Making Shapely Fiction

Editorial Reviews. Review. “Useful on the most practical level. [Stern] plunges his readers into Making Shapely Fiction - Kindle edition by Jerome Stern.
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Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Making Shapely Fiction by Jerome Stern. Making Shapely Fiction 3. Here is a book about the craft of writing fiction that is thoroughly useful from the first to the last page—whether the reader is a beginner, a seasoned writer, or a teacher of writing.

You will see how a work takes form and shape once you grasp the principles of momentum, tension, and immediacy. When tension and immediacy Here is a book about the craft of writing fiction that is thoroughly useful from the first to the last page—whether the reader is a beginner, a seasoned writer, or a teacher of writing. When tension and immediacy combine, the story begins.

A special section features an Alphabet for Writers: Paperback , pages. Published November 17th by W. Norton Company first published To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Making Shapely Fiction , please sign up. Be the first to ask a question about Making Shapely Fiction. Lists with This Book. Aug 30, Lee rated it really liked it.

I taught this one and learned from it, too -- it's real clear and funny and comprehensive and efficiently ordered. The basics, but not done in a way that makes you wanna barf. Sep 01, Kate Willis marked it as unfinished. I read selections from this textbook for my creative writing class. There were a few small tips I picked up from it, but it was mostly unhelpful and had some inappropriate content. There are many other writing books I would rather recommend in a heartbeat. Jul 05, Alan rated it really liked it Shelves: I've read a few of this type of manual and this one looks one of the best.

Dec 24, Printable Tire rated it really liked it. This was the "required reading" for a writing class I just took. Since part of taking the class was being able to use Brown University's resources, I ingeniously borrowed it from their library they in turn had to borrow it from SUNY Buffalo.

Now it's quite a bit overdue but since I am persona non grata in the library now I am taking my time. The first part of the book, which deals with different "shapes" of fiction thus explaining the somewhat embarrassing title is excellent. It's basically a This was the "required reading" for a writing class I just took.

It's basically a collection of plots to inspire writing. The A-Z section, though, is a bit didactic, and lacks the fun and creative tone of the first half although the examples of good and bad prose are equally entertaining- where are they from? It's probably not such a good idea to have examples of bad prose be so much fun in their badness. This section is also somewhat repetitive: Still, this section has some good advice and insights, and by the end the tone has lightened up a bit and it seems less preachy and patronizing.

Altogether this is a very good writing book, as far as writing books go. Mar 27, Robb Lightfoot rated it it was amazing. This is the best book I've read in 5 years on the subject of writing. I say this as someone who owns scores of how-to-write books and has been reading them for the past 40 years. I came across this book as required reading in the now defunct UC Davis creative writing program. I could see immediately why they chose it.

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The first half of the book is outstanding, the second half merely great. The first half discusses a variety of story-forms, structures, that are useful to solve problems or ac Wow. The first half discusses a variety of story-forms, structures, that are useful to solve problems or achieve a result. I've never seen writing described in this manner, it offered solid tips and techniques.

Aug 14, Julie Dill rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: This is one of, if not the best writing manual I've ever read. It's thoughtfully written and it's not geared toward someone who hasn't ever written before. It seems to speak to someone who's been writing since birth, but needs unsubtle nudges in the right direction to sculpt the talent into an intricately wrought topiary, pruning out the The book came close to making me switch from poetry writing to fiction writing in grad school.

Jul 28, Shannon rated it it was ok. There's some good general advice for writers in here, but it's all very basic stuff. If you need to know what "plot" is, for example, this is a good place to find out.

The Writing Process: Principles and Techniques for "Shapely Fiction" PT. 1 (Ep. 14)

I'd use this in a high school writing class, but if you're beyond that level or looking for more advanced advice The list of resources in the back dates to the late 80s or early 90s, so is of minimal use. Jun 10, Sara Batkie added it. An irreverent but thoughtful way to bone up on the basics or just be reminded of what you're doing and why. Well structured to be either read straight through or in the necessary bits and pieces.

Highly recommended, even if you think you already know everything about writing. Dec 06, Balbina rated it it was amazing.

Making Shapely Fiction - Jerome Stern - Google Книги

An informative, entertaining and inspiring reference book on writing fiction. Reading it made me impatient to sit down and not only write, but revise anything I've ever written so far. I know I will reread and browse through the book for years to come. Jun 07, Liz Shine rated it liked it.

This book is an A to Z list exploring the function and importance of some elements of fiction. It'd be great for beginning writers. I read it as a way to launch into a new writing schedule and summer writing. It held many nice reminders for me. Sep 07, Ann Douglas rated it it was amazing Shelves: A very helpful writing guide that explains the finer points of writing fiction. The book is divided into a series of topic-specific chapters, each of which focuses on a topic related to fiction writing. May 11, Elizabeth C.

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Haynes rated it it was amazing. This is THE best book I've read on writing fiction to date. I will refer to it again and again. Just a very clear, easily digestible presentation of essential concepts. May 17, Chris brown rated it liked it. Initially this was assigned reading for a class and some of it I found intriguing.

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Ill have to give it another go later in life when I have enjoy it and not pick at it for class. Oct 03, Carolyn rated it it was ok. A few interesting points, but mostly felt like a book by someone who set out to write a book, not someone with something to say. Jul 16, John Robin rated it it was amazing Shelves: This book is an amazing tour de force that any writer or editor should read, for education as well as edification. What I found most impressive about Stern's approach is his vast references to foundational authors and works that define fiction.

I have read many books on the craft of writing and often am disappointed by a dearth of such examples -- either there are too few or the author seems to have latched onto a few ideas on how fiction should work derivative of a few of their favorite books; This book is an amazing tour de force that any writer or editor should read, for education as well as edification. I have read many books on the craft of writing and often am disappointed by a dearth of such examples -- either there are too few or the author seems to have latched onto a few ideas on how fiction should work derivative of a few of their favorite books; or, there are many obscure references.

Apr 25, Catherine Cole rated it really liked it. Loved the way this book is organized. It is a great guide, and it can also be used as a dictionary of literary terms, with in-depth explanations and examples from well-known authors. Insightful notes and down-to-the-point theory make this book easy to follow, helpful, and fast to search for the exact term you're looking for.

It's perfect for writers in a hurry. Aug 02, Anna rated it really liked it. I reread this, since I'm using this for my Introduction to Fiction workshop, and it holds up after all these years. It's clear, concise, and practical. It also has the bonus of being clear that none of its precepts are set in stone, which is always refreshing when looking at craft books.

Excellent for beginning to intermediate writers. An interesting read on the writing. I recommend it to those who want to turn writing into a career. The language and format make it a great read from beginning to end and a beneficial reference book. Sep 05, Meghan rated it it was amazing Shelves: One of the best books on the craft of writing I've ever read. Stern is direct and straightforward. He writes with humor and uses excellent examples to underline his points.

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Making Shapely Fiction

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The Company of Writers. The Writer's Voice in Fiction. The World Split Open: Write in the Dark: Burning Down the House. The Kite and the String. Writing Dialogue for Scripts. How to write a great review. The review must be at least 50 characters long. The title should be at least 4 characters long. Your display name should be at least 2 characters long. At Kobo, we try to ensure that published reviews do not contain rude or profane language, spoilers, or any of our reviewer's personal information. You submitted the following rating and review. We'll publish them on our site once we've reviewed them.

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