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Jan 9, - Some will argue that Georgia and Ohio are battleground states, but, in terms of Those 24 states give Trump electoral votes. Debbie Stabenow — though John James' 6-point loss was closer than expected He is former president of The Buckeye Institute, a free-market, public policy think tank.
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Trump is as radical as they come. Tony Ickes, Bellingham: Grandtheatrix, you get your turn when your ideas win in the marketplace of the voting booth. Politics is the art of the possible, not the art of an unreachable perfection. But I seriously doubt that progressive ideas have enough appeal in the South and Rust Belt states to make your ideas a winnable solution.

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Friedman: I have to say, I am with Tony and Ben on this one. Politics in a democracy is not about whose turn it is. It is often not even about what is fair. It is about what you can get a majority of people to vote in favor of. I appreciate where David and KKW are coming from, but take one issue that has been tossed about by some Democratic candidates: free college.

I think that is a terrible idea. I think everyone should pay something, otherwise they will just stop and start courses for years. Second, how would you administer such a plan without overwhelming some schools with students and lowering the quality of their education?

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Third, why should my kids not pay when I can afford it and should be made to pay? Everything needs to rise and fall on its merits, and on whether it can gain a majority in favor of its implementation. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, et al. They are distracting, not unlike Trump.

Again, wrong messaging. And the women in these states are what matter the most. Everyone else will be curious onlookers. What should they do instead, shrink into the shadows? I agree that swing states are important. You know who else is important?

Jerry Schulz, Milwaukee : The election will, again, be decided by a relatively small group of voters. President Trump won in with 48 percent of the popular vote, but notice how even since his first day in office, his approval rating has never exceeded 40 percent? The way to win over these voters in is to explain how you have a vision of America that will make it more likely for them to have jobs that enable them to make their mortgage payments.

Friedman: I think Karen makes a good point. I would not have put a censure motion up for a vote in the House which turned into a circus and more fodder for Trump. I would have announced a plan to register one million more Democratic voters in swing districts and states and created an all-night telethon where people could call in or email in donations to pay for that registration drive.

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Maybe even enlist a few celebrities to answer the phones. Have a nice day, you knucklehead. I guarantee that if the Democrats nominate a left-leaning candidate who wants health care for illegal immigrants, they will lose the election — and by a substantial margin. He lives in Ohio and prefers casual "retiree clothing.

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The current president and vice-chancellor of the University of Alberta, Indira Samarasekera, is leaving next summer. Looking for something free or cheap to do this summer in Cincinnati? We're not going to bullshit you. Look hard enough, and you can find "amazing" coincidences anywhere. With a whole universe to work with, sometimes the stars are going to align just right. But, even cynical types like us have to admit that sometimes this stuff can get downright creepy. More than Ohio State University alumni have given investigators firsthand accounts of sexual misconduct by former athletic doctor Richard Strauss, the school said Friday in an update on the probe.

She said that earlier, when she found herself unexpectedly pregnant, she drove straight to what she thought was a comprehensive health care provider near her home in Columbus, Ohio. What are you doing here?

‘I am progressive. When is it my turn?’

I thought the seven of you left already! How come you came back? Immediately, Aches and the other seven felt rather embarrassed. This year has been no better: the coroner borrowed space from a local funeral parlour to stow the dead. If Mr.

Gaddis had been caught 20 miles to the east, in Cincinnati, he would have received a maximum of six months in prison, court records show. This story was co-published with Bloomberg BusinessWeek. John Arnett chose Adams County, Ohio, as his home long before he was old enough to vote, drink beer or drive a motorcycle along the Ohio River.

In laboratory tests, this process was able to heal the badly injured legs of mice in just three weeks with a single touch of this chip. Many of those left in the s, and with them, many residents. His home is one of the few occupied on the street.

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Empty lots or boarded-up homes make up most of the block. Those are the words of Studs Terkel, a good Midwesterner who understood as well as any American ever has the way people from workaday, unglamorous places think. Hope is practical, more tied to the grind than to the imagination. Is it possible for two people to simultaneously sexually assault each other? This is the question—rife with legal, anatomical, and emotional improbabilities—to which the University of Cincinnati now addresses itself, and with some urgency, as the institution and three of its employees are curren.

At some point in your education or your career you will be required to make a presentation about yourself or to write an autobiography as an assignment. Some people will welcome the opportunity to share their own personal experiences, while others will dread it. Last year, it was refrigerated trucks. In , air courier DHL left Wilmington, Ohio, sending the small city into a tailspin and transforming it overnight into a poster child of the Great Recession.

But a funny thing happened on the way to economic Armageddon: The citizens refused to let their lovely town wither and die. For over a decade, a common refrain in the corporate world was that data was exploding and companies needed the capacity to capture that data.


As the challenges of data capture have been more or less mitigated, the next challenge has become how to get value out of that data. Ohio on Pocket 96 results. Save 45 saves. Save saves. Save 38 saves. Save 51 saves. Save 30 saves. Save 72 saves.