be ashamed. According to Think Progress , a progressive news site, conservative blogs say [ clarification needed ] Rowling's revelation about Dumbledore vindicates Jerry Falwell 's attacks on homosexuality in children's media that were lambasted by the mass media.

Baggett, who coauthored the book Harry Potter and Philosophy: If Aristotle Ran Hogwarts , says he was taken aback not only by Rowling's announcement, but by the fact that it came on the heels of her confirming many Potter fans' belief that the series had Christian themes. She just cares about being true to her readers. Thomas notes the skill Rowling displays in writing a gay character without having to put a gay label on him.

According to Reuters, Rowling was surprised over the fuss and declined to say whether her "outing" of Dumbledore might alienate those who disapprove of homosexuality. He is my character. He is what he is and I have the right to say what I say about him," she said. Catholic fantasy author Regina Doman wrote an essay titled "In Defense of Dumbledore", in which she argued that the books actually support Catholic teaching on homosexuality because Dumbledore's relationship with the dark wizard Grindelwald leads to obviously terrible results, as he becomes interested in dark magic himself, neglects his responsibilities towards his younger sister and ultimately causes her death.

Mabe was clear that this was not due to Dumbledore's being gay, but to his own objections to authors continuing to talk about their books after they are written. He called for Rowling to "please be quiet, please" in "public gatherings", which is contrary to the massive popularity of Rowling's book talks and her fans' thirst for more information about characters in the Harry Potter books. Mabe notes that 1, children attended the "reading" before they were given autographed books.

Robin Berkowitz, Sun-Sentinel Entertainment Editor says of Rowling's comments, and other revelations she might make about her characters "We don't need to know any of them to appreciate the books fully," "Don't ask, don't spell" a reference to the U. In a marvelous social comparison, lycanthropy is treated as a kind of chronic disease, with werewolves subject to discrimination as if they had AIDS.

Global wizarding war

According to Philip Nel of Kansas State University , the Potter series can be seen as "political novels that critique racism and racial superiority. Rowling, who worked for Amnesty International , evokes her social activism through Hermione's passion for oppressed elves and the formation of her "Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare. She persists in this campaigning also when it is considered quixotic even by her close friends and not much appreciated even by most of the House elves themselves.

But in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows , the campaign turns out to have had enormous unforeseen results, with House elves joining the struggle and making several indispensable contributions to Voldemort's final defeat and saving the main protagonists' lives. Rowling said in an early interview that Hermione and her political conscience about the rights of elves was fairly autobiographical. Gerson of the Washington Post also described what he considered to be the very subversive nature of the Harry Potter books in the answer they offer to death.

Voldemort believes that death must be mastered and "beaten". In contrast, Harry accepts the necessity of his own death for the sake of love.


Gerson also suggests that some will ask the book series about tolerance also be a book series about religion. He answers that many others "believe — not in spite of their faith but because of it — that half-bloods, werewolves and others should be treated with kindness and fairness. Above all, believers are called to love, even at the highest cost. Rowling described her admiration of Jessica Mitford since age 14, her time at Exeter University "not quite the chance to be the 'radical' I planned", and said the later books dealing with Harry's hormones, and deaths would be unlike other children's series like the Famous Five.

Carey suggested a parallel between Harry Potter and Prince Harry which Rowling laughs off saying a friend said never let the press make you discuss the royal family. James Morone, a political science professor at Brown University , wrote in the liberal American Prospect in , "Magical headmaster Albus Dumbledore practically awards bonus points for breaking rules.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is unruly, even slightly anarchic. Harry's classmate Hermione 'had become a bit more relaxed about breaking the rules,' writes Rowling near the end of Philosopher's Stone, 'and she was much nicer for it.

Second Wizarding War

In her books, the kids are the central agents of their own lives. Isabelle Smadja of Le Monde wrote that Harry Potter is the first fictional hero of the anti- globalist , anti-capitalist, pro- Third World , " Seattle " generation. She wrote that "Examination of the text suggests that they are, in fact, a ferocious critique of consumer society and the world of free enterprise. John Birch Society has objected to Rowling's books and her public statements.

In his article for the John Birch Society's magazine The New American , Constitution Party Communications Director Steve Bonta compared Harry Potter negatively to The Lord of the Rings , saying, "The Potter books read in places like diatribes against the modern middle class, especially whenever Harry confronts his ludicrously dysfunctional and downright abusive adopted family, the Dursleys. His overall view of the series was very negative—"the Potter saga was essentially patronising, very conservative, highly derivative, dispiritingly nostalgic for a bygone Britain. When an interviewer suggested her books portrayed a conservative world, Rowling replied, "So I'm told repeatedly.

The two groups of people who are constantly thanking me are Wiccans and boarding schools. And really, don't thank me. I'm not with either of them.

Global wizarding war

New ageism leaves me completely cold, and [my daughter] would never go to boarding school. The Harry Potter vs. Twilight war is definitely a divisive subject in popular culture in which you are forced to pick a side, even if you like the two series. Civil War , fans are pushed to take a side and stand with it, battling it out even if they are all technically on the same side of things.

Also like Captain America: Civil War , the Harry Potter vs. Twilight fan wars was left somewhat unresolved. Both franchises made a lot of money, pleased a lot of fans, and were never truly forgotten. It really just comes down to personal taste. Ironically, the fan war that replaced Harry Potter vs. Twilight in the s decade was the Marvel Cinematic Universe vs.

DC Extended Universe rivalry. In a interview with Oprah that took place a year after the first Twilight film was released and became a blockbuster success, Stephenie Meyer said that she was intrigued by a dream she had and began writing it down without any intention of turning it into a novel. However, there are many people who simply detest Quidditch and think that it was an unnecessary addition to the franchise, and that includes some die-hard Harry Potter fans.

Looking for the truths behind the truth

Twilight , on the other hand, never really invented its own sport - but a sort of Vampire Baseball game did happen in the first installment of the series. Katniss Everdeen, who survived The Hunger Games twice, would probably roll her eyes if she saw this meme. Hermione Granger is known for being a voracious reader. But according to this particular meme created by Harry Potter fans, even Hermione would skip reading the Twilight books. However, with so much to read for her classes at Hogwarts, it does seem unlikely that a young Hermione would waste time with romance novels about vampires.

But because the franchise often competed with the Harry Potter movies for fan-voted awards such as the PCA, there was always a sort of bitter taste in the mouths of Potterheads whenever Twilight won anything. Strangely, neither the Harry Potter or the Twilight movies ever won any award as big as an Oscar, which separates them from other blockbuster franchises such as Star Wars and The Lord of the Rings. Six of the eight Harry Potter films were nominated for a total of 12 Academy Awards nominations, but none of them brought home a trophy.