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Wish You Were Here is the ninth studio album by the English rock band Pink Floyd, released on 12 September through Harvest Records and Columbia.
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I want a wife who is not dead.

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But, mine is and no amount of wishing will change this. I want to be in the club again. I desperately miss being part of a couple because it grants you entrance into conversation.

  1. Among Other Things, They Call Me Thornton!
  2. The Joy Engineers?
  3. Wish You Were Here (Pink Floyd song).

All of this stuff is just a daydream in my head because Judy died before I even got to really retire. For us, there will not be any retirement years spent together. There are no more years. There is no more anything. There is nothing. There will be no trips abroad together. Judy and I will never lay together on another beach.

We will not stroll hand in hand down the cobble stone streets of some far away place. Never again will I hear Judy make one of her impulsive, uncouth, crazy comments as she excitedly experiences all these places we will never go again. I can never witness Judy talking to a man selling doughnuts on a beach in Mexico again. In this new life of mine, Judy is only a memory. She can not wake up and have coffee with me in her kitchen or some dreamy place along the Amalfi Coast.

We will not sit together on a balcony of a boutique hotel in Santorini. We can not get lost in conversation as we drink red wine while we watch the sun go down over the ocean in Crete. We can not get blind drunk in an Irish pub and stumble back to our hotel room. We can not go anywhere in this world anymore because she is gone from here. What a cruddy reality this is. My future is nothing like the one we had planned. There will be no cruises with my wife. The year following her death, there was no trip to Hawaii in the Spring and we never went to Ireland like we planned.

Sure, I have become self-sufficient. I may sit on a beach in Hawaii; but, while I do this a piece of me will wish that I was there with the woman I love.

David Gilmour Wish you were here live unplugged

And, yes, someday I will go to Paris and stand under the Eiffel Tower at night; but Judy will not physically be with me like I imagined. The way I constructed all of this in my head will never come to be. Like you, I have been forced to live a future that is radically different from the one I had planned. So now what? Now, I spend my weekends alone and occasionally I look at the sunset with a bottle of beer and shoot the shit with my dead wife.

I guess maybe I am pouting and getting lost in the past. I do make plans and engage with my friends, but usually on the drive home from these activities I feel absolutely empty. Being in a loving relationship and sharing your life with another human being is what makes life full.

Wish You Were Here

The huge void inside me can not be filled with a well made eggs Benedict brunch or a savory steak dinner at a classy restaurant with a group of friends. All of this rings utterly hollow in comparison to my former life. I hear you EDH and share alot of what you are going through. We too had dreams to finally get to Ireland after retiring. Also Barbados for a second honeymoon. Get to Nashville and see that great area and its music.

We were ready finally to resume 2 week vacations at the Jersey Shore that we had stopped taking in order to make rent payments and afford other more important things. But when it was time she was robbed from me too and now my life also empty and void of life-Its a sleepwalk and days of fake forced smiles. I miss her so much-she was my love at first sight and only true love.

Pink Floyd Wish You Were Here Top

We got the royal screw job too her losing her life at 62 after only 2 months after diagnosis. Nut she got to go and I get to stay regretting every minute of it. I see others my age and older enjoying those years they deserved and think why them? What did I do wrong? I resent them and at times resent Terry for dying on me. I talk to the air but get no replys-I have not been visited in the year shes been gone.

I doubt that stuff even exists and am doubting alot of things now-even God I have lost faith in. She was so religious and to me he let one of his Angels on earth down when she needed him. But overall losing the life we had planned is the most horrible thing-Now I have no life. Just an empty stare as I get through each day hoping that one day after sleep it is all done for me. I am now 65 but this is just a lousy existence. Why do so many I see get so lucky to have each other for so long? I just dont know anymore. To lose your spouse in your 60s is total screw job. To lose her just when you were ready to embark on your retirement totally blows!

So basically as she once feared she would work all her damn life! How sad to know she actually called her own death with that very statement! I am sorry for your loss. I see you share many of the things I did as well. It hurts. I was always a one woman man and I will wear my wedding ring till its my time to join her in our companion urn and they can put our wedding rings in when its all said and done. I do look forward to that time. Beautiful article.

Times Like These, I Wish You Were Here - What's Your Grief

So I am not as alone as during that final battle. Oh my God,What a beautiful article. I lost my mom 5 years ago. We were so close. I called her my best friend even though she had me at My dad passed at 60 when I was 20 which bonded us more. She was smart,funny,loving and ofcourse knew mr better than anyone.

I help. I am back to work as a nurse,now 58 but burning out and still in alot of pain. I told her I was not happy but would be ok. However I have never been ok. I may appear to be but so tired of nursing but need to work for financial reasons. Thank you for this opportnnity to share.

I feel others grieving their mother can understand my pain the most. I do not have many to speak to so thank you for this opportunity. Love you and miss you mom. How wonderfully written, thank you!

45 Years Ago: Pink Floyd’s ‘Wish You Were Here’ Gets Off to ‘Painful’ Start

And oh so recognizable! Every time I was sad, worried or felt helpless and I talked to her, I felt so much better afterwards. We were very close. She knew me so well. At some point after her death I realized that I would sometimes kind of know intuitively what she would say if I came to her with a specific problem. So, I started writing to her and then writing what I felt she would respond, ask or suggest.