Bechamp or Pasteur?

This volume contains new editions of two books which have been available only sporadically in the decades since their publication. R. Pearson's Pasteur.
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The irony is that towards the end of his life, Pasteur renounced the germ theory and admitted that Bechamp was right all along. At Marone Family Wellness, we make recommendations to patients analyzed with infectious illness using the guidelines set forth by Antoine Bechamp:. We do this through our threefold approach of detoxification, nutritional healing, and restoring internal communication through chiropractic.

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We feel that Bechamp was indeed right when he said that as health returns to the patient, the germs and infections leave on their own and do not come back unless health becomes compromised again. We have found this approach to be very satisfying in terms of results for the patient.

Another problem with this approach is that in chronic infections you almost never see just one type of infection. When this occurs, as it does in almost all immuno-compromised patients, focusing on treating the infection directly becomes a never-ending nightmare. Once one bug is gone, the next one appears. Regarding the controversial topic of vaccinations and antibiotics…we at Marone Family Wellness take a completely neutral stance on the topic.

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We neither advocate nor discourage their use and leave that up to the patient to decide. But in a political world, he found himself up against Pasteur who was a skillful politician with wealthy connections. Pasteur was also responsible for much of the animal experimentation in medical research during that time. Pasteur used preparations made from the diseased tissues of previously sick animals, thus making the injected ones sick.

This gave the appearance that a germ caused a disease, when if fact these preparations were extremely poisonous. This is not a scientific procedure, but simply demonstrates the fact that you can make someone sick by poisoning his or her blood.

Bechamp or Pasteur? by Ethel D. Hume

I am the owner of The Oxygen Therapy Program. I started this program about 2 years ago because I looked around my world as I was entering my golden years, all I could see was pain, pills, and despair. I knew there was a better answer to what I saw my friends suffering through. I believe that growing older doesn't have to mean growing sicker. We can still grow older gracefully and with dignity.

Pasteur vs Bechamp NASP

I refuse to enter my golden years, racked with pain, pill-popping, spent, bent and broken. I hope you join me! Please Register or Login to post new comment. Access the best success, personal development, health, fitness, business, and financial advice Digital Marketing Trends eMedEvents.

Must-Read Books for Medical Professionals. Take the Self Improvement Tour. The Cell Theory of Disease Vs. The Germ Theory of Disease.

Antoine Béchamp

Reconciling Bechamp and Pasteur: But as Bechamp pointed out with his "Cell Theory of Disease", it is not the bacteria themselves that produce disease in the human body, but by a combination of four things: Lynne Gordon Naturopathic Medicine. Post new comment Please Register or Login to post new comment. Free Self Improvement Newsletters. Environmental Pollution and Pain Medications. How Self-Confident Are You?

But there is no profit in growing your own food and nourishing and healing your body through nutritional choices.

Reconciling Bechamp and Pasteur: The Cell Theory of Disease Vs. The Germ Theory of Disease

Germ theory does not acknowledge how powerful your diet can be for preventing and treating diseases especially chronic diseases or non-communicable diseases NCDs such as cancer, heart disease, lung disease, diabetes, etc. Some drugs are needed for infectious diseases, which is a completely different category. But even these are looking for a more opportunistic host — someone with a compromised immune system or area of internal weakness to exploit. By , NCDs are expected to account for 7 of every 10 deaths in the world, as they already do in the U. Chronic disease is the biggest killer we are facing and it is largely treatable through our food and health habits.

Addressing every disease with drugs — and promoting the abuse of drugs is not working and has never worked to attain health. The way you approach food can change your health for the rest of your life — and it is totally in your control! F ood is medicine and can prevent disease and increase health by creating a healthy internal state in your body.

Very intelligent men throughout history have admitted the extraordinary necessity of treating the whole body and starting with food. Traditional Chinese medicine, which dates back more than 2, years [ 3 ] , treats the whole body instead of the symptoms of illness. The food we eat can help create a healthy, disease-free life — a SuperLife.

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A Note from Darin Olien: This article is NOT intended to argue the necessity for all prescription medications and drugs. Nor is it intended to discourage the use of prescription medicine as prescribed by your doctor.