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Table of contents

Action Lab Entertainment Princeless 4. Aspen Charismagic V1 3 - 5 Soulfire V2 0 - 2. John Kolsun ReShoot 1. Rising Phoenix Samson the Nazirite 1. SKAtoon Productions A. Top Cow Witchblade: Redemption V4. IDW G. Image Witchblade Redemption Vol. Top Shelf Hutch Owen Vol. Archie Comics Sonic Archives Vol. Jekyll and Mr. The Invisible Girl next appears in Fantastic Four 2. The Thing. The Thing next appears in Fantastic Four 2. This is the only appearance by Pete in the Marvel universe. This is the only appearance by Pierre in the Marvel universe.

His name is not mentioned in the story. The Mole Man. The Mole Man next appears in Fantastic Four Ugu the Neolithic. Group Appearances. The Fantastic Four Roster I. The Fantastic Four next appears in Fantastic Four 2.

National Guard. National Guard has no previous appearances in the Main Order, but did appear in Tales to Astonish 9 [C Story] as part of the full expanded Marvel universe. Fantasti-Flare next appears in Fantastic Four 2. Sea of Japan. Tadla-Azilal, Morocco. Monster Isle.

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Issue Notes This issue is considered by most to be the start of the Silver Age of comics, and where the reading order starts. Issue Review. Read Full Review Issue Synopsis.

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Blacked out text can be read by highlighting that section. Central City? I thought the plan was always for the Marvel Universe to be set primarily in New York? And I have to agree with the earlier posts, although this was much better than I was expecting after reading the first few issues of Avengers.

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Why put the whole city in a panic, have Ben destroy one store and two roads and Johnny melt a car just to say, "look at these pictures. We need to think of something to do? C'mon Stan. Even though the dialog was typical Stan Lee, I think you can see that it was better before he started the so called Marvel Method in which he basically described Kirby's drawings. TStarnes Says:. When compered to other stuff published at the same time or just before it is a giant step forward. Only reason people get down on it is when comparing it with more modern issues.

Atrus Says:. I struggle with how to rate this. Most of the negative things I would say are simply Silver Age conventions that are pervasive. Still, this is far from the worst intro issue I've ever read, and I think it flows much better than many, many silver age issues I've read Green Lantern, I'm looking at you. Anonymous Says:.

From a continuity standpoint, there are mysteries to unravel here. First off, the Human Torch is hardly an unknown commodity in assuming that the events in the comic occur in the "real world" about a year or so before the comic is published because there was a Human Torch around during the World War II years, barely 15 years previously. Indeed, Johnny Storm is reading a Sub-Mariner comics in issue 4 and then discovers the Sub-Mariner alive, so Johnny must know that he's not the first being to evidence Human Torch-like abilities.

Psikonetic Says:. Here we go! Time to give the entire Marvel Universe a read, in order to boot. How can you rate this any less than 5 stars? This does start our entire journey and, even if rough around the edges, it is the start of things to come This issue didn't really make sense. First of all, why would the Fantastic Four think that by sealing the entrance to the cave that they would stop the monsters and the Mole Man?

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The main monster was ripping through Earth's crust to destroy nuclear plants, he could easily burrow another entrance to the cave. Second, as another poster pointed out, if Reed was so smart he would not have left the Mole Man. Maybe these storyline problems were common in the Silver Age, but idk. TaoTaomona Says:. When ranking this issue I recommend looking at: Kirby's artwork excellent , Lee's development of iconic characters awesome , and rank it no less than 5 stars.

Wady Says:. JobberMP Says:. A bit like watching an old B-Movie. I know that I loved these earlier stories when I was a child but they don't make much of an impression now. I am still going to attempt to go through the list in order though as I find that they have an innocent charm.

Nick Says:. Just thought that I would point out that the comment marked anonymous above me is actually me. I forgot to log in. This is an excellent start to the series. The voice for the thing in my head sounds like if Batman and Danny Devito has a baby. I know, weird right?

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Borealis Says:. My son enjoyed reading his first-ever comic. Where better to start him then at the beginning of Marvel history? His favorite parts: the Human Torch flying, and his first view of some of the mighty Marvel monsters.

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He also is having fun learning the characters' names. Not bad for a four-year old, just starting to learn his reading. This is going to be a fun ride. I loved the Mole Man's origin and appearance. First issues are always fun, and this one was really good. The cover's deceptive, but it's still pretty iconic and great. Four great characters introduced in an amazing story that will start an amazing adventure of friendship and loyalty. Vic Says:. While I appreciate the fact that this issue didn't do the obvious thing and open with the rocket launch, it really doesn't have much else going for it.

Bad dialogue. Dumb plot. In fact, parts of it barely make sense. I'm sorry but every time i read that issue i can't stop laughing. Is that military facility during the cold war? My comic book shelf is better protected. Or what's the point of all that unnecessary destruction: wall, manhole cover, car, another car in service station, planes And the best: nuclear warhead exploding "harmlessly" over the sea "far from the shore".

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  • Are you sure it's far enough? Don't get me wrong - I love that first issue, but not always for right reasons. Phantasmagoria Says:. To boil down my full length review to a more manageable size, this issue is a landmark achievement for the medium and can still hold up today if you're willing to put up with cheesy silver age narrative conventions. That said, it really is more notable for what it eventually led to as opposed to what it is, so don't expect a masterpiece. Overall, quite a good issue.